Everyone's age?

I will be turning 21 on June 24th, which is almost 6 months away. I'll finally be legal in America so watch out :devil:.
MissRoosFox said:
I'm fifteen too :) Teehee, sienna, I'm older than you are! My b-day is 11th of March, 1991.

I act like a 8-year-old though.

damn .. *stamps* :p hehe i act like that too ^^
WillowsWannaBe said:
^It's because you're more mature. Plus I'm crazier :p 6 weeks??? *thinks about a cool present*

Heh, I really am, aren't I? :p Oh, you already know what's on my wish list :D And I'm not referring to Marg here ;)
hiyo, everyone.
I'm sixteen, born May 15th 1990 and not at all surprised at the range of ages on CSIfiles. It think it's really cool that we have this to bring us all together!
MissRoosFox said:
I'm fifteen too :) Teehee, sienna, I'm older than you are! My b-day is 11th of March, 1991.

I act like a 8-year-old though.

oooh Roos ..you are 15?like me!.. :lol:I had the impression that you were older!.. :panyways..
^I like to think so.

It is really difficult to tell how old people are here, I'm often surprised when I find out. It just goes to show that you never can tell.

I'm 26 years young.
Elsie said:
It is really difficult to tell how old people are here, I'm often surprised when I find out. It just goes to show that you never can tell.
ITA. Just met one person I thought of beeing 16-18 but he was.. 28.. He acted like a kid :lol: