Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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^^ Well maybe he forgot an important part in the script :lol:

Nah, my guess is that instead of having the investigation be obvious to the average viewer, they'll use the 'surprise' approach & just spring it on us later with Eric already "watching" the team.

Having said that, Natalia is looking like the victim here so I can't imagine that she'll be in any trouble, unless she winds up with PTS & it starts effecting her work.
^^ Still would like to see the hearing loss accompany this. :)
Geesh, I feel like the writers just woke up from a 3-year sleep & decided to pick up Natalia where they left off mid-season 5!

Maybe they finally see some light and decided to write something for Natalia and they realised they left Natalia 3 years ago in some abyss. It was sudden after so long that they brought this abuse issue up again, though it is a nice continunity. :D

As for how it will play out, I can't forsee but I am leaning towards her trying to help an abuse victim or maybe even Anna again? Who knows, let me think. :p

To me, this investigation seems to be geared towards Jesse as Rebecca (I like to see her back too) seems to be targetting him. They will probably use Natalia's hearing issue to further question the ability of the team or somewhere along the line.
So I'm just a tad late, but... Congratulations on the new thread, everyone!

Eva at Disney World with Kaya March 1 -- picture in the link

http://www.life.com/image/97206537 :)
What a great picture! It looks like they had fun! I'm glad Eva and Kaya came to visit us and I hope that we made their visit a magical one!

Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to catch last night's episode yet, but it sounds like I'll definitely have to - Natalia with more than one scene? I'm so there!
I was glad to see Natalia relate to the characters, and the injury is going in the direction I thought it would (having to do with Nick and her past)... I still felt like something was missing though... She had barely any interaction (though no one did) with her team members...

The characters are so independent of one another... I never feel a real sense of care/compassion... other than for 2 seconds before it moves back to the case, or to the next episode where all that was felt/seen prior is lost.

I miss Delko caring for Natalia and having her back (in regards to nick in season 5)... I don't care about them being in a relationship or not and don't mind him being with Calliegh... I just mean that it was nice to see a sincere life-like friendship, with the emotions that felt real, between to team mates, that lasted for more than 1-2 episodes, and went beyond the "i care about you because you could jeopardize the case".
I still felt like something was missing though... She had barely any interaction (though no one did) with her team members...
This episode was a different one though -- focus was aimed at H/Eric and LA. I liked the epi but it really did feel like the team was thrown all over the place & very disjointed. Personally I just got the impression Nat's role in this one was to further hint at her situation - the episode nor the case had anything to do with her personally, so I didn't feel anything was really missing in her scenes.

I miss Delko caring for Natalia and having her back (in regards to nick in season 5)...

I just mean that it was nice to see a sincere life-like friendship, with the emotions that felt real, between to team mates, that lasted for more than 1-2 episodes.

I agree. I wish we could still see that with the whole team, not just Natalia and Eric. It used to be very evident, imo, that the team had established relationships among each other, & it's a shame we no longer see it with any of them anymore (I'm referring to what also used to be a nice relationship between Calleigh and Ryan, and Calleigh and H.) That vibe has been missing from this show since the end of season 5 :rolleyes:

Anyway, back to Natalia. :p
I hope whatever happens she won't have to go at it alone. I don't care who it is (as long as it isn't Calleigh 'cause I honestly wouldn't buy it) -- wait, actually at this point I'd want it to be all of them! After years of her having to work her butt off in proving that she could be trusted, I think she totally deserves support from the whole team. She's been there for each & every one of them on several occasions -- it would be awesome to see the tables turned. ;)
^^^ I'd actually like to see it be Calleigh... but they'd have to build it up a little for it to work properly... I think Nat and Calleigh are due some girl time. We see the guys bonding (esp. now with Walter & Jesse), what about the girls?? They've been working together for 5 years now, and we rarely even see them interacting... why not give them a friendship that goes beyond the lab?
I don't see anything missing in Natalia's scenes. In fact I loved it so much -- she was there for the victim almost throughout. :p I think you meant, she could have more scenes other than the ones we had? Well of course it is good to have more but I'm satisfied, at least her presence was being felt unlike most of the other episodes where she seemed more excluded.

Natalia is also way more sincere and trustworthy than some people give her credit for because of her 'mole' past. I don't want her to go through it alone too, I will be very sad. :(

One more thing, I really hope to see Natalia being in the rest of the episodes this season (and forever) and not disappear anymore. I am still worried over this.
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^^^ I'd actually like to see it be Calleigh... but they'd have to build it up a little for it to work properly... I think Nat and Calleigh are due some girl time. We see the guys bonding (esp. now with Walter & Jesse), what about the girls?? They've been working together for 5 years now, and we rarely even see them interacting... why not give them a friendship that goes beyond the lab?

I respect what you are saying, but I have absolutely NO interest whatsoever in seeing Natalia and Calleigh work together. With where each character is right now I can't even see them as good partners, let alone good friends.

