Horatio/DC #15: 'Back To Basics'

Okay, this is bit of hit and run since I'm in a hurry but just finished watching season 8 and this.

First I hate what they did to Rick. Seriously? He was the only one to disturb H's Asskickingness. Stupid writers.

And as for the Super H. I didn't know should I cry or laugh, the episode where the house was on fire.

Oh yes, officer gets stuck and Calleigh inhales smoke badly, but fire and smoke doesnt' touch our H! He can be there all fine and save the officer, not the firemen who just run around the yard and someone comes to house.
And H doesn't have any problems with the smoke!

That's our Saint H and the Holy Sunglasses!

I have to say I liked s8 because they brought H back to do some labwork instead just standing hands on hips a) next to the body b) in the interrogation (sp?) room

I try to get back to you on those fave moments. Oh how good those episodes were in seasons 1-3.

And Cover, love that quote from Losing Face :D
First I hate what they did to Rick. Seriously? He was the only one to disturb H's Asskickingness. Stupid writers.

I'm with you, Ducky. Love him or hate him, everyone seems to agree that Rick Stetler always somehow kept Horatio human. Not only that, but I really do miss their headbutting. the two Davids played so well off each other.

I also loved the Suzy/Madison storyline. Too bad they just dropped it after Madison had the bone marrow transplant.

Anybody besides me miss those DuCaine moments? :guffaw:The look on Horatio's face was priceless in "Breathless" when Calleigh looked into his face and said "Me personally? I like leather chaps. Nothing else. It was a joke." (Horatio: "I know.")
With both Rick & Rebecca gone now, I'm really curious to see how future storylines flow without having someone in the lab tormenting Horatio (and/or his team). Anyone think we'll meet a new character (recurring that is) for this part?
I'm hearing rumors that tptb are wanting to do more "flashbacks" similar to Out of Time. At this point, if it doesn't involve a certain storyline, and certain characters become their old selves again (That's for another thread), I'll take it.

I say this because in "Blood Brothers", when Rick Stetler makes his debut, it's obvious that he and Horatio have a history together. I'd love to see what started their rivalry and how it began to play out. We know about Rick getting passed over for Lieutenant in the early years, but I get the feeling it goes deeper than that. Heck, I'd even like if it were a Miami/NY crossover, since Horatio started out with New York.

But most of all, if that'll bring my favorite IAB guy back for some old-fashioned headbutting :drool::adore::luvlove:, so much the better. I do miss their testosteronefests.
Heck, I'd even like if it were a Miami/NY crossover, since Horatio started out with New York.

Oh if only they'd do that, I love flashbacks in S4 to the Wilson/Resden case. It's short but so awesome. I'm still unclear about Horatio's stabbing though. Who stabbed him and where was he stabbed? Was there an inconsistency in the story there or did I just miss something? :confused:

But most of all, if that'll bring my favorite IAB guy back for some old-fashioned headbutting :drool::adore::luvlove:, so much the better. I do miss their testosteronefests.
Those were the BEST, weren't they? How much did I love the 'fest in "Innocent" after the trustee poured HCL in the lab? That was win. :cool:
What I would really love is to find out why H is... well H. I know it would almost kill his storyline but if the show really wants to get a blip back into the top 10 killer shows, tptb really needs to peel the onion that H has become.

Originally Posted by Jag Lady
Heck, I'd even like if it were a Miami/NY crossover, since Horatio started out with New York.

I seriously believe they should begin in NY, perhaps Mac & his team begin to investigating a cold case that has H as the prime suspect! :)
Originally Posted by Jag Lady
Heck, I'd even like if it were a Miami/NY crossover, since Horatio started out with New York.

I seriously believe they should begin in NY, perhaps Mac & his team begin to investigating a cold case that has H as the prime suspect! :)

I would PAY to see a CSI Miami/CSI NY cross over that addressed this. I've been begging for it for a while now - but no one has listened.

It just seems to be a perfect story. Absolutely PERFECT! The cold case is Horatio's father's death! What a chance to show Mac and his team shining as investigators.

Bring Horatio back to NY, and bring Kyle with him. THERE is the chance to peel back the curtain and see the real Horatio. As Horatio takes Kyle back through what happened to him as a child and what happened to Kyle's grandparents and Horatio's part in it.

What a chance to finally reveal WHY Horatio is as he is and for Kyle and Horatio to finally bond.

But I'm a cynic. And this is just too perfect an opportunity. So, of course, we'll never see it happen. It would take too much time away from the nomance. :scream:

I'm hearing rumors that tptb are wanting to do more "flashbacks" similar to Out of Time. At this point, if it doesn't involve a certain storyline, and certain characters become their old selves again (That's for another thread), I'll take it.

