Grissom & Sara #26: It's So Obvious, Isn't It?

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He probably uses his love's name as his password (AW!).

You know, I probably should've made that connection, but didn't. lol.

I don't care if it was Sara's idea or Grissom's...

Considering Sara's "meh" expression when Warrick said he hoped she had better taste now, and the fact that Grissom was hunting her down like a predator not two episodes earlier, I'd say that it was probably Grissom's idea, or at least at Grissom's insistence that she think of something that would make her feel like he trusted her.

The whole point of her being mopey over his break, I thought, was that she didn't really feel included in his life or his decisions.

This is our bookend, people. Maybe no one else sees it that way, but, to me, it's our bookend to "Pin me down."

Yeah, but even you point out that it's not just a role reversal, it's an intention reversal.
Dude! This is awesome! I didn't know my account was still active! Ihaven't been to this place in TWO years! This is amazing! I missed this place! AND WOOT FOR GSR BEING CANNON! That shaving scene...I must have seen it 754953 times! I have it on my phone and I have the voices as one of my ringtones... :lol:

Let me get added on some lists here...

Definately Team Beard.

I want geek babies.

I'm a SPOLIERS Queen!

Warrick will be the first to find out. Just because he's so oblivioud half of the time. really feels good to be back here. I took a sabattical( :lol:) with school and all but I FINALLY have some down town. It's good to see everyone who is still here and hello to the newbies! :)
Dude! This is awesome! I didn't know my account was still active! Ihaven't been to this place in TWO years! This is amazing! I missed this place! AND WOOT FOR GSR BEING CANNON! That shaving scene...I must have seen it 754953 times! I have it on my phone and I have the voices as one of my ringtones...

Let me get added on some lists here...

Definately Team Beard.

I want geek babies.

I'm a SPOLIERS Queen!

Warrick will be the first to find out. Just because he's so oblivioud half of the time. really feels good to be back here. I took a sabattical( ) with school and all but I FINALLY have some down town. It's good to see everyone who is still here and hello to the newbies!

lmao. The year's GSR experiences in one post. I love it.

Welcome back!!

We're crazy as always.
Now CSI espisode titles are always very clever generally having several meanings. Well it occured to me the lyrics were not just about the kids/Vics shown but about Grissom and Sara.

Also has anyone thought the title 'Fallen Idols' could also refer to Grissom?? Not Fallen from a pedistal but fallen as in 'in love'?? It would be so like CSI to use the double meanings everywhere. So the beard shaving is very symbolic and his 'intmately' - he has also fallen for *his* idol?


This is our bookend, people. Maybe no one else sees it that way, but, to me, it's our bookend to "Pin me down."

OMG I just totally realized that when you said it! High Five!
I chose other because I was really torn between 2-3. I mean, real relationships have angst, no doubt about that. But I also want a kiss darn it! I SO that it was going to happen in Fallen Idols.

Oh man! When I first saw that shaving scene, I saw Sara in the mirror with the razor and the first thing I thought "Oh God...she's going to pull a Britney Spears..." but then she turned around and I realized what was going on. :lol: I just had to get that out.
Ihaven't been to this place in TWO years!
2 years?! :eek: What have you been doing? Personally, I can't not come in here after an episode :lol: I need all the scenes explaining :rolleyes: Or were you just some place else?

