Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread #4.0

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Yay for the new thread! Let's celebrate!
You can find the previous Eye Candy threads here: Part 1.0, Part 2.0, Part 3.0

Eye Candy-an expression used to describe something that is most remarkable by its visual appeal.

Destiny said:

This thread is dedicated to Catherine/Marg Pictures and Picture discussions, of a beautiful and beloved actress/character.

Please remember the rules of picture threads.
**Pictures Max Size 400 x 400.
**If they are bigger use the "URL" Code.
Pictures per post:
1 Large pic 400x400,or
2 Medium pics 130x130, or
3 Small pics 115x115.
URL Links: try not to do over 6 in one post please and when you do them (if your using the UBB Code box) paste in the addy you have then, when it asks for a name PLEASE do not paste the address in again.
But rather give it a name like "Cutie Pie". The reason we suggest that is because the addresses are sometimes so long it stretches the screen.
please keep "wallpapers and manipulated Pictures" in the "Art Forum" and just link your thread for viewing.
Please remember that "Hotlinking" is not allowed at any point, and will be edited, hotlinking is: when you link a picture to be viewed from a site that you do not own or operate. If you wish to have a picture viewed that belong to another site use the URL Link.
Regarding the naming of body parts, it was asked in Part 01, Page 18, Post 36 & 38, that it not be done, again we appreciate your cooporation when it comes to this.
Adding in this reminder, there is the "Adult content" rule please don't violate it.
Otherwise have fun. ;)

Make yourselves comfy..
the drinks are on us.. Absolut Cristal Bacardi Jose Cuervo? Yeah we have that! For the young ones we have Kool Aid in different colors.
Then of course don't forget to READ the RULES (it is quoted up there), post, squeal and ogle over the pics. Remember though to bring your own HUGE DROOL bucket because it will be needed in this thread.

So shall we start? Post-ahoy! :D
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

*smooch*smooch* :) Thanks for that coolcatz!

I better leave something for the thread too.. this is one of my personal favorites:

Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Yay new eye candy! :lol:

Sorry, I'm at work and have no way to post pics right now. But *dances* yay we made it to thread #4. Go Marg fans. :D
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

whoa i like skip a day and all of a sudden theres another eye candy thread!!

teh purple dress

i couldnt find my fave pic of her with those pants with the hole thingy in the butt lol

yay for thread number 4!
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

oh yay! gotta have teh purple dress. can't have eye candy without it
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Yay, a new thread :)

Great pics everyone.

Here's one of my favourites, The Jessica Rabbit dress:
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Congrads on the new thread. :)
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

Woooohoooo for the new thread! Congratz to Marg and us :p
Great pics everyone :) *steals the celebrate cake* *eats it* *burps :D*
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

BTW, the amount of the posts didn't reach 1000 in the previous thread. How come we have a new? :)
Re: Eye Candy: Catherine/Marg Picture Thread 4

we have new because marg is just too good to leave at thread 3.

jessica rabbit dress?
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