George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #32

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I seriously like the ID theme. The little thing ends up being in so many pictures and half the time I'm like "I never saw you there, little guy!"
Plus you know the standard display location just adds to the appeal :p (Don't know what I'm talking about? pay close attention...)

Runners up:
Blackflag Well at least something good came out of Thursday's episode. I like this cap.
Speedy Thanks for playing Speedy. I hate it when I have to yell at you :D
Smokey Hodges if Nick is talking you really should be taking notes
Yoshi The ID practically glows!
Jacquie I just like the look on his face
Stokes4Me New pic to me! I like Jazz hand action he's got going on

And the winner is
Princess! Yes Nicky we see the ID you don't have to point to it. But if you want to continue to model excellent ID placement for the other CSI's I won't complain :adore:
Well, look what the cat dragged in

He was a little wet as it's been raining on and off all day here but I took care of that.

So anyway, you ladies need a theme.....this one may be a little different but here goes Nick has been wearing jackets a lot lately so how about 12 different types of outerwear. The puffy CSI vest is acceptable. 24 hours or so. Happy hunting ladies.
Lurvely pic there :drool: Princess, congrats! I have to sit this one out unfortunately as I will be out most of the day enjoying the sorching weather we're having at the moment - yes Nicky, good call, sunnies are needed today:) - also I have a commitment to attend to in another thread :D.

Leaving some chocolate for you all to enjoy though!:drool:
Bookgirl, the minute I saw that cap I knew I wanted it. I thought it would be good for one of our artistic themes. :lol: Never noticed the ID until after I had it and it ended up a last minute replacement.

Don't know if I have the patience for 12 different jackets but here's 6 different jackets. :)

First set of theme pics:
six :adore:

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Princess you weren't the only one with rain yesterday. It throw it down here at times. We actually broke a 1950 record for rain the day

We even had a few rumbles of thunder yesterday. And it's March!

I just wanted to say that non Nick outerwear is welcomed too. So if you have Evel, Shorty, Adam or any other role of George's and there's a jacket of some kind, post it.
Princess you weren't the only one with rain yesterday. It throw it down here at times. We actually broke a 1950 record for rain the day

We even had a few rumbles of thunder yesterday. And it's March!

We had both rain and thunder yesterday. I joked with my mom that it was like the middle of July with the thunder and heavy rain and then all of a sudden it stopped. :wtf:

Second set of theme pics:
furry collar jacket
a different Forensics jacket
quilted jacket
the puffy vest
I believe it's a denim jacket
leather jacket

Princess I hate to burst you bubble here but it's April
Thank you Jacquie. I guess I forgot what month it is......Nick should have reminded me....I need to go find him.

And please set him straight on the fact that he's suppose to remind us of the little details in life. This not knowing what month we're in is not good. I think I have a suitable punishment in mind when I see him next but I'll leave it up to your imagination as to what the punishment will be :devil:

one of the few shots for Nick from Thursday's mess
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