Eric and Calleigh #32 - Seven Years In The Making.

Eric & Calleigh #32 Thread Title

  • Girls like Flowers

    Votes: 6 13.6%
  • Ready to Settle Down

    Votes: 5 11.4%
  • Moving Towards Each Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It's been brewing for a long time

    Votes: 4 9.1%
  • Seven years in the making

    Votes: 18 40.9%
  • Even Nuns Want To See Some Action

    Votes: 9 20.5%
  • Coming Soon To An Illegal DVD

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • As Foretold by Nostradamus

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80% Hotness By Volume

    Votes: 1 2.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I loved the show!

-Ryan & Cal scenes: driving like madwoman, him questioning about her and Eric; her telling him to give it a rest - love it!
-whole action scene of escaping fire w/corpse. Like someone else said, Calleigh, you're a CSI to the core - love it!
-That was sweet when Ryan put his arm around her when they got out - love it!
-Emily did a great job of the choking scene ("what is this? Bad cop, crazy cop? LOL). Now the gum makes sense; so Eric chews cherry gum? - love it!
-great drama with the whole hospital scene, it was sweet seeing Alex running out. She looked like she was this close to tell Eric to shut up & get the @#$% out now! - love it!
-Aww, he told her he can't imagine living without her and the whole watch gesture. And when she woke up, she knew immediately he was there, that he was 'watching' over her - love it!
-Last scene: "stay with me?" That's the best line ever yet for E/C. I was a goner when she said that and he said as long as you want! :adore: Twice! I agree with everyone, should be the next thread title! - love it!

Did I say I loved this episode?

You summerized it perfectly!!!
I too thought that was sweet of Ryan to put his hand on her back. And then when she collapsed in kinda eric's heart...
I loved this episode a lot. The watch thing so sweet, everything eric did was sweet. I guess we have to assume they are a couple now?
Unfortunately no kiss but I guess that's normal since she was still recovering. We wouldn't want her out of breath again, after Eric kissing her. No, it was a really sweet ending. Her asking him to stay was... We've waited so long for this, My eyes were even teary...
Eric saying no, when she asked him to stay, that was funny :)
And Emily was just amazing! Her choking scene...what a fantastic actress.
Oh and I totally agree on the new title :) !
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Jennifer, thank you so much for describing everything. I won't be able to watch the show till tomorrow, so your description is everything I have right now.

Jessica, don't ever think that your writing is boring anyone. Your fics are one of the best ones out there. You're an amazing writer and if you ever write a book, I'll be the first in the line to buy it. I know that I don't really have a say in that, but I vote that you write a post-ep and to update 'Rekindled'.

Now, back on topic.

I'm sorry for my outburst, I just had to let it out of my system... :rolleyes:

Something we've been waiting for for so long, finally happened. Okay, I know that we can't say for sure that they are together now, but we can guess that they're going to happen somewhere between this and the next episode and that we'll get some indication that they are together in 7.15 (hopefully a kiss or waking up together or something sexy like that).

What's the promo for the next episode like? Is there anything interesting there for us?

I think it's entirely possible for us to get something in the next episode. Maybe Cal and Eric will come to work together, or they'll smile in a very special way or they'll say something to each other. And then, in 7.16 we'll get a kiss when Calleigh comes to pick Eric up. Of course, I'd love it if we got everything in the next episode, but I don't think it'll happen.

I'd really appreciate it if someone uploaded EC scenes from 7.14 on YouTube...
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Ok so I'm a dork about things like this but.....from looking at the time on Eric's watch it looks like around 4 hours elapses. It looks like its about 12 when he puts it on her and it's around 4:10 when she looks at it.
So many things to say....... :drool:

Ok from the start, and I may repeat some stuff that's been said already but I'm just too excited and have to say it all :D

-Ryan asking her about her and Eric. That just really caught me by surprise. "Give it a rest" that was great :lol:! Great wait to set up for 7.19.

-The interrogation scene with "are you ok" twice, and the gum, and of course Calleigh collapsing in Eric's arms. His desperation was palpable and taking her hair out of her face was so sweet :adore:. Loved this scene.

-I loved the fact that they had to take him out of the room when they were working on Calleigh. I also loved that he was not angry Eric on this episode, like someone mentioned, and that he looked more stunned and scared than anything else. Alexx for sure noticed something.

-When he was beside her in the hospital room and said the "I can't imagine going to work without you" I was so afraid we all heard wrong and that he was not going to say the "I can't imagine living my life without you" line. But then he did, and got all serious and was :adore:.

-The watch thing was adorable. It was so important for him that she knew he was there watching over her.

