Mac ♥ Stella # 17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

Mac ♥ Stella #17 -

  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - 'Cause you can't fake chemistry like that...

    Votes: 10 35.7%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - 'Cause Talk CSI Smack fans want it... NOW!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - Just the 2 of us, we can make it if we try...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - One couple, too hot for words...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - They Belong Together. Would Smack fans lie to you?

    Votes: 1 3.6%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - 'Cause coffee grounds say he will be forever by her side...

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - 'Cause she's the only woman in his life...

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - 'Cause the coffee grounds agree with us.

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - When friendship turns to love...

    Votes: 4 14.3%
  • Mac ♥ Stella #17 - The truth is in the coffee...

    Votes: 2 7.1%

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omg! what an AMAZING promo!

fact 1: mac keeps getting hotter and hotter.

fact 2: this season is going to be AWESOME!

fact 3: stella says: "you're not in this alone, mac."


oh, girls... i think some real good things are coming towards us, smackers! ;D *fingers crossed* love you all!

omg! what an AMAZING promo!

fact 1: mac keeps getting hotter and hotter.

fact 2: this season is going to be AWESOME!

fact 3: stella says: "you're not in this alone, mac."


oh, girls... i think some real good things are coming towards us, smackers! ;D *fingers crossed* love you all!

Ufff!!! How much I would like to share your optimism and your possitive attitude! But, I don't know, I just don't want to get me hopes up and then get dissapointed!!! I do certainly hope for something more this season!!!!!!!
Less than a week for the premiere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Family! Not PC yet however

Galinaaaaaa, i have missed a lot in facebook!

And the last one - dear writers, thank you for Shakespeare...I think, all russian fans will be glad to hear it. Do you like to watch old russian movies, ha?

hahaha I enjoyed very much Shakespeare's line. especially because it's so true and i feel so identified with it "Temp to not a desesperate man"LOL Change it for "Temp to not a desesperate Smackie fan" and you will have the picture of our lives :D

Thank you for Romeo and Juliet! ;) :D
Hi Family!~ Thanks for the unintentional spoilings :p I'm just kidding. I saw the Shakespeare line in the commercial. Does anyone know which play it's from? Never mind, I'll ask my drama teacher...

Anyway, I'm really excited for season 6. I want it to come so badly and bring some SMACked.

Talk to you all soon. Love ya.

^ it is from romeo & juliet, from act five, scene 3 :) finally my collection of the complete shakespeare that i inherited when i was 13 have come in handy!! :lol::lol:
A big hello to all of the smacked fans in here! I haven't posted here in an age! But I still dip my toe in here just to read all your comments and see what you think is in store for Mac and Stella in the new season. As I am from the UK I won't see new episode's until Jan/Feb 2010 but of course I am too weak to stay away from the spoilers so I will certainly know what is happening;)

I have to admit that I am looking forward to this season very much, I have enjoyed the recent promo with Mac and Stella, doing one of their infamous, serious and intimate talks together, I do realise that these two do have a wonderful chemistry between them and I do enjoy these moments together a great deal . When they both talk to each other in this way, you can almost see the tension that the other may be feeling almost lift from their bodies. These two have worked together for a long time and have witnessed many difficult (cases) and difficult (personal) situations together that it is almost instinct that brings them to understand what the other is thinking, saying and feeling.

It is this that I love about these two characters, whether they agree with each other or not, whether they each make good or on occasions, bad decisions, it is the respect and understanding that they have for each other that sets them apart. I enjoy both kinds of interactions between these two, especially at times the fighting, :p on the whole it is usually done well and that is certainly credit due to both Gary and Melina's acting abilities IMHO.

It is a "love" that these two characters share, love built on respect, understanding, companionship, friendship, sharing and ultimately history that is the definitive"chemistry" that I feel that these two share.

Am I making sense? probably not, but I know what I mean!. I do enjoy all your comments and am eagerly awaiting the new season.

Sophia x
Hey family!~

^ it is from romeo & juliet, from act five, scene 3 :) finally my collection of the complete shakespeare that i inherited when i was 13 have come in handy!! :lol::lol:

How did I not know that? I love Romeo and Juliet :adore: We, as in my school's drama club, were actually planning to put it on this year, but we might not be now...Anyway, the fact that Mac is quoting Romeo and Juliet is amazing. What's more amazing is he's quoting it in front of Stella. Romeo and Juliet, although tragic, is one of the greatest love stories of all time and the fact that Mac is quoting it in front of Stella, I think shows something :adore:

It is this that I love about these two characters, whether they agree with each other or not, whether they each make good or on occasions, bad decisions, it is the respect and understanding that they have for each other that sets them apart. I enjoy both kinds of interactions between these two, especially at times the fighting, :p on the whole it is usually done well and that is certainly credit due to both Gary and Melina's acting abilities IMHO.

SOPHIA!!! *tackles* It's been so long since you've been here. I agree that the respect and understanding that they share sets them apart from all the other CSI characters, on any of the shows. I love all kinds of interaction between the two, whether it's a fight, serious talk about a case, or a cute, shippy type moment (like at the end of Recycling :adore:).



Talk to you all soon. Love ya!