Natalia is a warm, caring and compassion human being. She cares not only for the victims, but for each and every team member - consistently - not just when it's convenient. Even those who haven't always been there for her. There is not one time she hasn't been there for them. I seem to recall her begging Calleigh and Eric to talk to her as she was being arrested on suspicion of killing Nick. Neither one of them stepped forward. Niiice! :scream: - Ryan, OTOH, while initially he was hostile when he found out she was the "mole" (a pretty sad definition of a mole it turned out), he learned just what kind of human being Natalia was when HE was in trouble and Eric and Calleigh turned their backs. Natalia hung in their with him, supported him and helped him.

Calleigh has become a cold, detached and selfish person, IMO. I know that a lot of people cover for her by saying it's because she feels so deeply and has been hurt so many times, but I ain't buyin' it! Calleigh ain't got nothin' on Natalia in the hurt department and Natalia didn't turn cold and harsh. Calleigh's attempts at looking caring have looked forced and fake to me for a long time now.

The Calleigh of season 1 - 3 would have been awesome as a partner and friend for Natalia. It would have been a hoot to watch them. Not now. Not this Calleigh. Natalia doesn't deserve to be saddled with what Calleigh has evolved into. Natalia deserves light in her life and that's not Calleigh.

Bring a new female character on as a friend for Natalia. Someone reminiscent of the way Calleigh used to be. If the rumors pan out (and I have my fingers crossed that they are true) that Procter is tired of the show and will be leaving at the end of this season, replace her with a bright, cheerful, competent female that would be a positive addition to not only Natalia's life as a friend and female co-worker, but the team as a whole.

THAT I would cheer about! :thumbsup:

I don't see anything missing in Natalia's scenes. In fact I loved it so much -- she was there for the victim almost throughout. :p I think you meant, she could have more scenes other than the ones we had? Well of course it is good to have more but I'm satisfied, at least her presence was being felt unlike most of the other episodes where she seemed more excluded.

I agree, Michya. I didn't see anything missing either. Natalia was warm and compassionate and totally professional. Everything we've learned to expect from her ... and more!!

I could always use more Natalia. I think she is the most under-used (with the exception of Frank and Rick) character on the show. I think it's time to let the second string have the game for a while. Bring on Natalia, Ryan, Frank and Rick! Let them work with the new guys and maybe CSI Miami wouldn't look so tired and repetitive all the time.

Natalia is also way more sincere and trustworthy than some people give her credit for because of her 'mole' past. I don't want her to go through it alone too, I will be very sad. :(

Honestly, I think it's only her detractors that are holding on to that "mole" crap. She was a pretty pathetic excuse for a mole if you think about it. She didn't give them any negative information on the lab or the team. The issues of trust, which is huge, is the issue that needed to be resolved. She has worked overtime to prove her loyalty to the team. Harder than anyone else on that team. She's earned the right to have everyone move past it already.

IOne more thing, I really hope to see Natalia being in the rest of the episodes this season (and forever) and not disappear anymore. I am still worried over this.

I think we're all a little nervous about our favorite characters with the return of AR. While he's saying he hopes no one gets fired because of his return, people need to recognize that he has no control over who stays and who goes. It's not his call. It is entirely possible that to compensate for the money they will be paying AR, CBS plans to get rid of another actor on the show.

It's truly sad that we have to worry about our favorite actors/characters like this. It's sadder yet that TPTB think it's some kind of game to be used as hype for the show and to jerk the fans around.

They've already started the process with the hype for Jesse's storyline. They know Cibrian is the one fans assume will be fired, so they are using that for all it's worth.
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If Nat were to have some "girl bonding" I'd much rather see it with Valera -- sure it's a bit akward that they were both involved with Nick, & personally I still want to strangle Valera for being so dingy in that decision, but I blame the writers for that. ;) Doesn't seem that there was any damage done there between them, so why not explore some girl time for them? I think they'd make very good friends. In fact, if I had my wish Calleigh would leave & TPTB would bring Valera in as a CSI trainee.... she has history with the team & great chemistry with all of them. Could be a friendship in the making for our Nat.

I've been thinking about what they might be leading up to with Nat's past. Maybe TPTB are going to pull an 'Aiden' scenario with Natalia (only I'd hope Nat wouldn't get fired for it). But like Aiden (on NY) who planted evidence to bust that rapist, maybe Nat would do the same if it involved an abused wife who's husband they couldn't nail -- maybe Natalia would get desperate & tweak things to get him away from his wife? They could play that alongside the whole "who's the betrayer" ordeal.....but of course I'd hope like hell that somehow she wouldn't be fired for it; or maybe they can just make us think that's what she did, but didn't.
I seem to recall her begging Calleigh and Eric to talk to her as she was being arrested on suspicion of killing Nick. Neither one of them stepped forward.
Delynn, that was one scene I never understood and it was rather hard to watch her begging and made to look stupid. I have to watch it again sometime.

I am pretty sure Calleigh will be around next season. As far as my ears can hear and eyes can read, AR seemed pretty confident about his romance and that it won't stop any time soon.