-Her waking up and having this scared look on her face replaced by a peaceful one after she saw the watch :). Plus her kind of caressing? the watch. Adorable. :adore:

-The last scene. Oh the last scene. Both their smiles were so cute when he came into the room and him explaining the watch (so there was no doubt in her mind he was there). His face was just priceless when he realized that she heard him. Poor Eric, she just makes him a puddle of nothing :lol:. "It was like a dream", "It was real" there it is he said it, she knows. "Will you stay with me?" little nervous flicker in her eyes (and yes this should be our new thread title, please). That sentence just spoke volumes. Him teasing her and making her laugh was adorable and of course the last line "as long as you want me to" twice. And all of this while holding her hand :eek:(which I did not notice at first and almost jumped out of my bed when I did the second time I watched).

Loved it, best episode, loved it :D:D :thumbsup:
I didn't catch the time on the watch. I was too busy squeeing like a little girl when Eric pushed the curtain aside. I loved Eric when he said, you heard what I said. shipper heart went into overdrive. I've gotta watch this again tonight after work.

Hey Audrey, pass me an extra large mojito, its 5 o'clock somewhere right.
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Episode 14 is so awesome! Absolutely awesome! I love it!! Favorite scene was in the end. Awww. :adore: It's nice and sweet but not too mushy. I don't have much to say anymore, you all pretty much said here my thoughts on this episode. :lol:
Best episode EVER.

I would definetly say they are together now. The question is will they have anything in the next episode?????:confused: I really hope so. Eric didn't bring her flowers! I was soo disapointed.:( But it is still an AMAZING episode.
I was just saying over at the Adam thread how great I think he was on this episode and that I thought that the way he showed his emotions was amazing (I've been using this word a lot to describe this episode :lol: ). I thought that Eric was going to be screaming and lashing out to everyone but his battle was so internal. Not about making the whole world pay for what had happened but about what he was going to do about it and realizing how easily he could loose Cal. I think he was great at showing just how much was going through Eric's mind and heart and how important it was to let her know. So this time when she said she heard and that it was like a dream he didn't hesitate to say it was real. No more clamming up. The way he struggled internaly throughout the whole episode was a lot better to watch than if Eric had been pissed with the world and in search for vengance.
Question for the group:

Are we gonna set the poll up for the name of the next thread or are we gonna go with "Will you stay with me"? If everybody agrees I think the person who opens up the next thread should put that title... What do you guys think?
Hey Marija!

Sense everyone has liked "Will You Stay With Me?" I was going to use that for the title when I set up our next thread. If anyone has a better idea or just wants us to have a poll let me know. ;)

I'm still on Cloud Nine from last night's episode. I just re watched the end on YouTube. Eric and Calleigh are so perfect for each other.:)
Question for the group:

Are we gonna set the poll up for the name of the next thread or are we gonna go with "Will you stay with me"? If everybody agrees I think the person who opens up the next thread should put that title... What do you guys think?

I love it! I think it fits perfectly.

So in my effortless attempt to find out what was said about last nights episode I checked on tvguide's website. The moron over there is trying to make us think that there is trouble in paradise already. According to his two minute rant Eric sees the picture of Calleigh riding the horse and confronts Calleigh about it. But thanks to delkolover's spoilers we know that everything is fine. I really don't like that guy.
Hey guys, let's remember that we have to keep at least three lines of good on-topic posting. I'm as guilty as everyone else here, especially after an episode like last night, but we don't want any of our hard working Mods to come in here and fuss. ;)


Thank you for your cooperation...:p **My favorite line from Robocop after he trashes the convenience store and beats the hell out of the would-be robber.** :)

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Question for the group:

Are we gonna set the poll up for the name of the next thread or are we gonna go with "Will you stay with me"? If everybody agrees I think the person who opens up the next thread should put that title... What do you guys think?

Well I for one, poll or no poll, vote for this one as thread title. So if whoever sets up the new thread wants to put that as the new title it's ok by me ;).

I'm still on Cloud Nine from last night's episode. I just re watched the end on YouTube. Eric and Calleigh are so perfect for each other.:)

I've been searching but can't find it :(. Could you post the link, please?

So I'm thinking that for 7.15 we could have a scene that goes like this:

Calleigh and Eric arrive in the Hummer to court and before they get out Eric asks her if she feels ok to be back and go to court. She smiles and says that it felt good to have some time to rest but that after a week home she was ready to get back to work; though it was good to have her own personal doctor, chef, and helper taking care of her. He gives her a shy smile and starts apologizing saying he didn't mean to overwhelm her but she cuts him off telling him "don't apologize" that him arriving was the one good thing she looked forward to the most in the day. They smile and look at each other and then he tells her they better go inside cause they're going to be late.

I really hope there's something for us in 7.15 cause, how could there be not? :p
I've just seen the last scene on YouTube (I haven't watched the epi yet), and I must say that IMO this is the first time I've seen Calleigh show her feelings in a way that you don't have to be a EC shipper to see them. The way she was looking at him said it all. I've never thought they'd do it like that and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. And the way she closed her eyes before she said "It was like a dream" :eek: It was more than "I thought I was dreaming"... It was "That's something I've always wanted to hear from you and I can't believe I've finally got that." It made my shipper heart very, very happy. :adore:
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