In the poll i voted for "A little bit of uncertain angst between now and the finale, that gets resolved, but I want to feel like I've actually watched them go through something since the previous angstball was derailed." Primarily because if they argue, etc then we have more chance for a kiss :p Or maybe not angst between them, but
the whole empty eyes thing, Sara is upset, and all, so lots of geeky-love being shown would be awesome :)
Oh, and definetely not Sara dying or them breaking up, I don't know what I would do with myself if that happened :eek:
I am a bit worried of them doing an angst cliffhanger between them, just because they had a GSR cliffhanger last season, and having another this season would make the antis mad :( It sucks that I find myself worrying what anti-GSR think. Why can't everyone just share in the geeklove between two beautiful people :( *sulks* If I forget about the antis for a minute, then an angst cliffhanger would be cool, like...mmm...can't really think of anything, but yeah :lol:
Also "happy and content" would be fine too :)
p.s. I am dying to see what WP looks like now without the beard, are there any photos? Or do you think he will just look the same as he did before the sabbatical?
eggbe4thechicken said:
Ihaven't been to this place in TWO years!
2 years?! :eek: What have you been doing? Personally, I can't not come in here after an episode :lol: I need all the scenes explaining :rolleyes: Or were you just some place else?

No...just school. It take up, like, my WHOLE life. I feel like I'm getting smothered sometimes. Plus, this place had me on here until like 1 AM. :lol: That is NOT healthy when you are a college student.

And sorry for the double posts. It won't happen again.

Also, I made some GSR videos and they are on YouTUBE. If you look under TommyKimFan, they are there. :) Please watch and enjoy. It makes me happy that I make you happy. :)
SOLID as always, of course, wouldn't have it any other way, and on "who's place are there at"? my daughter said "he's an entomologist, (butterflies on wall) therefore, it could be his spot" or maybe it's her's or both, depending on if they moved in together :p and what's with all this gossip, that Jorja HASN'T signed on for S/8? :( any news on that can of worms?

sarahvma said:
One word: Butterflied

lmao. You lazy, Bulgarian ho.

One word: GSRSupernova.

Hey, at least I'm not Jewish.


Ihaven't been to this place in TWO years!

It's a celebration! Welcome back. :)

AL? You are God(dess). I bow down to you and your greeting card goodness.

I wish I had more to say...but I don't. Oh yeah: bring back the beard! I loved the shaving scene and all, but maybe he could grow it back, hehe. Babyface Grissom looks weird to me. He looks more like a scientist with his beard.

I think I'm done. Um, go GSR woo woo?
^^:lol:. ::bows:: Thank You. :D

As for Jorja. Now word yet. I keep jecking JFOonline, but ZIP. Ausiello thinks she'll be back though...I HOPE. If not R.I.P GSR :(. Oh the thought of it makes me want to cry...

Lets be happy and PATIENTLY wait for the next episode. ::insert spoiler here::. :D
Hey AL - congrats on the Oscar. Oh... wait... wrong Al... :p

Yay for "An Inconvenient Truth"! And *takes a moment to fangirl* Yay for Melissa Etheridge winning an Oscar for Best Song!

Ahem. Sorry about that. Now, on with the GSR :p

Welcome back to the fold, SaraSidleRules8.

Sarah - yet another poll to bring out my conflicted nature. I haven't voted as yet, because I can't decide whether I want them to be completely solid, go through something and then be solid, or go through something huge and leave us cliffhangering over the hiatus. Yes, I know we all 'hate' cliffhangers, but we love them really - just think of the debates we'd have in here over the summer if we didn't know what was going to happen between the Season 7 finale and the premiere of Season 8.

At the same time, I also love our happy geeks... Argh! Torn. Torn I am. I'm going to sit on the fence for a little while on this one :p

Why thank you forensics girl.:) Like your avatar. ;). I wanted to ask...does anyone know where I can get some GSR icons? Preferrably ones from Fallen Idols?

Where is this picture from? Her with that shirt...where is this from?
SaraSidleRules8 said:
^^:lol:. ::bows:: Thank You. :D

As for Jorja. Now word yet. I keep jecking JFOonline, but ZIP. Ausiello thinks she'll be back though...I HOPE. If not R.I.P GSR :(. Oh the thought of it makes me want to cry...

Lets be happy and PATIENTLY wait for the next episode. ::insert spoiler here::. :D

THANK'S It would be weird, if she's the only one NOT signed up and why? would that be? I wished that CBS, or their PR people would make a damn announcement..soon ;)

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