Grade 'Taxi'

How would you grade Taxi?

  • A+

    Votes: 23 28.8%
  • A

    Votes: 23 28.8%
  • A-

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • B+

    Votes: 9 11.3%
  • B

    Votes: 11 13.8%
  • B-

    Votes: 3 3.8%
  • C+

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • C

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • C-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D+

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • D-

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • F

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I only rated the episode a B, and I think I'm being generous.

I was not overly impressed with Angell saving Flack because I find it hard to believe that Angell would have enough muscle to shove Flack's 6'2" frame up and over a car and be carried with it.

Also, I want to know why Flack has been the guy who needs to fall down so that a female can have her kick!ass moment. First he had to not be able to get up so that Stella could do some bad guy butt-kicking and now with Angell.

How about giving women a chance to shine without sacrificing the men? It's much more effective, like when Aiden zapped the guy with a stun gun in season one.

I don't understand why the characters were so slow to pick up on obvious clues this episode, and then suddenly they have Super!Knowledge on stuff. It was a bit irritating.

My favorite part of the episode was Mac pacing the lab, looking for answers and getting almost nothing. His frustration was palpable.

And because people commented on the "Montana" comment. Lindsay didn't say she missed being called Montana. She said she "kind of misses" it. I'm so happy that she is not moping over Danny or running back to him I want to hug her. I'm hoping that the trend continues. Besides, she and Danny make better friends than lovers. This is one romance the writers need to give up on.
A lot of what I think about the ep has been said already so I'll just focus on a couple of things.

Dude, that was Ryan Locke?

What happened to him? He used to be the pretty. I remember seeing him on some TV program: he was touted as one of the hottest models of the time. Years and years ago (ca. Richard Grieco, if you still recall who he is, heh)

Casual!Mac at the end? Win, baby. I think this is the first time he's worn jeans. Blue jeans at that.

Also, I though the head-tilting at the end with Mac and Reed was awfully cute.
I wasn't particularly impressed with the cabbie killer storyline as well. Felt it was kind of rushed in the end. The way they build it in the previous episodes well, I was expecting something completely different. *shrugs*

What I loved in this episode was Reed and Mac's relationship, Stella's support and Flack/Angell. Btw, the scene with Danny where they find the cab and he tosses Flack the flashlight and Angell the gloves? Loved it. It they decided to create a spinoff with these three characters I'd be all for it. ;)
love the opening! flack and angell had a great scene. they just click. it would be so cliche if flacked saved angell instead and they have that "stare into each other's eyes" when flack lands on top of angell. hahahaha. :drool:

the flack, angell and danny scene was really cool. very nice. mac and stella were great. as usual flack and angell have that chemistry. reed was great too. :thumbsup:

this cabbie killer thing was okay. i was more anxious with the second life storyline.

quinn was better. i didn't like her that much in like water, like murder, but she was less nosy this episode, so that's good. jordan's attitude with the whole "i hope the leak didn't come from this lab" was the total opposite with doa for a day's "comfort me mac cuz my ex husband just tried to kill me" thing. hahahaha.

but to shorten things up, this episode gets an A from me. :)
Flack lets Det. Angell drive? Does she let him stop for food? :lol:
-Det. Angell has never been hotter. THis is the best role for Emmanuelle I think

:lol: Good point. Flack doesn't usually let anyone else drive... Although maybe he just didn't want to leave her in the back with the 'nasty' guy.

-Don't like Jordan so much. Her hair looked like Kendall. Oh yeah ... Kendall has now disappeared with Adam :confused:

When was the last time we saw Kendall? I wonder if we'll ever see her again, although I'm not sure if I'm actually that bothered. Adam on the other hand... I think he's back for the finale. :)

What I loved in this episode was Reed and Mac's relationship, Stella's support and Flack/Angell. Btw, the scene with Danny where they find the cab and he tosses Flack the flashlight and Angell the gloves? Loved it. It they decided to create a spinoff with these three characters I'd be all for it. ;)

Flack and Angell really play off each other very well. I too loved the flashlight and gloves scene. And yes, Mac and Reed's relationship is special, it was great to see them frustrated with each other earlier on and then see the closeness and special relationship that they have coming through at the end.

quinn was better. i didn't like her that much in like water, like murder, but she was less nosy this episode, so that's good. jordan's attitude with the whole "i hope the leak didn't come from this lab" was the total opposite with doa for a day's "comfort me mac cuz my ex husband just tried to kill me" thing. hahahaha.

I don't mind Quinn at all, but I'm not sure that Jordan is a particularly likeable character, at least she isn't to me. And I'm not sure what TPTB were trying to get across with her relationship to Mac, I know she was originally touted (although maybe only by Ausiello, I don't remember) as a potential love interest, but I just don't see it. I think that Jessalyn Gilsig is a great actress but I'm not sure what the future will hold for her character.
I felt it started with a bang and ended with a whimper.

The opening sequence with the cab almost hitting Flack and Angell, then rolling the body out the door caught the attention. After that it just seemed to slow down to a crawl.

After such a big build up, the killer was a big disappointment. They had a good bit with the "Ferryman", one can easily see how a NYC cab driver could identify with Charon. But then they wrap it with the typical christian religous nutburger stereotype. It felt like the writers just gave up.

The ending was just silly. The serial killer is kicked back in his easy chair blithely reading his bible and doesn't hear half the NYPD roaring up with sirens blaring and car doors slamming? :confused::confused::confused: Not to mention the helicopter over head. I must have missed the part where we are told the man is stone deaf.

I couldn't shake the feeling that Anna Belknap was filming a different episode than everyone else. During the lab's search for Reed, everyone else (even the mayor's office chick) transmits a sense of urgency and concern. Lindsey just seemed to kind of drift through.

And I missed Adam!!!!! We've seen in multiple episodes that the man has mad skills when it comes to technology. To give those scenes to Lindsey just seemed so very, very, very wrong. I don't remember any previous episode with an instance when she has demonstrated skills in that area. Adam would have so rocked that bit.

When Mac asked Reed about his source, both actors really expressed affection and irritation with each other. Neither one of these guys backs down easily. :lol: I thought that when Reed turned and walked away from Mac that you could see on his face that it was really dawning on him that he held at least a partial responsibility for the Jimmy the cabdriver/cop's death.

I found the entire "clues to the brewery" business just laughable. Australia? Flaked corn? WTF?:confused::confused:

My vote is still out on both of the new characters. Quinn and Jordan. Though Jordan was very good at being an irritating bureaucrat. I liked her in her first appearance because she helped get the lab back up and running after Mac blew it up in SD. Her last two appearances have been more about conflict and sticking pins.

I'm very relieved that there was no D/L drama this time. Danny seemed on a more even keel than we've seen in a long time. He even offered comfort to Flack when F was so frustrated at not having caught the cab (or a look at his face).

I always LOVE Flack and Stella when they work together. The two of them in an interrogation is always a treat. It didn't take long for them to demolish the vigilante cab driver.
I gave this episode a "B" mainly because I also felt resolution of the cabbie killer arc was a letdown.

One of the things missing for me was lack of a substantive backstory and/or profile for the killer that might have better linked the psychological mindset with his actions. Are we supposed to assume that the killer was the John Doe former patient (with religious fanaticism issues) mentioned in the previous episode? It seemed like the team downplayed the psychological and religious elements of the case and just focused on the killer as a taxi driver. If it hadn't been for Reed's kidnapping, Mac's super decryption abilities, and the computer that spits out exact locations based on vague assumptions and limited data, I guess the killer might still be at large. Maybe they could've used some help from the "Criminal Minds" team on this one.

The ending felt rushed as well. Seems like they still had stuff to cover at the end with very little time, so they used a montage of sorts with Mac's voice over to give the sumnmary version.

On the positive side, there were things to like about the episode.

The Flack/Angell action scene at the start was cool. Flack/EC has good chemistry with almost everyone, and I like how different elements of his personality come out when he interacts with different characters.

I also thought the vigilante misdirection plot was a bit different and interesting.

The Stella/Mac scenes were well done, too. Always nice to see them supporting and challenging each other when needed.

As for Reed, I've slammed him for his obnoxious attitude in the previous two episodes but really felt badly for him in this one. His arrogance and attitude just melted away after the kidnapping and KG did a nice job of portraying the scared kid underneath. I still have to criticize him a bit, though. I don't know much about journalistic ethics, but it seemed very irresponsible of Reed to publish allegations of the killer's "identity" based solely on the word of an unknown (and unreliable) source. Granted, he didn't use a full name, but I suspect his blog caused quite a few problems for any cabbies named Jimmie, including the one who was killed.

And count me as another who wondered where his parents were. Maybe they should've dropped Jordan or Quinn from this episode and hired an actress (even in a non-speaking role) to show up at Reed's bedside as his mother.

Speaking of Jordan and Quinn, I'm not really impressed with either. Eh... I'm not of the opinion that Mac needs a love interest right now. He already has close relationships with Stella, Flack, Reed as well as a host of political and work-related issues that should give the writers ample material to work with in the forseeable future. Mac is one of my favorites on the show and I don't mind that he gets a lot of focus, but do we really need more recurring characters whose primary connections are with Mac? Seems like they should use some of those recurring guest roles to give Hawkes and a few others some meatier storylines.

On the plus side, they seem to be downplaying the love interest angle right now, so hopefully, there won't be a repeat of the Peyton scenario. And I don't have a problem with Jordan or Quinn being used sparingly when they can actually contribute something relevant to a case and not just hang around as window dressing.

Nice to see Danny and Lindsey working together professionally without angst or conflict.
it would be so cliche if flacked saved angell instead and they have that "stare into each other's eyes" when flack lands on top of angell. hahahaha. :drool:
Hahaha, that makes me think of Torchwood. :p

When was the last time we saw Kendall? I wonder if we'll ever see her again, although I'm not sure if I'm actually that bothered. Adam on the other hand... I think he's back for the finale. :)
I think Kendall has only been in three episodes: "Can You Hear Me Now?", "Commuted Sentences" and "Playing With Matches". I'll be surprised if they bring her back next season (Bess might find something else to work on)--well, no, I wouldn't be surprised, not after they brought Angell back this season. :) I'm just hoping if they bring her back, she's not so mean to Adam next time. *waggles finger at her* :p The character did not endear herself to me in her few appearances so far.

And I missed Adam!!!!! We've seen in multiple episodes that the man has mad skills when it comes to technology. To give those scenes to Lindsey just seemed so very, very, very wrong. I don't remember any previous episode with an instance when she has demonstrated skills in that area. Adam would have so rocked that bit.
If Adam was there, what would Lindsay have done during the episode? Split the few trace processing scenes with Hawkes?

Honestly, they need to figure out a better balance--Adam isn't in every episode at this point, but he's set to be there for an increasing amount of time for the next few seasons until he's a true series regular. If Lindsay is doing his job now, what's she going to do when he is doing his job? It reminds me of "You Only Die Once", another episode where Adam was MIA--Hawkes was magically rattling off information about technology and I was just like, "Wait, what?"

I think they all need their specialty, and they all need episodes to shine and episodes where they're more in the background. But maybe that's just me. I can buy them knowing a lot of stuff, but I can't buy them being experts in everything all of the time, especially when we know there's another character that fills the role of 'expert' already.


One of the things missing for me was lack of a substantive backstory and/or profile for the killer that might have better linked the psychological mindset with his actions.
I like when I can relate to/sympathize with the killers as well as the victims. One thing I've noticed lately is that I often can't sympathize with either one and they're just a dead person and a killer. (If that makes sense.)

Maybe they could've used some help from the "Criminal Minds" team on this one.
*sigh* That's my dream crossover.
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I think they all need their specialty, and they all need episodes to shine and episodes where they're more in the background. But maybe that's just me. I can buy them knowing a lot of stuff, but I can't buy them being experts in everything all of the time, especially when we know there's another character that fills the role of 'expert' already.

Its funny i was thinking about that recently because in LV all the CSI's have specialised areas, doesn't mean they stick to it but it kind of gives better idea. On there bios on CBS when i last looked it said and its same with Miami but in NY they don't seem to have that. Only one i guess at is Adam is the Technology Guy/AV.

I'm not fussed if they didn't bring Kendall back she never really did anything for me she was just there giving them results whereas Adam has more interaction with the CSI's and her voice started to bug me for some reason.
I think they all need their specialty, and they all need episodes to shine and episodes where they're more in the background. But maybe that's just me. I can buy them knowing a lot of stuff, but I can't buy them being experts in everything all of the time, especially when we know there's another character that fills the role of 'expert' already.

And to whom Fay are you refering to when you say 'expert'?

Not Mac, the knower of all and the divine speaker of all things true? Surely not!? :rolleyes:
Well, I was specifically thinking about Adam since he's the tech guy (although he does quite well at other lab tasks as well, of course). :p Hawkes has more of the knowledge of dead bodies because he was a doctor and coroner, but the others don't really have a specialty. I can buy Mac having a few hobbies (like ancient weapons or whatever), but not everything (bullfighting, seriously?).

I think they need to have more guest experts. Have a guy/girl/trained monkey come in who knows about cars/documents/plumbing/etc, you know?

