Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

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She was great I really enjoyed the episode.

They got a bowling coach
my csi experience

In one instance, the gorgeous (and surprisingly tall) Jorja Fox, who plays workaholic Sara Sidle on the show, mentioned how she “hates” bowling because she “sucks at it.”
Thank's for that Inxs I wondered how they were all so good, well with the exception of Cath, I used to be in a bowling league, fun times. Sara kicked butt, she looked like she played all her life, so she's a fast learner~
Thank's Silver_Bells cute pets;) In last nights ep. Sara was so incredible, a great actress. Her experssions tell it all. The guy who unplugged the life support suystem and lied to Sara. Her stomping off saying "This is why I can't do this anymore' And asking him "why did you lie to me"?:( and the last scene where she was packing her stuff to leave..again.. but now she's back and a better person and dealing with the crime's differently than before. She was burnt out, and needed a much deserved break, and got a long one~

On Dec. 17. Sara will be working exclusively wth Dr. Langston in "Better Off Dead" this should be fascinating, as she seems to really be in awe of him, and he with her. The details of this episode are on the "spoiler" thread. But, I for one really am excited to see them working on a case together~
Here's a great YouTube video, with the many different faces of Sara, and her pain and suffering, trials and tribulations..on CSI. And now she's back and a happier gal

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It has been a while since I've posted around here. Got distracted with work but am finally catching up on CSI. You've probably already talked about this, but I love Sara back in the group. I think its really made a difference this season.
Would you kindly stop trying to push Laurence Fishburne/Ray down our throats.

The man is a complete and utter bore and so are you, Desert Wind.

You never, and I mean NEVER, post anything new and/or interesting.

Give it a damn rest.
Would you kindly stop trying to push Laurence Fishburne/Ray down our throats.

The man is a complete and utter bore and so are you, Desert Wind.

You never, and I mean NEVER, post anything new and/or interesting.

Give it a damn rest.

Is this "new and/or interesting"? Not. Please remember this from the Talk CSI rules:

Obviously, you cannot insult other people. You may disagree with someone's opinion, but you may not attack the person themselves for posting that opinion.
And before it happens, let me add this:

Don't respond to a flame with a flame. You cannot flame people and then claim to have been just defending yourself. If you have a complaint, notify a moderator rather than responding yourself.
I see no off topic (that is, not about Jorja/Sara) postings here. If you are referring to the avatar and/or banner of any poster, as long as they are not vulgar or obscene, posters are free to use any avatar/banner they choose.
:confused: I see nothing here in this Jorja/Sara thread about Laurence Fishburne, unless it's from an episode with them together in that episode. This is about her. And not to feed into negative comments, here's a cool "astrology chart" about her. Enjoy~

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Thanks for the links to the interview, Inxs. Love the pictures, too. And, it gives me a new avatar. :)
If any Jorja fans are going to be in the Chicago area on February 28th, you can attend an event here that she will be hosting.

I got this in my email today for Chicago's HSUS and here's the link to the info and pricing.

Click 'fees' to see what you get for each ticket.
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