I say this because in "Blood Brothers", when Rick Stetler makes his debut, it's obvious that he and Horatio have a history together. I'd love to see what started their rivalry and how it began to play out. We know about Rick getting passed over for Lieutenant in the early years, but I get the feeling it goes deeper than that. Heck, I'd even like if it were a Miami/NY crossover, since Horatio started out with New York.

But most of all, if that'll bring my favorite IAB guy back for some old-fashioned headbutting :drool::adore::luvlove:, so much the better. I do miss their testosteronefests.

If flashbacks are the way to bring Rick back - then BRING ON THE FLASHBACKS!!!

I still believe there is an awesome story between those two guys that needs to be told. Too many outstanding stories are being thrown by the wayside to make time for a boring story for just two characters, while we are losing some very fine actors and other excellent actors are being left on the bench.

Somebody in charge need to get some perspective and get their head out of either their own ass -- or someone's else's ass.
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According to leading man David Caruso (Horatio Caine), the success of CSI: Miami has a lot to do with how the show treats its viewers. “It’s all down to respecting the show’s fans,” the actor told What’s On TV. “There is a real bond between the actors and the viewers. Our fans will stick with us as long as we treat them well. If people are going to take the time to tune in, you have a responsibility to take it seriously.”
Excitement is still in the air for the actors that bring the Miami team to life, Caruso added. “There’s still a sense of wonder in what we’re doing,” he said. “Just when you think you are tired and you have run out of fresh ideas, you find a new reservoir of energy.”


When you read something like that (and I don´t care what some others write) then you should be greatfull there are actors out there like him.:thumbsup:.
I do normally not post in here despite my huge respect for the character and the actor. But you guys allready know why....

In his young days he might have be persived(?) over.... but hey who isn´t like that a bit when they are young. He only gets better with age and he does great tribute to the character. I couldn´t imaging anyone else playing that character.
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According to leading man David Caruso (Horatio Caine), the success of CSI: Miami has a lot to do with how the show treats its viewers. “It’s all down to respecting the show’s fans,” the actor told What’s On TV. “There is a real bond between the actors and the viewers. Our fans will stick with us as long as we treat them well. If people are going to take the time to tune in, you have a responsibility to take it seriously.”
Excitement is still in the air for the actors that bring the Miami team to life, Caruso added. “There’s still a sense of wonder in what we’re doing,” he said. “Just when you think you are tired and you have run out of fresh ideas, you find a new reservoir of energy.”


When you read something like that (and I don´t care what some others write) then you should be greatfull there are actors out there like him.:thumbsup:.
I do normally post in here despite my huge respect for the character and the actor. But you guys allready know why....

In his young days he might have be persived(?) over.... but hey who isn´t like that a bit when they are young. He only gets better with age and he does great tribute to the character. I couldn´t imaging anyone else played that character.

Well said, Ajbuckly.
I would PAY to see a CSI Miami/CSI NY cross over that addressed this. I've been begging for it for a while now - but no one has listened.

It just seems to be a perfect story. Absolutely PERFECT! The cold case is Horatio's father's death! What a chance to show Mac and his team shining as investigators.

Bring Horatio back to NY, and bring Kyle with him. THERE is the chance to peel back the curtain and see the real Horatio. As Horatio takes Kyle back through what happened to him as a child and what happened to Kyle's grandparents and Horatio's part in it.

What a chance to finally reveal WHY Horatio is as he is and for Kyle and Horatio to finally bond.

I am SO with you on this one, Delynn! I too have been saying this forever, but we are but humble viewers... :rolleyes:

Nevertheless - looking forward to Season 9 beginning to air in the UK next Tuesday... if only to see what y'all have been moaning about all this time!!:guffaw: (Oh, and to see the divine DC too, of course!)

Damn! With the news that Melina (Stella) is leaving CSI NY, there goes the one person I REALLY believed could be a true friend to Horatio in my little cross-over dream scenario! :(

I've always felt that Horatio and Stella connected very well as friends. She would have been the perfect person to listen to Horatio with a sympathetic spirit as he told his story.

My heart just breaks thinking about her leaving CSI NY for myself, her other fans and other fans of the show. They are losing a truly fine actress. How I truly wish we could have someone of her calibur on CSI Miami. We do with Eva La Rue, but she's been stuck in the background.

Rumor is that Sela Ward may be asked to replace Melina. How I wish they could find an actress of her stature as the lead actress on CSI Miami (or elevate Eva to that position). If they could give David a real actress to work with CSI Miami might have a chance to rise from the ashes it's become.
I wholeheartedly agree. This is disappointing, not only for NY fans, but for Miami fans who saw enormous potential in a new crossover. The only thing we can hope for now is a strong female counterpart for H, preferably a potential romantic interest. At least for me.
It's weird that David worked well with both the leading ladies of the other CSI shows but not with the one in his show. The potential was there but I guess they had other ideas

I was surprised to hear of Melina's departure and wonder if this will accelerate that show's demise.