Dawni said:

I'm not fussed if they didn't bring Kendall back she never really did anything for me she was just there giving them results whereas Adam has more interaction with the CSI's and her voice started to bug me for some reason.
Yeah, I didn't mind Bess Wohl on Bones, but on CSI:NY she just kinda bugged me. I was also a bit disappointed with the type of character they chose to create--a gorgeous, snobby, gets-bored-easily type of chick? I would have loved to see someone more like Garcia on Criminal Minds (and yes, I know I've said this countless times before, but it's still true!). And oh, the nerd flirting would be adorable--I'm not a huge fan of Kendall's particular brand of make-Adam-look-stupid flirting.
Originally posted by Faylinn

I like when I can relate to/sympathize with the killers as well as the victims. One thing I've noticed lately is that I often can't sympathize with either one and they're just a dead person and a killer. (If that makes sense.)

Yes, I understand what you're saying.

For me, I think it comes down to just wanting to understand how and why the killer went from point A to B, and at the end of this one, I felt like there were still missing pieces.

In previous episodes of the arc, the team uncovered several clues like the carvings, the cemetery with the gravestone, the location of the tarps, tire tracks, the old fashioned taxi id marker, the four patient files, etc. which seemed to be building to the eventual identity and capture of the killer. But in the end, those clues really didn't bear much fruit -- Reed's information was what really broke the case. And the killer turned out to be a "ticking time bomb" (with mythological and religious delusions) who apparently came unraveled at some point and began to see the billboard ads as some type of message. Not exactly what I was expecting based on the build up. :confused:
Finally I saw it. B+ from me. No DL drama which added bonus points, except for that little Montana thing that was short and didn't bother me as much as I first thought. I was waiting for it to come an the screen and I was pleasantly surprised about how it played. To be more specific, I was pleased that it only took a few seconds.

On to the episode now. Angell totally rocks. Now that is what I like to call kicking butt :lol: Poor Flack he felt like an idiot because he couldn't give Mac all the details he wanted, but it was all OK because Danny comforted him I think for the first time, so yay for Danny.

Reed was awesome. He rocked the show. I was touched by his performance, and I really felt his fear while being held by the cabbie. The cabbie was a little crazy, I don't think he is the same man that was hospitalized at the Mannix Asylum that was mentioned in Personal Foul. What spoiled the episode for me is the fact that while Reed was bleeding Mac's line was "Don't die on me" I am sorry but I started laughing. That is an overused pun and it must be deleted from all the writers' vocabulary.

Where the hell was Adam? He would have figured out immediately from where Reed was posting. Mac dear, I have the answer to your question: you have all the technology, but you didn't have the right person to handle it.

Overall good action, good acting, but i could have been better. The cabbie storyline could have been handled better than this, but this is nice too. Like I said before B+ from me.
Definitely late to the thread but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one unimpressed with this episode. I gave it a C.

The cabbie killer storyline had such fantastic potential. I loved the evolution of the story up until this episode, and I was truly fascinated by the character and the storyline. So to have the writers end it with such a cliche--basically a religious nutjob off his meds--was such a huge disappointment.

They can do better. They have done better in the past--episodes like "Blink," "Hung Out to Dry" and "Admissions" show that the writers can think of deep, believable, truly chilling killers with interesting and credible motives. That's what makes this cop out all the more disappointing.

I don't mind the religious reference--it's more the nutjob off his meds angle that bothers me. Was that seriously the best they could do? Seriously? :rolleyes: The scene with him ranting at Reed was just such a cliche that I don't even know what to say about it other than that. The whole thing was just bad.

What saved this episode from being an utter and complete failure was the cast--Gary Sinise was particularly good. I was right there with Mac, feeling the pressure he was under and the frustration and fear he felt when he learned Reed had been abducted and he couldn't find him. Kyle Gallner was great, too--Reed learned a tough lesson in this episode.

Props to Eddie Cahill for showing us something we don't see too often: Flack rattled. I liked how he got frustrated when Mac questioned him, and how he went straight to Danny afterwards. It was a great little moment that showed the bond between the two, how deep their friendship runs. It's nice to see Flack feels like he can turn to Danny, too.

I wish we'd seen more of Quinn, but I love the character and hope she'll show up again next season. Seriously, transfer her to NY and ship Lindsay out. I couldn't believe how Anna couldn't even muster up any sense of urgency when she was running the IP trace. :rolleyes: And the line about missing being called Montana was delivered with such a complete lack of depth it was astounding. It sounded like she was reading from a script. Her lack of talent is just laughable at this point.

Jordan Gates needs to go. I love Jessalyn Gilsig, but the character is nothing but a shrill thorn in Mac's side. We don't need anymore of those, unless they're going to be written with some depth. I know she claimed not to be the enemy, but her actions and other words said otherwise.

All in all, a disappointing end to what was a great arc.