Eric and Calleigh #33: Will You Stay With Me?

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Ok, so everyone else has been posting their scenario's so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

If you've ever seen the movie Sixteen Candles with Molly Ringwald you'll totally get what I'm talking about. remember the end of the movie when she's left alone at the church after her sisters wedding? Take that and apply here....
Eric walks out of the detention center after being released and looks around at first he doesn't see anyone....then across the street standing next to the hummer (or her pick) is Calleigh. He sees her grins and start forward. She waits for him to cross the street and right there is where we have the conversation. She says something along the lines as thank goodness this all worked itself out and that she was considering marrying him to keep him in the country. He replies that maybe he met someone on the inside...they laugh...he mentions talking about her idea later....cue the music ...sweep the camera's....annnnndddd...kiss.

BTW been a hiphugger since I first started watching in November. Can't pinpoint what exactly what it was that drew me to them but it was obvious to me from the start.

I like your scene...
especially the kiss next to where she';s waiting for him outside:devil:

I think I always play so many different scenarios in my head for each different episode, I just keep them to myself. Mine are always so focused on what I want:lol:...I already posted one a while ago, but here's another...

Calleigh is waiting outside by the hummer for eric. eric walks outside, looking utterly relieved. he looks around, and eventually spots a blonde next to a hummer. upon seeing it's calleigh, he gets a huge smile on his face, but tries to hide it by ducking his head down and pushing his hands in his pockets. once he reaches calleigh, he faces her, as she leans against the hummer.
Eric says hey with a huge eric smile, and she says hey back.
~I was wondering when youd be out~ calleigh says, looking up at him smiling~if you hadnt come out, i was considering marrying you~she grins

upon hearing the comment, eric grins even bigger, and rocks on his feet
~maybe i already found someone on the inside~ eric jokes. there's a silence, and then calleigh speaks up~horatio told me to bring you home. he figured that after a day in there, you needed some rest.~

eric smiles, and walks around to the other side. on their way to his house...~what was it like in there?~ calleigh asks. ~kind of eerily quiet~ eric said, shuddering at something he rememebered. ~well, im glad your out~calleigh smiles, taking his hand as she drives with her other.

then, they get to his front porch, talk, and finally kiss!:devil: whew. ok. that was supposed to be like 3 sentences long:lol:

I think your idea of him putting his hands in his pocket when he sees talking to Calleigh and looking down is so Eric...That's exactly how it should happen!! There has to be a kiss, no question
Okay, how cute is her smile in that second picture???

And why do I feel like this thread is about to spontaneously combust? hehehe
Have a wonderful vacation delkolover!

Yeah, what's up with the bad fashion sense they throw at our couple sometimes? I like Eric's hair/clothes from S2-4 and Cal's from S2-3/half of S5; I don't think this season has been that hot, but I agree, what's with all the sick ugly shirts they have Eric wear and the constant Goth black for Cal? Come on you folks in wardrobe, give the guy a nice shirt (or no shirt :p) to strut around in and the girl some pretty outfits with some colour! They're both good looking people who should be dressed in the same manner :confused:

Hmm, when did I became an E/C shipper....honestly, I didn't start watching the show until 2 summers ago. I've been a huge fan of CSILV for years before that and please all you Caruso fans, don't hate me but the only reason I never watched Miami was b/c of him & thought the show would be crap in comparison to LV. B/c of that, I've missed out on all the E/C fun! I accidentally caught Lost Son on A&E and was hooked but didn't notice E/C til Pro Per and thought, how cute, he tried to protect her from the suspect and she stood her ground & got nasty on his ass afterwards for it, but made up later; I thought they looked both so cute and hot together!

There are so many fav E/C scenes but the one i'm grooving on now is in Murder in a Flash when they were leaving the school, the looks they gave each other. Loooved how Eric looked in that episode - tho his hair is a bit short - I can't say enough about him. He just looked yummy yet gentle, if that makes sense. Here a few links of that scene, it doesn't exactly capture what I'm saying but it's close enough.

