George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #42

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Oh boy!! Saturday Night Nick! :D Thank you, Jacquie! :) I could have used him last night when I woke up at 1 AM to the tornado sirens going off, but I'm sure he'll come in just as handy tonight. :devil:

I think it's funny how we are having laughs at poor, scared Nicky's expense. :lol: But to be fair, that was a pretty big bunny. :lol:

So after a fun, thinking theme, I think I'll go easy on you and ask for some good hair pics, which to me means no Season 6 long hair and no buzz. ;) No hat either. Uh oh...did this just become a thinking theme? :lol:

Picky, Picky :D no buzz :( no season 6 mop :) no hat :eek: boy talk about picky :lol:

my first set of no buzz, no season 6 mop, no hat pics :D

She obviously doesn't want me to post my favorites! :p

you mean the season 5, 9 and 11 buzz :drool: The start of season 7 was just too short.
You know me. :lol: :D

second set of 'hair':
Dustin called it a 'short crew cut'
classic with scruff
somewhere I read this was called an 'Ivy League'
for only 4 episodes in season 1
classic with side burns

And, Smokey, I'll have you know that I almost put an Evel pic in here - because you didn't say we couldn't! :evil:

Hi guys! Happy Easter! I'm sorry but it's going to be a few more hours. Nick and I are about to sit down to Easter dinner at my brother's, but I'll be home soon and will post the winner. In the meantime, keep 'em coming if you have more sets to post. :)


Okay, Nick's got a plane to catch, so here we go! :loL:

Runners up:

Ladybronco - a little "tuft" on top! :lol:
Princess - Yow! :drool: Action hero!
Jacquie - know I'm a sucker for Season 3! :adore:
Raynn - Mmmm...just right all over! And so dark! :)

And that leaves today's winner as Blackflag! You posted a couple of classics that earned the win, including this one. Love how it always sweeps to the side up front. :adore: Nick's on his way, so get ready!
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Thanks Smokey. Nicky made it here in good time. He can help us string the 20 foot long metal bar through the arches in the blueberry enclosure once the kids get here. :lol: I'm going to need help that will listen to what I'm telling them to do! :thumbsup:

On to the next theme...

I want up to 12 of Nicky crouching or Nicky kneeling. Winner in 24 hours. Happy hunting. :)

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