Late Motherhood - what's your opinion?

korbjaeger I see exactly what you are saying I'm not against late motherhood at all, it just depends how late and in relation to the article posted 62 is pretty old and concieved by artificial method most likely because it is a much slimmer chance naturally!

I really want kids of my own but am now approaching 30 and would only consider children in a marriage, I am currently single..therefore I am likely to have Children at an older age, due to circumstances not of my own choosing, I see that as fine.
However I don't think I would consider having them much past my early 40's for the reasons I stated earlier and medical issues knowing these are more prevalent for babies born to older mothers.

If this happened to be the case I would consider adoption or fostering, there are plenty of children who need homes of which I know I could give a good one, when the time came.

I think the full stop on my thoughts would be artificial means of childbirth for much older women I don't believe is really right or fair for either mother or child.
I think it's pretty selfish, especially considering she already has three children. I think it's selfish anyway. That child may lose both his parents before he's 20 and that's pretty sad. Unless he's a really young parent they probably won't be around to see his children. Isn't life expectancy something like 78.5? Her son'll be 16 at that age. It's not really fair on him.

I think people don't really consider the implications of having a child at that kind of age. But then I think that fertility clinics should have an age cut off. 62 is far too old and I think it's irresponsible to let someone of that age have a child.
Am I the only one that is all right with this? I mean, 62 is very old, and in MOST cases it's likely that the mother would first of all already been through menopause, and it could hurt the mother, but it's her body and her child, and her decision.
I could give my medical opinion but I don't think that you guys want to be that bored. :lol:

Im my opinion its incosiderate of a mother to put her child in that sort of position, losing a parent when you are older is hard to this child is more likely to lose his parents at an early age. I know that there are plenty of good people who would make amazing parents, but there are also plenty of kids out there that need good homes. They could have adopted rather than having their own biological child. My parents were 40 when they adopted me, and although they were able to have their own children naturally they didn't want a baby at that late stage of their lives, I was 4 when I was adopted.
I guess partly what it gets so big "nono" from me is the fact that if she has gone thru menopause and her natural "time to get babies" is behind, she goes to treatments to get one.

as never_a_promise said, why not to adopt? Of course "own baby" is your own, it's your genes and heritage but still...
There is a reason why nature created us to be what we are :rolleyes:
When I first heard about this woman I was so shocked, and then I read an interview with her in a magazine (from before she had JJ), and completely changed my mind. I can only guess that this woman knows the risks and has been told, and I can assume that she probably has plans for her son in case of hers and her husbands death, maybe for him to live with her other children.

What shocked me more was the girl that got pregnant at 11, and gave birth at 12 :eek:
i indeed think thats it cruel! if an older like elderly woman has a baby she might die when her son or daughter is very very young! and another concern is that the child has a better chance of being born with a disease! i just think that you are better off have a child when there is a better chance of having a perfectly healthy baby!
I totally agree with those who said it was cruel, it is for sure but one thing is bugging me and i can't stop asking myself: Why did she wait so long before having a kid??? i mean i understand she took fertility treatments and sometimes it takes years to have babies but i assume that she started it on her fifties....that's absolutely horrible for the kid and for her of course! did she thought about her child's future? will someone take care of him is she died? Will she be able to take care of him even if he has a disease? i really really hope she thought about that before getting herself in trouble....Having a baby is a wonderful experience but at that age it's a nightmare
^ sissi, this particular woman already has 3 grown-up children from her previous marriage, and this is the first child she's had with her new husband, so I'm assuming that is the reason (or one of them) for her wanting to have a child at 62.

According to this article below, the child was conceived with the help of a controversial doctor.

This week's big news out of the U.K. is a 62-year-old woman giving birth to a baby boy. She's not a surrogate for her daughter. She is looking forward to raising this child alone. It is her fourth and her 60-year-old husband's first. The couple, John and Patti Farrant, is said to have made plans for the child's future. However, according to the BBC, the plans don't seem to have included a name.

The couple said the baby had been nicknamed JJ early in the pregnancy, but were yet to decide what his full name would be.

The Farrants went to controversial doctor Severino Antinori to get pregnant using a donor egg. Antinori is the first doctor to have helped a woman past menopause get pregnant. He is not the only doctor to do so now. Within the last two months, a New Jersey woman gave birth to twins at the age of 59 using donor eggs.

The controversy surrounding Antinori concerns more than just his willingness to assist women over 60 get pregnant. In 2002, he announced he had assisted with the creation of a cloned baby that would be born in January of 2003. The baby was never identified for verification and, despite other similar claims in 2002-03, there is no proof of a cloned baby. Antinori claimed to have been persecuted by the Italian government. He now operates in the former Soviet Union.

Only time will tell whether these late-life births are miracles or tragedies. In 1978, much controversy surrounded the conception of Louise Brown by in vitro fertilization. She was pejoratively called the "test-tube baby" even though she spent all but a short time in her mother's womb. Now, in vitro fertilization is common. While there are still ethical objections, most notably by the Catholic Church, a Brave New World has not resulted. IVF represents a miracle for many childless couples. For the Farrants, it may well be the same. As they hold JJ, they certainly do so.
i understand the point of views of most people here, regarding how when the child is 18 and go to college, the mother is like 80 already or if the mother is selfish to do that to her child because she might die before the child grow up

though i'm not disagreeing with that, however, with this age and technology, time has change and things has been getting push back quiet a bit. For example, if you live in the US, everyone is complaining how the social security (retirement money) has been pushed back from age 75-77...people are retiring at a later age and etc...i work in a hospital, and whenever we get a patient at age 60s, we consider them young, because now a day people are living longer and staying healthy longer and they stay working for longer amount of years

not too long ago, in hollywood, women over the age of 30s are consider over the hill, look at all these amazong women over 30 and 40s now...about 50 years ago, mothermood in the late 30s/early 40s is probably consider late motherhood and now it's not an uncommon thing to be giving birth at that age...dont get me wrong, i'm not telling everyone over the age of 60 should go run out and conceive a child, but with the advance technology, i just think we are going to see it more and more.
crazy_steph said:
What shocked me more was the girl that got pregnant at 11, and gave birth at 12 :eek:
Yes, exactly. I think that's MUCH more cruel than having an older mother. A twelve year old is still trying to figure out how to take care of herself, how could someone that young deal with a child? Whereas, an older mother has a lot more life experience and knowledge and stuff. AND, more importantly, she most likely has a PLAN in case she can't take care of the baby, due to death or injury or something.
sissi, this particular woman already has 3 grown-up children from her previous marriage, and this is the first child she's had with her new husband, so I'm assuming that is the reason (or one of them) for her wanting to have a child at 62.

Thanks for the info Wibble, i wonder what her grown-up children think about that...I still think it's terrible for the baby
I understand what you mean CSIGrad but i was more thinking about the psychologic part: how , on her 80s, she will be able to deal with the teenage crisis? etc

and the girl of 11 years old who had a baby, that's even more crappy...At that age i was still playing with my barbies :rolleyes: hmm okay not really :lol: