Flack #10: Don Flack Bleeds Blue

i thought Eddie looked so handsome in Friday's ep. i actually really like his hair. not sure if a lot of people would know who Gary Cooper is but Eddie looks a hell of a lot like Gary Cooper when he was younger it's scary.

Friday's ep was good with the focus a bit on Flack. Eddie is so good with anything he is given i always enjoy when he gets some love from the writers.
Not sure if a lot of people would know who Gary Cooper is but Eddie looks a hell of a lot like Gary Cooper when he was younger it's scary.
Now that you mention it, I can see it. They're both tall and lean with long thin faces. With Eddie's hair brushed back like it is now (especially in the flashback scenes) he does look a little like Cooper.
Man Flack is like superman. He can catch any criminal. Jumps off three stories up to catch the guy. What can't this guy do? I like how human he was later in the episode though letting the guy see his son.
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Guess what folks.Turns out Eddie Cahill is not on Twitter either.I apologize 4 suggesting the follow.Whoever it is picked up over 4000.
less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
I am REALLY glad it turned out to be not the real Eddie Cahill. This person's tweets seemed way off and were very unusual for a private guy like Eddie. He doesn't need that crazy Twitterverse and is better off without it.

Yeah, pretty pathetic of those who feel the urge to pretend to be a celebrity on Twitter.