Hockey Fans

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I have actually watched the game. I can say that they began well,

defensively and keeping the puck away from the goal area.

2 quick shots were scored into our net during the first period. The

Rangers struggled to make a comeback. In terms of the game they were

able to re-group ,and made a a few good set up-ups for goals, there was

a lot of opportunity for them to score, unfortunatly they were not able to

follow through with that. Scott Gomez ( who played well in the game and

tried to get points on the boardfor his team) Brandon Dubinsky, Markus

Naslund,Chris Drury, Nikolai Zherde ( who tried to score a few

times, those goals were blocked) All played well defensively, and


The game moved quickly from 2- 0 to 4 -0 Rangers. Canadiens weere

certainly good at checking the players against the boars during the game

deflecting passes.

Lundqvist seemed to be a bit off his game tonight.

A few things about that. Yes, we had a few shots in our net. However, he

did make a lot of saves during the game, infact, he was able to hold off

the opposing team for the Rangers to score 2 goals into their net.

Now there were 3 goals which he cannot take fault for. 1st - the puck

look like it was going in from underneath him, but ended up flying into the

top right corner -he wasn't able to deflect it in time. Second, when he

was surronded by players from the other team and a few of his own he

moved to the left of the goal to stop the puck, the puck was then

passed to another player and a goal was made from the right side.

It was literally seconds between each pass btw players, I don't think

anyone is to blame here. And yes it is important for goalies to stay

focused,however the plays were made quick, it was difficult follow


Also, I think every player on this team cansay that they have not done

enough to make a better play. Hopefully the Rangers will take something

away from this game.
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Oh my gosh, the Rangers finally won a game :p
3-2 against the Thrashers in overtime.

"Needing to put a pair of tough losses behind them, the Rangers responded in style on Wednesday night in Atlanta, beating the Thrashers 3-2 in overtime. Scott Gomez scored just 18 seconds into OT, and Steve Valiquette finished with 27 saves"

Goals by Orr, Callahan, and Gomez in overtime. This makes Scott's 2nd point in 14 games, not great, but getting better.
And Valiquette actually won us a game! :eek: I think that is probably the most exciting part of the whole thing. Just kidding, he's cool.
AH..well my hockey buddy is off line. Sadly were the only who's willing to talk HOCKEY ALL DAY NON STOP. We should have Our separate "New York Ranger's Thread". 4 REAL. WORD.

Finaly we caught a lucky break! Unfortunatly I was not able to watch the

game "live" on TV. Lame I know. A lot of guys came through - Daws, Dubi,

Orr, Markus, Callahan. Scotty is always at his usual, hogging the puck. But

thats good 4 us. Dubi and Markus make an awsome goal. Overall, It was

a good game.

I'm upset I missed the BRAWL on he ice rink I saw how it

started but not how it ended. It was somethnin' - its like a pile up it

football but this time its on ice. Nice!:thumbsup:

I have to say I was also surprised that Steven Valiquette was the goal

tender, I thought it was Henrik. Found out right in the middle of the game

that it wasn't. LOL:lol:. I remeber a while ago he was in the game and we

got like 6 goals in our net, I get nervous when "Vali" comes out. Although,

Henrik let 6 goals in our net a couple of games ago too.But, Vali played

really well last night for us. He was almost as good as Henrk.

Great game, looking forward to he next one.
AH..well my hockey buddy is off line. Sadly were the only who's willing to talk HOCKEY ALL DAY NON STOP. We should have Our separate "New York Ranger's Thread". 4 REAL. WORD.

Since you and I are just about the only people who post in here, I think it already is just a Rangers thread :lol:

There was a fight? And I missed it?
Aw man, that's one of the most exciting parts. It must have happened before I came home because I turned the game on on the radio as soon as I walked in the door. I hope that it was a good fight at least.

