Full Feature Movie of CSI

CSI Full Feature Film?

  • Yeah! That'll be great!

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Nah! That'll be terrible!

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • Don't know! We'll see!

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Do you miss Warrick Brown hanging around in the crime lab of Vegas? Someone like seeing Tim Speelde again in CSI Miami? Too bad that Aiden Burn died that early in the streets of New York?

Still missing Grissom? Has Megan Donner left Miami too soon? What did Jane Parsons do in New York?

Do you like to see to an extra, extra long episode of CSI on a big, big widescreen?
It would be nice but very tricky to pull off. You would have to scale down to one single crime, otherwise the plot will get too twisted. Maybe you could do the bit where two crimes turn into one. Second, you would need film writers, not TV writers. Film writers are much more talented at quickly developing back stories for their films, where as TV writers tend to do it over many episodes. Finally, there would have to be a lot of dialogue, not just 5-minute shots of Brown testing some DNA. I wouldn't mind that, but it would probably turn off a lot of potential viewers.

And as for getting Billy Petersen back on a CSI set...[cue Price Is Right fail]
I think the ship has sailed. They could have made billions of dollars back when CSI was averaging 25 million + viewers.
I'm not sure how it would work now but I'd still go and see it. IMO, Grave Danger would have been a good one to try on the Big Screen.
i wouldn't mind seeing CSI on the big screen. but one problem is the movie would have to appeal to more of a wider audience than just the tv show fanbase. another problem would be coming up with a story that would incorporate all the characters but at the same time not alienate those in the audience who have never seen the show. whoever would write the movie would have to do a lot of explaining of the characters which would be a lot of info fans of the show would know and it would be boring to them.

i can only see the original CSI being a movie than Miami or NY. NY would be awesome to see but i can't imagine seeing the cast on the big screen and so many movies are based in NYC. Miami is already like watching a mini movie every week and i'm sure it would be ridiculous with a large budget to where it would be laughable rather than good.
I'd like a movie version of all 3, and bringing back Stella, Megan, Grissom, Riley, Wendy, Yelina, Tara, Alexx, Sofia, etc. makes sense, but not the dead characters, that would be ridiculous, unless they did it like Homicide: Life on the Street, with a main character dying and meeting the dead characters in "Policemen heaven"
Look, I know that no one has posted here for a long time, but I would still like to give my opinion. CSI makes for an amazing television series, no doubt! But to have a one shot at a movie would feel really off kilter, you know? We are enjoying each series "as is" (Even if they are not as popular as they once were) without any movie to add to them. How's the song go? "You're amazing, just the way you are!" However, what it would take to make a GOOD CSI movie is most interesting to think about.
I think logistically it would be impossible. Three different cities, with major characters who left and/or died. The most popular ones being Las Vegas: Warrick Brown; Miami: Tim Speedle; and New York: Aiden Burn. The folks that are still alive might not want to come back to do a movie, considering they didn't get much screentime on the show. I don't know--there's probably not enough popularity for the CSIs anymore for a major movie studio to spend millions of dollars for a big-screen version. Movie studios want their flicks to make money. If they don't believe a CSI movie has enough "buzz", they won't even bother greenlighting it to get made.
Well... putting aside all the other factors, I'd say the only CSI movie I would enjoy watching (not just for the kicks of it or fav actors) should be the ultimate crossover verse.
It would be awesome to see all my fav charries grouping up together to solve one crime.

However it may still remain as a figment of my imagination. I believe in this age and stage of industry this ship has sailed long ago.
Maybe 5 years back it would've been more doable/realistic than now.