Jonathan Togo fan project


Yes, we're doing not 1 but 2 fan projects here in the Miami forum. Like the Adam Rodriguez project, this will double as a birthday gift, this time for Jonathan Togo (August 25).

There are two parts for this one, and katelynn and I will be co-organizing to make things easier. You may participate in either of the activities, or both of them if the spirit moves you :p

Part 1: The Fanbook

We will be making a fanbook for Jon, consisiting of a collection of pages from each of you. You can open the template here, copy and paste it into your word processing software (like Microsoft Word), and fill in the fields with your personal comments. Please proofread your page or get a friend to look it over before you e-mail it. And remember that Jon probably won't be the only person reading, so don't write anything you wouldn't want to share with everyone. :) Save your completed page and PM katelynn for her e-mail address. She will compile all the pages into the fanbook and send it on its way when the time comes.

Part 2: The CD collection

We will also be sending 1 or more CDs (depending on the number of participants) of our favorite songs in honor of Jon's background in music. You may choose up to 2 songs and PM or e-mail me (Zelda49) with your choice(s)--song title and artist, please. I will find the songs (if yours is kind of obscure, you might let me know where to look, i.e. iTunes, Amazon, etc) and burn them to the CD(s), which will be included with the fanbook. If you'd like to include an explanation of why you chose your song(s), feel free add it on to your fan page, or e-mail/PM it to me with your selection(s).

All songs and pages must be submitted on or before July 10 so that katelynn and I have enough time to get everything together and shipped off before Jon's birthday.

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to PM either one of us or reply to this post and we'll fix you up. Have fun with this one! I know I will :D
Im excited to do this! I was really looking forward to sending in little wolves though :( That was such a cute idea! Oh well, these ones are interesting too.
If you have any questions please feel free to PM one of us

I thought that after this I could run another project that is based on Jonathans character and thats when we can include all those little wolves, sweater vests, cleaning supplies, fake bills, etc.
After the first project is in the making further down the road we can think of some other ideas to include with the funny items (i know i didn't list all of them).

BUT since the first part of the project (the fan book and CD) is for Jonathans birthday and the second project will be based on his character, for the first project I will allow you to send a gift for Jonathan for his birthday.
I would like you to PM me with your birthday gift ideas that you would like to send him, so we can discuss them and I can give you the mailing address when you are ready for it.
*Please note, all the little wolves, sweater vests, cleaning supplies, hummer diecast...etc will be included with the second project
Now I'm trying to get this all straight in my head....there were ideas for the fan project in the Ryan/Jon thread but somehow those aren't here.

What happened to the other ideas? Many were quite creative and would have worked very well for random/birthday presents.

Wasn't this whole project supposed to be a group decision? IMO it feels that two people have decided what can and cannot be done. I'm sorry but if it's a fan project there should be voting of the group. I understand that you two stepped forward to do this, but there are other people involved.

Shouldn't we be able to send birthday or random presents without having to have them approved? If it's a serious problem with money for the cost of shipping, perhaps the address could be provided via pm and the person(s) could send it themselves.
wolfesgamergirl said:
Now I'm trying to get this all straight in my head....there were ideas for the fan project in the Ryan/Jon thread but somehow those aren't here.

What happened to the other ideas? Many were quite creative and would have worked very well for random/birthday presents.

Wasn't this whole project supposed to be a group decision? IMO it feels that two people have decided what can and cannot be done. I'm sorry but if it's a fan project there should be voting of the group. I understand that you two stepped forward to do this, but there are other people involved.

Shouldn't we be able to send birthday or random presents without having to have them approved? If it's a serious problem with money for the cost of shipping, perhaps the address could be provided via pm and the person(s) could send it themselves.

All those creative ideas will be used for the second project since they have to do with Jonathans character. This first project is for his birthday.

If you go back to the earlier pages of the Jon thread, you will notice I originally started the idea of the project, so thats why I'm running it.

Zelda49 offered help, so it was accepted.
Everyone can help.
Like i said in the Jonathan thread if you have an idea (aside from the fan book/cd-- since there are obviously ppl working on those) feel free to share the idea and work on it, and have it done by July 10th, mail it to me and I will include it with the whole project.
That has never changed.

It isn't a problem with the whole money issue. That's not what I meant.
Since the first project is meant for jonathan himself and not a part of his character thats why we decided to seperate everything.
It's not that the gifts have to be approved, i want to know what the person is sending me, and for me to give them the address.

The "creative gift ideas" will be included in the second project since it follows the theme of Ryan Wolfe, and not jonathans birthday.

As for the whole address thing, the address that i will be mailing this too I am not supposed to give out due to the fact my friend in the industry gave it to me; no it's not his home address. I respect this persons wishes to keep this address underwraps.

And as for this whole group vote, as mentioned above, if you have something you would like to work on for the project, rather share the idea here, or PM me. You can work on that section of the project, but keep in mind the Ryan wolfe theme is for the next fan project I'll/We will be having.

Again, I have no problem with people mailing me gifts for jonathan, just PM me what you're mailing him and I will give you my mailing address.

Hopefully this answers all your questions.
If you have any further problems, or questions, please PM them to me.
It isn't a problem with the whole money issue. That's not what I meant.

Would people be able to contribute to helping with the shipping costs? The costs for shipping the presents to Jonthan don't seem to have been mentioned. Perhaps some might want to help ease the high mailing rates and donate.

As for the whole address thing, the address that i will be mailing this too I am not supposed to give out due to the fact my friend in the industry gave it to me; no it's not his home address. I respect this persons wishes to keep this address underwraps.

What about people who aren't comfortable mailing items to someone they don't know? Many others, not just celebs, want to keep their information private. Does this mean that they can't participate? What might be done to help them?

I'm trying to find out all information possible before committing to join; as I know many others are on the fence as well.
If people would like to contribute to the cost of shipping they may that would be awesome, but it's not mandatory.

Alright, as for privacy issues i will just kind of go into it hopefully fully so everyone just knows.

For the template, where it says name. You do not need to write your full name, for example John Doe (haha), you could just write John.
For location, you do not need to write, (another example) Carmel, California.... You could just write California, or even make it up, I'm sure Jonathan won't know the difference. But again, you do not have to write things in detail for the Name and Address part. For the things like the letter, favourite bands/artists, Talk CSI username, quotes...etc shouldn't be an issue. If it is just PM me, and we can figure something out according to your level of being comfortable- if that makes sense.

As for mailing something to me (gift wise), if you are uncomfortable displaying your address on the envolope, you can just write your first name so i know who it's coming from and can credit them accordingly. Although that is highly unrecommended just incase it gets lost it won't be able to come back to you (i have had experience with this)
Another option for your address is to put your name and ask your postal office if you can use their address (and how it works at mine you leave them your phone number just incase anything happens they can phone you) and you put your name that way.
Its up to you! But when you get my address, just let me know if you're someone who won't be putting an address so I know who it's from.

Hopefully that clears it up.
This is a really good idea! Thanks, katelynn, for taking this on! :D It always comes down to one person to organise and carry out a project in the end. Thank you very much for being the one to do that.

I'll have a look at the template when I've got time to concentrate on it. Sometime in the next couple of days, hopefully. *growls at work*
No problem AliGtr, Zelda49 is also organizing it, and anyone else that has an idea for the project :)

I'm excited to see your entry!
This is just a friendly reminder for everyone that they may start sending in everything.
If you have any concerns please feel free to contact one of us.

If you would like to mail something (a gift,etc) please let me know so i can give you a mailing address.

The sooner the better!