MJ, Valera has deserted Natalia, leaving Natalia to do all the DNA work. :lol: The writers are def to blame for putting Valera with Nick -- just for the thrill of having both her and Natalia locked up. If the ME had been a female, she could be a potential female buddy to Natalia too. We can also get to see Natalia stepping in the morgue for once. Well...just another idea. ;)

Maybe TPTB are going to pull an 'Aiden' scenario with Natalia (only I'd hope Nat wouldn't get fired for it). But like Aiden (on NY) who planted evidence to bust that rapist, maybe Nat would do the same if it involved an abused wife who's husband they couldn't nail -- maybe Natalia would get desperate & tweak things to get him away from his wife? They could play that alongside the whole "who's the betrayer" ordeal.....but of course I'd hope like hell that somehow she wouldn't be fired for it; or maybe they can just make us think that's what she did, but didn't.
I can't see Natalia planting evidence, if so a 'doom' cloud will hover above her head and as a CSI she should know the evidence will never hold in court and the rapist will still get away. Or it becomes very personal for her -- like Elle in 'Criminal Minds' where she let the rapist slipped out from her hands and was taunted by him as well, so she shot him. :eek: Though I don't see this happening, too much drama. :lol:

Lets see what 'creative' idea tptb has in place. :shifty: For now we can carry on speculating. :p
I seem to recall her begging Calleigh and Eric to talk to her as she was being arrested on suspicion of killing Nick. Neither one of them stepped forward.
Delynn, that was one scene I never understood and it was rather hard to watch her begging and made to look stupid. I have to watch it again sometime.

At the time of that scene, I didn't see it as neither one being jerks about it. Some seem to think it meant that neither trusted Nat - I didn't see it that way. They both knew Nat had motive to kill Nick, & they both knew what he had done to her in the past -- to thier knowledge and ours,anything could have happened. I saw thier 'silence' as them just being uncertain.
I won't stick up for Calleigh much in the situation (she blabbed to Jake that Nat commented on wanting to kill him...seriously why would you tell someone that when the person's being charged with murder:rolleyes:), but I will somewhat for Eric -- I think initially he was concerned as soon as news came out that Nick was dead (the elevator scene said alot). He went to the crime scene & told Horatio "I want this case" -- I had the impression he already knew Natalia may have been involved & was worried that she was.
What happened after the evidence was found, that she'd been in his bed & there the night before....well I happen to think that may have geared him into that "uncertainty". It was a total 'WTF' moment for me, as I'm sure it was for them as well.
I love Natalia, but I won't deny that she's made mistakes, and in that case she'd made mistakes that put herself in the situation, by sleeping with Nick and also neglecting to first report Valera "attacking" him.
If this happened NOW (or even a year or so ago), then I wouldn't tolerate the treatment/silence she received -- I'd be hellbent mad if neither stepped up to the plate to support her, but at the time, & given the circumstances (the evidence, & her past as the mole still lingering) it was somewhat understandable.
Sure, I think they should have stepped up to at least hear her side of the story first, but apparently that was H's job to clear her name, as it always is :p

Anyway, I'd be more curious to see reactions in the 'here & now'. That's when I'll further judge.
If TPTB put Natalia in the position of looking "suspicious" I'm wondering what everyone on the team will think....if they'll give her the benefit of the doubt, or look back to her 'mole' past. For the most part it seems to be water under the bridge, but I would love to see an event actually prove it this time around. If 'trust' & 'betrayal' sneaks it's ugly head in again for Nat, then I want to see something similar to what Horatio told her in 'Miami Confidential' when he said "it's time to forgive yourself" -- only this time he tells everyone else, "it's time to forgive her". :rolleyes:
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I get what you meant and I don't blame anyone, though it still stings to see her beg and defend herself for most part with others doubting her but lucky we have Horatio. ;) Btw, it was a 'wtf' moment for me when Cal told Jake about Nat's comment on killing Nick.

I also noticed Natalia tends to withhold information to protect others around her. This tendancy of hers has landed her in trouble a few times. I wonder if they will use this here again.
I also noticed Natalia tends to withhold information to protect others around her. This tendancy of hers has landed her in trouble a few times. I wonder if they will use this here again
I wonder the same. ;)

According to Eva's IMDB page (which keep in mind is not always accurate), there will be a new film soon. She'll play Dr. Lopez in 'Grace in Sara' (post-production at the moment). Below is the movie's (short film actually) IMDB page.

I'm keeping my eyes open for more info. :thumbsup:
I didn't see her necessarily as 'begging' Delko and Calleigh, I saw it more as like "I'm being arrested and you guys who I've been working with for 1.5 years are just standing there, do something to help me!" .. but whatever it's water under the bridge.. if I've learned anything from watching CSI miami, is not to over analyze anything b/c TPTB aren't that deep :lol:
I have seen others really anaylsing everything to the tiniest detail (not for Natalia but some other show), it is crazy and you cannot believe how hard they actually do it. Ours is nothing compared to theirs. :lol:

Btw saw a few pics of Eva at a pre-Oscar party but I don't think she was at the Oscars, can't find any pics.

Can't wait to see Natalia (hopefully) appearing in Getting Axed!!! Please, please and also hope they give us a little tiny bit of continuity of her storyline -- slowly unfolding a piece of mystery. :p
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