Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Anyway

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Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Gilbert does sound kinda giggle inducing. Does anyone just call him Gris? I do that a lot 'cause it's shorter when I'm writing.

The last name sticks out to me 'cause I'm a space history buff and there was an astronaut does kinda sound cool, or at least cooler than Gilbert lol.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Yeah, I thought you were going to go somewhere further with that. lol.

Hmmm... I see a greater possibility being a scenario like this:

it's the end of shift and Grissom and Sara are in the kitchen talking or something. Making dinner, who knows?

They kind of kiss casually, and as she does, Catherine comes into his apartment without knocking to discuss something from earlier.

The only reason I suggest this one is because I would hope that they wouldn't let themselves get caught during work.

But who knows? Like you said, the idea is that the lab is pretty much dead for the night
yeeah, i gotcha. i would really like to witness them busted. that would be just to great! :lol: i know, i'm mean, but hey, i love the idea :D and both of them blushing ... that would make my day. what am i saying?my WEEK, my MONTH :D :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

*nods* I'd go for it too...just so long as it's not Ecklie. I'd be ready to slug him if he came in yelling and screaming at them.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. Ecklie would be like "So that's that sex everyone is talking about. Oh, wait. Right. I WILL FIRE EVERYONE."

Yeah, I don't know why, but I see it being Catherine, Brass or Doc who is the first one to say something or is shown to clue in.

Maybe because they know Grissom the best or because they're the most senior of the staff, but either way, I can kind of see all three of them going, "Good work, you... have you thought this through? You could lose your job. But seriously, it's about time"
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

lol. Not what I meant. But it does seem like when there's something big going on, those three are the first to know.

I was having this conversation with someone else, and we've already discussed who we think should find out and how they should find out and so on...

But WHEN do you guys think the rest of the team will find out?
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

sarahyma it's good to hear that they'll be working on the first case together- cause I've been reading "spoilers" that claim WP won't even be in the 1st eppy :(
and on the latest poll- HMMMM -none -for me- really applied- I picked other-- :(

Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

For the polls I went with:
#1. they're both educated people, blahdiblah cause I can't really see them discussing marriage at length when they're at home together. History, literature, poetry.. sure. But not marriage.
#2. Had little to do with Grissom. She just seemed to be clarifying her stand on the issue to me.

I call him Grissom because Gil is an ugly, ugly name.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I just watched a part from 'Ellie', Sara is examining fake money, and Warrick is sub-ing for Grissom.

Sara tells Warrick: "I'm just running with the case, I do it with Grissom all the time."

I was reading while watching the episode so all I heard was "I do it with Grissom all the time." My head flung up and stared at the TV, I was like "WHAT???"

Hehe. It was funny.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

SaraSullivan said:
I just watched a part from 'Ellie', Sara is examining fake money, and Warrick is sub-ing for Grissom.

Sara tells Warrick: "I'm just running with the case, I do it with Grissom all the time."

I was reading while watching the episode so all I heard was "I do it with Grissom all the time." My head flung up and stared at the TV, I was like "WHAT???"

Hehe. It was funny.
I thought I was the only one!
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

SaraSullivan said:
I was reading while watching the episode so all I heard was "I do it with Grissom all the time." My head flung up and stared at the TV, I was like "WHAT???"


I think she's proud, Sully. I mean, if you did it with Grissom all the time wouldn't you tell everyone? That reminds me of the line in "XX" that we also had for a thread title...

"Grissom gave it to me last Christmas"

The geeks are getting frisky.

Crysthala said:
Thanks, by the way. My birthday was yesterday too... you know, why didn't I tell anybody? Well, whatever.

Well, I didn't see the cake in front of your name so I couldn't of been able to know, but I made you a present anyway! I made it just for you. So be happy! Happy belated birthday, by the way, Crys. :)


And now, for the polls.

Joint Knowledge of Weddings: Significance?

I don't think they talked about it before-hand. It was a coincidence that they both knew about the bridemaids, but I just saw it as a geek mind-meld moment. It was cute, but I don't think it was significant. So I picked the first option (Not really - they're both educated people who just like being informed).

Sara Suddenly Changing Her Gung-Ho Anti-Wedding Stance With Grissom Around: Significance?

Alright, well this one was a bit harder to choose. It was kind of suspicious that Sara would change her opinion right when Grissom was there, and Grissom's "anyways..." comment made me wonder if they both knew what was going on, but I chose the second option (She wanted to clarify because she really didn't mean to be so overly harsh, but she probably wouldn't have done so if Grissom wasn't there). Sara's not the type of person who would go back on her word or spontaniously change her opinion just because someone didn't like it or someone was there that would maybe question her. She knows what she wants, I think she was just clarifying what she ment.

Well the results from the poll show that most people are up for the idea of having a collage type thing of submitted or known fan art and pictures. Alright, to get this going I'm first going to need people to send me some things to "melt" into the background to make the collage. Anything and everything will be put it.

PM it to me and as soon as I have enough I'll get started on the new and improved tenant list. Yay! *throws confetti*

So get crackin'!


Yay, new page! *throws more confetti*
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

SaraSullivan said:
Does anyone else agree that the spoilers are evil? I haven't looked at them, toughest thing I've ever done in my life.
Okay, um, not reading spoilers is EASY compared to what I did a few hours ago... I got sealants put on 2 teeth, I got 2 cavities filled, and, to top that off, I got two pulled. On the day after my birthday. >.< Dentists have just moved to about #4 on my personal Tools of the Devil list. I HATE dentists.
On a lighter note...
Reeble said:
I mean, if you did it with Grissom all the time wouldn't you tell everyone?
Reeble, I totally love you, and I probably forgot to push some button that leads to the cake being in front of peoples names. Meh.
Poor Spazz. Her cheek hurts.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Okay, it's the... Time of Your Death. Mwahaha.

This will be a three-parter.

And how's this for irony? Special note to let y'all know that Time of Your Death will be on tonight.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

I was having an argument with my friends about what crossover would be cooler for GSR interaction. I would love to she Grissom and Sara on CSI Miami while others want to see a New York crossover. I was wondering what you all would like to see.
Re: Grissom&Sara #20 - Who Cares? The Shirt's Coming Off Any

Ok off topic. My family and I were watching "Time of your death" and this is the conversation that arose from my mid 40's parents and my 11 year old sister.

Mom: "Gina, I dont think Sara is very pretty at all. She is geeky looking."
Me: "Hello she is a CSI, they are geeks."
Mom: "well the blonde one is pretty."
Me: *smirks*
Dad: *laughs*
Sister: "Well hey, shes got Grissom. Thats all she needs."
Me: *laughs* "Ive taught you well young child."

It was a very interesting moment. My sister came out of no where with that comment. Then i laughed and realized, well shes right, she does have Grissom! haha

As for the poll, I voted "He saw Grissom staring at the women for a moment, caught his looks toward Sara and picked up on their dynamic as well as their personalities" because he stated that he knows everyones fantasies without them even knowing. Maybe Ecklie made a phonecall.... hahaha!! He wanted to make all of Sara's fantasies come true. That would be something.
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