I didn't realize it was Valiquette either until the announcer goes "Nice save by Valiquette" and I was like what? He did really good last night though.
It's sort of like the baseball thread that Destiny and I turned into a Toronto and Cleveland update :)

At this point I don't think they is anything worth reporting on the Toronto Make Beleafs so continue on with Rangers update :)
I am an all around hockey chick, but where baseball is conserned - its

Yankees/Mets. Sometimes. Toronto is not much interest to me, neither

is Cleaveland.

Back to hockey, this is not related to Rangers. Czech Repulic, and

Sweden are playing agains Canada in Junior Hockey. I'm thinking Canada

isn't goint to win, those teams seem to better somehow. But it would

interesting to watch.

Now back to Rangers: They playing tonight against New Jersey. These

are the games I look forward to. Its pure entertainment. Whether thats a

fact tonight, is another question, Marty Brodeur is back on the stand, so

we'll see how it goes. and I'm hoping they are going to put Lundqvist

instead of Valiquette.
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Tough Hustle for the RANGERS

Its 5-8 Rangers -Devils. I was surprised because its us(Rangers) who are

usually kicking their tails. But not this time. I thought that without

Marty Brodeur it was an easy win.

Our own goal tender seems to have lost focus. Made a few stops, but

clearly that wasn't enough. Nasulund "kicked" a goal in, or so everyone

says. A lot of people thought it shouldn't count, but referee's consulted

and it was a goal after all, luckily for Rangers tieing 1-1 Jersey Devils.

Rangers tried to controll the puck for the remainder of the game, but

Devils made the quick goals, too quick for Lundqvist.

I'm disappointed, not much to say here. Its been a tough week. But I

hope that this really is the last time that this team loses this way,

especially to Jersey Devils, or Tampa, or any other team in the legue.
^^ I have no comment about the Rangers game on Friday.
Frankly, I'm still trying to deny that it ever happend.
But at least their game wasn't as bad as the Islanders losing 9-2 to the Penguins. That was one crazy game!
Apparently the Rangers, Penguins, and Islanders were all drinking the same Kool-Aid this week cause the Islanders got beat bad, we got beat bad, and the Penguins got beat bad.

On a much happier note, the Rangers beat Carolina 3-2 tonight :)

"Henrik Lundqvist turned in a vintage performance in regulation, overtime and a 5-round shootout on Saturday, as the first-place Rangers toppled Carolina 3-2 for their eighth shootout win of the season. Captain Chris Drury got the lone shootout goal"

Oh, Henrik. Boy are we glad you're back to your old ways again. :p 2 goals allowed out of 31 is so very better than what you have done recently. So keep it up!

Goals by Naslund, Betts, and Mr. Captain Drury

Three stars of the game: 1. Lundqvist 2. Betts 3. Drury
So as of right now, the Rangers are - 1st place in the Atlantic Division, 2nd place in the Eastern Conference, and 4th place in the entire NHL.
Not too shabby if I dare say so. More games like this, winning that is, would be nice.
The verdict is in!

I have been finally able to watch reactions of the guys about Fridays

game. I was quite ineterested in what they had to say. They were

disappointed, which is expected. They felt that they were not doing well

defensevly. But here's what caught my attention : The captain of the

team was asked if letting the other team make 8 goal into our net, that

kind of moment to be embarrassing, he simply replied :" No, I don't think it

is...." - My reaction : Uh....WHAT?:eek::eek::eek: This is coming from the captain.

I think these guys are for getting that when you pull on the jersey you

represent yourself and your team mates, and the name in the front

in more important than the one on the back.

Maybe my interpertation of this comment is wrong - but to me that says that - no pride in this team.

Again, don`t quote me.

In last nights game however things were improved, things that needed to be improved. And of course the

result are what you see. It was a great game, defensively. Lundqvist , stepped up - which was showed its

own results. I was quite upset that he let 8 goals to our net the night before. But I`m happy he got himself

together. Some of the guys that spend some time on the bench came out, which was great.

