George/Nick:Texan Charm #8

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Yep!!! Definelty not enough Nick in last night's episode. I hope they will do better by us next week...they better...or they might have a ward revolution on their hands!!!! :devil:
:lol: Oh i so can't waaait! Season 8 must be a very good one! I can tell from the pictures I've seen.. :D
It is a good season so far Marns and I can't believe this was the 3rd eppy already!
I guess that there isn't much more that can be said about Nick from last nights eppy -- but that's never stopped me from posting before, so why stop now ;). True - not much Nick (though more Nick than Greg -- poor Greg...). Good stuff when he was on. :D I thought the GSR stuff was tolerable. I am a big fan of Harold Perrineau (the Reverend guy) and he was great as usual.
Missing? Nah...just in real life!! But mentally I was in The Nick Universe where I was quite happy!!! Too bad I had to leave and return to real life!!! :lol:

I was having trouble with my keyboard. Guess it couldn't deal with the clicky click of life being under Destiny's desk!! Then had installation think I could just plug it in and off I go! Next time I will get Nick to do it!!!

Work has been the root of my evil. I get home and I'm totally drained. Mentally that is!!! It is like a fog that rolls in, almost like tunnel vision. Well in my case 'Nick' vision!!! What a vision to have!! :D

I must say that our Nick was looking mighty wow, wonderful, incrediable, and yummy in 'A La Cart'!! Can we say 'ye ha'? I know I did several times!! Give that man a go cart license!! As for George...I'm sure the Ward would be more than happy to get him on a track!! I have a vision of McStokes hanging on the back of the go cart yelling "I've got you covered!! You can switch lanes!!" I know.. I need some serious help!!

One thing I won't tire of is George's expressions. Doesn't matter what the mood, he nails it everytime! Although the 'I'm surprised' look has me giggling like a school girl. It is just too cute! I wish I had a pic for each of his expressions! My desk top would be interesting to stare at! Who could not want to? Those deep brown eyes that draw you into the richness of the person behind them......ahhhhhhh!

Yep..missed seeing more of Nick in last night's eppy. Guess he was detained by the Ward because of how incrediable he looked in that striped shirt. That man can wear those shirts very well! Meow!!!

I'm free to a good home! Potty trained. :lol: :lol:
The only thing worse than next weeks preview was the pepper spray that was sprayed into my eyes by a fellow officer while trying to take a guy down! I actually threw something at the TV!

WAY too little Nicky, and the first thing I noticed was the credits...suddenly Sophia is in, yet she wasn't! Also, I thought they changed the credits every season? Maybe they are waiting for JF to leave before they put new pictures in?

Overall the epi seemed disjointed, and yes, I too kept commenting about the jackets everyone was wearing as they were saying how hot it was!

Edited to add: Sparky I would soooo love to cover GE's back! :devil:
Ahh, but cover his back with what, McStokes, that's what we want to know -- suggestions: sunscreen (anyone else old enough to remember when the sexy thing was suntan oil??), massage lotion, umm, I better stop before I say something that will bring down the wrath of Destiny.

I didn't watch the preview for next week -- based on everyone's reaction, I am really glad that I didn't.
Ah yes OnlyTruth I do remember suntan oil. I didn't use it because I don't like sitting out in the sun. I had other thoughts of what McStokes might cover Nick's back in but I think you got the safe ones covered :) I wished I hadn't seen the clip for next week but they can only make up for it with lots and lots of Nick :)

McStokes doesn't your fellow officer know that pepper spray is suppose to be used on the bad guys or did he not like you liking Nick :)
Well ladies, I'm on call this weekend which unfortunately means no big plans, cause they will almost certainly be interrupted by a crisis.
So I decided to have a GEORGE EADS-ATHON!
Went to my local video store and rented every DVD they have with our George in it. I only came away with three -Second String, Monte Walsh, and Evel Knievel (which I've seen but am not opposed to repeating).
I am thoroughly excited, especially about Monte Walsh because the Shorty screencaps I've seen are awfully nice.
bookgirl enjoy your movies. I've not seen Second String but I've seen the other 2. If you get the chance watch Evel with the commentary. Very informative :) Oh I hope your job, whatever it is, realizes the importance of your George Eads-Athon and doesn't call you in.
I liked Second String. I haven't seen the other 2. I would like to, but I can't rent them, they don't have them. :eek:
i`m getting excited about tonight, i hope the preview are true to the episode. there`s a lot of NIck in the preview, i hope they make up for the lack of our man last week!!!!
OK ladies I have a question to be answered for Friday. What happened at the end of the show. The lovely Canadian TV ethics were at it tonight and cut off the last 1-2 of the show :mad: The show cut out as Grissom and Catherine were discussing the legality of going to the media with the findings. What was the out come of this discussion?
hmmmm... mine didnt cut out :confused: anyhoos, grissom tells catherine she cant go to the media, and she says 'maybe as a mother i dont care' or something like that. i think that was the end.

and how great was it to get more of nick and warrick together? woot! theyve really been neglecting that friendship, mostly because warrick got like 10 seconds of screen time all last season, and i hope it continues.

and i would also like to mention, could nicks jeans have been any tighter last night?? yum! :devil: :lol:
allmaple channel 11 may have been ahead of itself because it cut in with the start of Viva Laughlin. I think next week I tape CTV at 8pm and CBS at 9pm. I don't want to miss any more :mad: Anyways thanks for the info about the show :)

Yes those jeans were very well fitting last night and through the other 3 episodes as well :) The open Nick shirt he had on was very nice even though it was done up one button too many. Come on GE just one more for us :D

It was good to see Warrick get a bit more screen time and to be working with Nick again. I enjoyed the lunch room scene. We don't see that any more. I thought there was too much Greg going on about the back ground of Vegas. What was the purpose of that? Just so he could wear the hat :confused:
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