From Tragedy To Love

Kaunis Mies

Pairing : Speedle/Nicole ( Ryan & Nicole at some point )
Others in fic : The Miami Team
Rating : PG-13 with some anger and swearing
Summary : Tim Speedle had been keeping his relationship with Nicole a secret and nobody at the lab knew about the relationship and would Speedle confess before it's too late? Someone will die but who?

Chapter One

Tim Speedle was spending his weekend off with his girlfriend Nicole who had been dating Tim for just over three years and Tim loved Nicole deeply and their relationship was solid and so was the love between them and then Nicole asks Tim " Do your work mates know about us yet?" and Tim explains " Uh no not yet and i want this to be kept secret for as long as we can and dont be mad", Nicole tells Tim " I'm not mad at you and i actually enjoy the thrill of our secret life together" and Tim gives Nicole a hug and tells Nicole " I love you so much, you know that" and Nicole tells Tim " I know and i love you too"..

Nicole and Tim didnt have any kids but had talked about it and a month later, Tim decided to tell the team about his relationship and Tim was in the breakroom when Alexx walked in and noticed the red mark on Tim's neck and the others appeared when Alexx asks " What's with the red mark on your neck?" and Tim tells them " It's a hickey from my girlfriend Nicole", Eric asks " How come we never knew about Nicole?" and Tim sniggers then responds " I never told you about Nicole as it was a secret between us and i love Nicole so much and we've been together just over three years"..

Alexx and the others were in shock about Tim's secret relationship and after shift was over, Tim left to head home and once Tim arrived home and Nicole asked " Have you told the team yet?" and Tim admits " Yeah i did and their reaction was complete shock about us", then Nicole sighs and tells Tim " Least they know about us now and bet it was the hickey that gave it away tho" and Tim nods to which Nicole laughs and Tim laughs as well..

Tim and Nicole head up to their bedroom to get ready for bed and Tim asks Nicole " Are we gonna try for a baby of our own?" and Nicole tells Tim " Yeah and i would love a baby with you" and then Tim pulls Nicole in close to him and Tim gives Nicole a soul-searing kiss and things get steamy between Nicole and Tim under the covers and afterwards, Nicole is resting on Tim's chest and Tim admits " I fucking enjoyed that and i love you sweetheart" and Nicole tells Tim " I enjoyed it to and you are fucking amazing plus i love you too", then Nicole closes her eyes and falls asleep on Tim's chest and Tim noticed that Nicole was asleep and Tim softly placed a loving kiss on Nicole's head and drifted off to sleep..

They dont know me after all.....
Chapter Two

Tim and Nicole knew that despite everything between them it was strong but both knew that their families hated each other and it left both Tim and Nicole to leave New York for Miami to have a fresh start away from their families who disagreed over Nicole and Tim's relationship to a huge extent that they left New York behind, Tim knew that they were doing the right thing in being together and found an apartment which Nicole instantly loved and Tim knew that deep in his heart that Nicole was the only girl for him..

( 12wks later )

Tim was at work when Nicole discovered that she was pregnant with Tim's baby and decided to get her doctor to confirm it first and once Nicole had that sorted and headed to the MDPD to tell Tim and so Nicole found Tim who was surprised to see Nicole in the lab and Tim asks " Is uh everything ok?" and Nicole tells Tim " I'm pregnant and my doctor confirmed it and i wanted to tell you face to face" and Tim wraps both arms around Nicole when the others saw the moment between Tim and Nicole who were embracing each other happily and Tim looks around and sees the team who wonder why Nicole's in the lab and Tim decides not to tell the team about Nicole's pregnancy as Tim wanted it to be kept private and Nicole knew that Tim wanted to keep it secret and agreed to keep it between them for as long as they could..

Nicole went back home after telling Tim about their unborn child and a few hours later, Tim returned home to find Nicole in the kitchen and Tim walks over to Nicole and slides his arms around Nicole's growing bump and Nicole leans back into Tim's warm embrace and Tim tells Nicole " I love you princess " then Nicole tells Tim " I love you too sweetheart " and both Nicole and Tim decided to have an early night and headed up to their bedroom and once in bed, Nicole cuddles up to Tim who asks " What about names for our baby?" and Nicole tells Tim " i actually the name Claire for a girl " and Tim admits " I love that and maybe it could be Claire Rebecca Speedle", to which Nicole tells Tim " Yeah it's perfect and i'm deffo giving our baby your surname" and Tim smiles knowing that for now their baby would be known as baby Speedle until the due date which was six months away..

( Next Morning )

Tim had the day off and spent it with Nicole who was happy to spend the day with Tim and they could enjoy alone time without anyone annoying them at their apartment and for Tim, he knew how lucky he was to be this happy with Nicole who Tim loved deeply and knew that Nicole loved him too and Tim handed Nicole a gift and Nicole opened it to find a silver necklace with a locket and engraved on the back was " All my love, Tim xx" and Nicole asks Tim " Will you put it on?" and Tim agrees to put the necklace on and once Tim put the necklace on, he softly kissed Nicole and tells Nicole " I'll always love you for the rest of my life", then Nicole tells Tim " So will i and you mean the world to me and you always will"..

Things are about to get quite sad and someone fights for their life but will it be in vain??
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Yeah things seems to be peaceful for now...
Happiness around...
Lovely, peaceful and happy chapter.
He he like the weather before storm
Chapter Three

( A Month Later )

Tim and Eric were called out to a crime scene in the Everglades but what they didnt know was that it wasnt gonna be a good day and the perp was still on the scene and was hiding out of sight while Tim and Eric were working the scene of a decomp and Eric looked around just in time to see a bullet coming straight at them and the bullet struck Tim in the back and Tim yelled out in pain and Eric called for the paramedics to come asap and Eric put pressure on the wound on Tim's back and Eric hoped that Tim would pull through but the paramedics arrived and strapped a wounded Tim inside and sped off to Grace Memorial Hospital and Eric called Horatio to inform him that Tim had been shot and was en route to hospital..

( Hospital )

Tim had arrived into the hospital and was taken straight into surgery to try and save Tim's life and Nicole was already there as she was getting a check up when Horatio walked over to Nicole and tells her " Tim's been shot in the back and they are gonna try and save his life" and Nicole tells Horatio " I cant lose Tim not now and he has gotta stay alive for the both of us" and Horatio smiles unaware that Nicole was actually pregnant and was able to hide the bump from Horatio who had by now saw the others arriving in including Alexx who went straight to Nicole and asked " How are you feeling?" and Nicole tells Alexx " I'm ok and i hope Tim will be as well cause i need him so much"..

A few long hours later Tim was out of surgery and taken to a private room and Nicole entered Tim's room and walked over to Tim and rubs his cheek softly and whispers " You gotta pull through for the sake of our baby " and Tim opens his eyes to see Nicole and tells her " If it's a boy call him Lucas Speedle" and Nicole tells Tim " Of course " and Alexx overhears Tim saying about the name Lucas and asks Horatio " Is Tim keeping something from us?" and Horatio tells Alexx " i dont know "..

Nicole tells Tim " I love you so much and you mean the world to me" and Tim then tells Nicole " I'm really lucky to have you in my life and baby Speedle" and Horatio enters Tim's room and finds Nicole snuggled into Tim who was awake and Horatio asks " Are you keeping something from the team?" and Tim tells his boss " No of course not why?" then Horatio tells Tim " It was something that Alexx heard earlier"..

Tim tells Horatio " It's between me and Nicole" then Horatio nods and leaves the room when Nicole asks " Horatio wanted to know about baby Speedle didnt he?" and Tim replies " Yeah but i still want it kept secret between us princess" and Nicole nods then rests her hand on Tim's stomach who kept Nicole close to him until an hour later alarms were going off and Nicole was taken out of the room and the nurses tried to keep Tim alive...

Will Tim survive to be a father or has Nicole lost the only person she loves forever??
Uhti! Scheiße! Sicher... *Gibbs-head-slap*
Whoops forgot what language I'm using :lol:
Lol I expected smth but not exactly this. Good.
I think he'll pull through eventually. Unless some **beep** change the mind and gets bored :borg: hmm... *scratching head*