Heya Family! :D Shaná Tovato everyone!!!!!!!!!!! :D

it is from romeo & juliet, from act five, scene 3 :) finally my collection of the complete shakespeare that i inherited when i was 13 have come in handy!! :lol::lol:
I honestly envy them! I was offered the complete colelction from 1935 edition with Bible paper and i couldn't take it GAHHHHHHHHH I am so sorry for my myself ever since! Just to compesate i have download the complete collection from Project Gutenberg ;) And tyhis is the seconf time we have a refernce to Romeo and Juliet. The first one was in S1 (the circus episode)

Sophia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so good to see you back again at home! ;) I wanted so hard to have you back!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love your words and i can see you are using the word "love" so it means you were convinced at some point since you left :D THAT'S GREAT!
And i agfree with everything you have said. You know they *do* what the other is thinking. To have such understanding (almost like telepatic) you have to be in great syncro with your counterpart and Mac and Stella have showed they are but those sides of teh same thing. That's why we enjoed so much when Melina said they are like Yin and Yang because we feel it in the same way!

How did I not know that? I love Romeo and Juliet :adore: We, as in my school's drama club, were actually planning to put it on this year, but we might not be now...Anyway, the fact that Mac is quoting Romeo and Juliet is amazing. What's more amazing is he's quoting it in front of Stella. Romeo and Juliet, although tragic, is one of the greatest love stories of all time and the fact that Mac is quoting it in front of Stella, I think shows something :adore:
I have read in some article there are 7 books that were the rogin of all modern book. Two of them belonged to Shakespeare: Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet
Hopefully our modern Romeo and Juliet will have a happy ending! :D (Besides it reminds me the siggy Anjee made me a longggggggg time ago. I love it! An di will love it even more when i recover my PC)

hugs to all, my love Debb :D

gotta looooooooove that episode! i watch it over and over again and i DARE someone -anyone- to try and prove to me THAT wasn't damn flirting... BIG TIME! ugh "just friends", yeah right.

i was wondering if axn is going to show csi's new season on time... maybe people from latin america here in this thread might tell me. i dunno, maybe i'll have to wait and download it from the web (like i usually do). i never really watched it on axn. :p so does anyone know?

Mac-ee-oo,oh Mac-ee-oo, Where forth art thou Mac-ee-ooo? I am here my fairest Stelliet ,Here my love on CBS 9:00P.M. this Wednesday night!!!:lol:
Hey family!~

^ it is from romeo & juliet, from act five, scene 3 :) finally my collection of the complete shakespeare that i inherited when i was 13 have come in handy!! :lol::lol:

How did I not know that? I love Romeo and Juliet :adore: We, as in my school's drama club, were actually planning to put it on this year, but we might not be now...Anyway, the fact that Mac is quoting Romeo and Juliet is amazing. What's more amazing is he's quoting it in front of Stella. Romeo and Juliet, although tragic, is one of the greatest love stories of all time and the fact that Mac is quoting it in front of Stella, I think shows something :adore:

it's ok, even i had to look it up! it is a great story, i'm not a romance type myself (not even remotely!) but even i can see it's a pretty good story on that score! i also think mac quoting that particular play might be significant - after all he could just as easily have used hamlet, othello or king lear which in a tragic situation might be more obvious.

for the record, the scene is where romeo is going to the tomb, and is confronted by paris (who was betrothed to juliet, and recognises romeo as the one who killed juliet's cousin, tybalt). paris provokes romeo and romeo says he really shouldn't provoke him ("tempt not a desperate man") and tells him to go away, but paris keeps provoking him so they fight and romeo kills him. so i guess in our context it's something like mac's already getting pretty desperate to find out who did it, and anyone provoking him is likely to wish they hadn't!

it is from romeo & juliet, from act five, scene 3 :) finally my collection of the complete shakespeare that i inherited when i was 13 have come in handy!! :lol::lol:
I honestly envy them! I was offered the complete colelction from 1935 edition with Bible paper and i couldn't take it GAHHHHHHHHH I am so sorry for my myself ever since! Just to compesate i have download the complete collection from Project Gutenberg ;) And tyhis is the seconf time we have a refernce to Romeo and Juliet. The first one was in S1 (the circus episode)

mine are really old, and really quite battered. also they're small version (pocket sized), bound in red leather (most of which is flaking off as they're so old and well used) and printed in tiny letters on very very thin paper. they're lovely! i have a few "full sets" (i think the others are hardy, dickens, pepys etc - all the british greats!) and i love them.
Hey family! Sorry for not posting for such a long time. Just want to thank you for all the funny posts and pics and promo. Hope the new season will bring us more excitements. Looking forward to S6! :)

this is what i just found out

i found this article and when i read this one part I practically cried I don't think she'll be with Mac this is what part of the article said
As for the season-ending gunplay, she said, ''All the characters have to deal with that near-death experience in a different way.'' For Stella, she said: ''The way she recovers is kind of shocking. She forms a relationship with someone unexpected and complicated. It's a big surprise. Before I saw the script, I thought, it's been six years. What could they do that would surprise me? This did.''
She stopped short of saying with whom Stella will be linked, but did hint that ''if you watch the teaser that's on the air, you'll probably figure it out.''

this can't be happening either we will be filled with joy or want to go kill TBTP

this is what i just found out

i found this article and when i read this one part I practically cried I don't think she'll be with Mac this is what part of the article said
As for the season-ending gunplay, she said, ''All the characters have to deal with that near-death experience in a different way.'' For Stella, she said: ''The way she recovers is kind of shocking. She forms a relationship with someone unexpected and complicated. It's a big surprise. Before I saw the script, I thought, it's been six years. What could they do that would surprise me? This did.''
She stopped short of saying with whom Stella will be linked, but did hint that ''if you watch the teaser that's on the air, you'll probably figure it out.''

this can't be happening either we will be filled with joy or want to go kill TBTP

hmmm intriguing....
Very interesting.

But if you remember in "The Party's Over" at the end, Stella and Adam had a little something. It's not much but it could be something that the writers "planted" for the possilbe future develop.
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