Love how she's so much shorter than him, she fits perfectly under his chin

This dreamy shot of Eric doesn't quite capture like it does on film but I love it still

Once again, Cal has a hard time focusing around Eric, she's probably wondering "I must see how he looks like without the shirt"

These pics are great! they do look close in these pics and Calleigh looking at him in the last picture was definitely picturing him without his shirt. You just made me ready to watch that episode again, which is what I'm going to do when I'm done typing this ;). He did look yummy in that second shot, never really paid attention there, but I'm going to now!! Thanks!
OMG :eek::eek: CBS has put some promo pics of 716.....

The pics are small but I have uploaded two of them to my photobucket for your viewing pleasure ;)

OMG :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :drool: :drool:*dies*

I have no words!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just too much!!!!!! We've got a second hiphugging moment!!!!!! She can't help herself!!!! Ok too many exclamation marks I'm sorry :lol:. Her smile!!!! Gotta go see them again...
OMG :eek::eek: CBS has put some promo pics of 716.....

The pics are small but I have uploaded two of them to my photobucket for your viewing pleasure ;)

OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Holy crap! I love it! You have no idea, you have made my Tuesday so much better by posting these pics. My shipper heart is in overdrive. I love the first pic

he's gotta be going in for a can you not! and the smile in the second one is priceless!

Damnit, now I am gonna have this burned in my brain for the next two weeks!

Delkolover you rock as usual. Drinks all around...pick your poison!
Oh my GOD!!!!!!!! I have almost died of suddenness! Pictures are so fine!

It makes my waiting time of a new episode slightly easier.
I can't believe, that our desires will be carried out and we'll see their physical interaction! Thanks, delkolover!!!!!!!
I took the first pic for my Wallpaper!
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OMG :eek::eek: CBS has put some promo pics of 716.....

The pics are small but I have uploaded two of them to my photobucket for your viewing pleasure ;)


Great pictures, Jackie. Thanks for posting them.

Okay, is it just me or does it look like he's getting ready to kiss her in picture #1. Not only do we get another great hip hugger moment, it looks like they're going to kiss. My impression is that this picture is taken right after Eric is released from the detention center and she is coming to pick him up.
I can't stop looking at them and grinning like an idiot :D:D I so want to know what he is saying to her.

Where can we see the rest of the promo pics? Well if it can be mentioned, of course ;).
OMG :eek::eek: CBS has put some promo pics of 716.....

The pics are small but I have uploaded two of them to my photobucket for your viewing pleasure ;)

Oh my goodness. You are kind of my favorite person right now. Those pictures are amazing. I can't stop smiling. Those definitely make up for the lack of an episode last night. That first picture is my favorite.:)
OMG :eek::eek: CBS has put some promo pics of 716.....

The pics are small but I have uploaded two of them to my photobucket for your viewing pleasure ;)

OMG!!!!! AHHHHH!! I just screamed when I saw the first pic and the second is even better. (Everyone thinks Im nuts over here). He's going to kiss her, oh this is sooooo romantic. This is the exact hiphugger moment and now complete!! I can't wait now. I can't breathe. That must be the scene when she picks him up or maybe its the beginning. Either way, this is making me insane. I'm smiling from ear to ear!!! Thank you for making my day!
Delkolover, where do i find those pics?
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OMG :eek::eek: CBS has put some promo pics of 716.....

The pics are small but I have uploaded two of them to my photobucket for your viewing pleasure ;)


Great pictures, Jackie. Thanks for posting them.

Okay, is it just me or does it look like he's getting ready to kiss her in picture #1. Not only do we get another great hip hugger moment, it looks like they're going to kiss. My impression is that this picture is taken right after Eric is released from the detention center and she is coming to pick him up.

First: thanks for putting up those pictures!!
second: OMG!! OMG OMG:drool::drool:
It's still so far away...

I totally agree! I'm sure he will kiss her. Oh so cute, their hands on each others body...You do you guys think that this means they are already together? THey look really comfortable in a position like that. BUtT there'll be definately a kiss:thumbsup: .
OMG I definitely needed those pics:eek: Something better happen in the first one. These next two weeks better fly, I'm not sure I can wait this long.

You don't even imagine how I'm feeling right now, one friend of mine told me that we had new pics and she sent it to my cell, I was in the midle of the street and I started to jump like a crazy, fortunelly for me there wasn't anybody :guffaw:

I'm freakinf out :D:D:D:D:D:D

That's gonna be a kiss, it has to have :D
I can't think in anything else right now.
I'm so freakin' excited :drool::drool:
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