I enjoyed a little bit of celebrating last night, I think its a great way to end home games and I hope they

continue to do well on their trip.
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Rangers won again, 3-1 over the Ducks. And suprise suprise, it wasn't in either overtime or a shootout. Very nice regulation play win for us tonight. Well, I guess it would be today actually.

Goals by Drury - twice in two games! -, Dawes, and an empty net goal in the last few seconds by Zherdev

I almost missed Dawes' goal cause I kind of fell asleep :rolleyes: I heard "Score" and thought oh yeah, that's nice and then I heard "Dawes" and was like "wait he's on our team!" It's nice to hear that he's scoring some points.

Lundqvist made some amazing saves during the game too. I'm glad he's starting to get back into his groove again.

Zherdev must've been a hoot during the game. The announcers kept saying that he was being a lot more aggressive throughout the game, and then they kept announcing that he had fell down. :lol: It made me laugh anyways.
There must have been some weird penalties called and/or not called too. I think it was Girardi that got bopped in the nose and the other guy should've got 4 minutes in the box instead of 2, and the refs saying Rozsival was fighting when he wasn't? :confused: It's hard to keep up with them sometimes.

So the Rangers play again tonight against the Kings.
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I got beat to the punch with a post, by Megan.:guffaw:

Sadly I couldn't listen to the game, I had a hard time staying awake.

But the last thing I saw before I passed out was 1-0 lead Rangers.

At that point I knew I can sleep easy - because they were clearly the

winners - when I woke next mornin' - I WAS RIGHT!!!

1-3 RANGERS ! *happy dance*

"Easy Dawes it!" I'd say, Nigel Dawes made a smooth easy goal into

Duck's net. Before that Chris Drury made a goal 4 us.

Winning Goaltender:
Henrik Lundqvist

Which * If I may say so myself* - Megan and I are happy about. King Henrik! Henke! Henke!:lol::lol::lol:

Game winners : Nigel Dawes

Henrik Lundqvist

I had no I idea that Dawes is Canadaian, Winnipeg. Not to mention we

rearly see him on ice, sometimes I hear "Dawes makes a shot" - I'm like

what? who? Dawes? DUDE, where are you man! LOL:lol:

Anywayz, Its a great begining I hope we keep it up!
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Yet another win for us! With Valli as goal tender.:lol:

"Stephen Valiquette made a season-high 39 saves, and Michal Rozsival scored a pair of goals, including the game-winner 3:41 into overtime, as the Rangers stunned the Los Angeles Kings 3-2 Wednesday night at the Staples Center."

"The win also lifted the Rangers into a tie with the Bruins for first place in the Eastern Conference with 46 points. And the club is now 10-5-1 in 16 road contests this season, the third-best road record in the entire NHL this season."

The game was lead by Brandon Dubinsky,Blair Betts, and Marc Staal.

In any event it was rough game but we made it!

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My goodness, the Rangers won two games in a row :eek:
3-2 in overtime against the Kings. I'm so glad that we are winning games again, even if I have to stay up until 1 am just to listen to them.

Goals by Drury - 3 in 3 games! - Rozsival, and Rozsival again in overtime

Drury seems to be picking up the pace a little bit, as does Valiquette. We have won the last two games that he was goaltender in! I miss my Henrik, but if Valli's going to start getting us wins then it's okay. :p

So we're in first place again, that's really good!
OMG SUNDIN IS A CANUCK :hugegrin:!!!!!

I know typing in caps is frowned upon, but words cannot express how pumped I am. The greatest Christmas gift ever came a week earlier!

I'm also pumped for the world juniors. GO CANADA :thumbsup:!!!
So Sundin signed with the Canucks, eh?

Interesting. I didn't know too much about him, other than he was considering the Rangers, so I wasn't sure if he'd be good for us or not. Glad to see that he made up his mind though. If all the Canuck fans feel the same way about him as you do glam chic, then it'll be a happy night in Vancouver ;)
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