Danny/Lindsay #20: BOOM!

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Dutch said:
And Lindsay must know how he's feeling...they are so different, but this is one thing they really have in common; they are terrible at sharing their feelings and letting others in to help them and be there for them...
That's very true. They're both retarted when it comes to letting people in, but on the other hand they are good people who wants to help others. It's just different when they're involved. I guess some would dub that a little selfish on both their parts? I think they're good for each other - they both need to learn that they don't have to shoulder everything themselves and I think they'll find it easier to share with someone who also has trouble sharing pain.

Yay for me not being the only one having dirty thoughts about Danny's gun holster! :D Hahaha. I knew it :devil: I'm so not the only one whose brain is so gutterfied that anything black means lacy underwear :lol:

I almost made a cap because I thought it was a bra too
Well...when I first saw the scene, I was giddy, then I was thinking about why it's there. Somehow, from the reactions we've been getting between Danny and Linds, I didn't she had spent the night at his place lately - and unless he's keeping it for decoration, I didn't think it fit. Nevertheless, I was still disappointed when it wasn't what I thought it was. :p I was so up to being proved that they were still goin' kinky though! :devil:

At this moment I would even settle for a coffee date - a nice strong espresso.
"Jess" and Don, Danny and Linds need to all go out for coffee together. It would be a cool double date, don't you think? They four of them know each other, and most likely about any hanky panky going on so there wouldn't be anything to hide. :) They could make out and no one would care! :D

Mo said:
*Mo flying tackles her Gutter bud, snuggles him and then wraps him up, putting him in her pocket so he can never leave again!*
Well now that I'm in the pocket.... :lol: Hahahaha. See? The song CAN and WILL give you dirty DL thoughts :D And I can really picture Linds swayin' around to Brad when she's just at home doin' nothing or cooking or something relaxing. :)

Mr. Policeman is the coolest song ever! Danny might hum to it when he's on his bike. rofl :lol:

Question! Does Danny actually park his bike IN his apartment? And it fits in the elevator? or does he ride it up and down the stairs like Bond? Haha... You know...I bet he's tried to do that before.

Danny needs to get himself out of the emotional well he is in and Linds needs to be the one to give him the hand to hold and pull him up out of that well!
They both need each other to do that - and I'm sure Linds will think of something to bring him out of his depression....like a lap dance...or a strip tease...or she can handcuff him to the bed....HELLO!

MakeTracksCowboy said:
i was on another board for the show and someone brought up a very good point that Danny and Lindsay are just functioning and not really all together with themselves.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. If you're saying they seem 'detached', I think that's to do with their job. They've seen alot of bloody things and perhaps they've learned to detach themselves whilst at work (only slightly) to stop the nightmares you'd get otherwise. If they don't seem together with each other, I guess that has to be blamed on being professional.

ANOTHER QUESTION!! Suppose, when Danny and Lindsay reaches the point it happens, and she's pregnant with their first baby (hee!), do you think she'd ever think about quitting her job? I mean...you've got to admit that whilst there are working mothers out there, a CSI's hours aren't exactly the most stable - and instability isn't exactly good for the baby. Maybe she can work some schedule out with Mac to have more standard hour shifts? But can you see Lindsay as a housewife?
Gaelen said:We might get something, but unless it was planned, I don't think we're getting it since TPTB is still running without their writing team so there's no rewriting scripts.

That's not true. As long as the script was turned in to producers before the beginning of the strike, it can go through re-writes done by the directors and actors on set. Also, scenes can be switched between scripts, as long as both scripts were written by WGA writers before the strike began in November.

There have been multiple scenes that have been rearranged, tweaked and rewritten in the episodes filmed after the strike started.
Gaelen said:
Question! Does Danny actually park his bike IN his apartment? And it fits in the elevator? or does he ride it up and down the stairs like Bond? Haha... You know...I bet he's tried to do that before.
Great question, Liff! You know, I've thought about that more, 'cause I was a working mom until my son came. The reason I stopped working was both because my daughter - my foster child - needed a parent around, 'cause she had a bad start in life and because I didn't have a contract. There was plenty of work, but no contract and therefore I decided to see if being a fulltime mom was something for me.

But Lindsay does have a great job. She loves it, you can see she enjoys solving murders and find out the reasons behind it. On the other hand, the main reason Lindsay is a CSI, is because of what happened when she was a teenager. Maybe if she has the feeling she can get nothing more out of being a CSI and is ready for a next step in life - being a mom - she'd quit her job. But I don't think she will. I think she's maybe going to find a job inside the lab which will give her more time with her child.

I sure want to know what you guys think!

I think it's time for me to say goodbye to this thread. I had a great time!
*comes in still a bit shaky* - just went to see 'Cloverfield' and it was one of the most thrilling movies I've seen in a long time :eek: :eek:

Mo said:
something black and lacy of Linds' lying around somewhere, would have been totally normal and fabulous!
Yeah or just a glimpse of one of the shirts we've seen her wear several times, or that great scarf from the last episode :)...such a little effort and such a great effect! :)

Yeah just thinking of Danny in that lovely state of undress...*Mo pauses to consider Danny in just sunglass and cowboy books and promptly falls flat on her face into the delicious Gutter of smut!* Oh wow, yeah I bet Linds would LOVE that game
Love that and I agree that it's great to have His Royal Gutterness back...but isn't that song about a policeman?...I imagined Danny in just a police hat a holster and chasing me *ahem* scratch that, Lindsay with his handcuffs :devil:...I think that'll be a game she loves too ;)...don't think she'd try very hard to outrun him though... :cool:

Wow some nice deep thought about how they both are handling their emotional handicaps...I do agree that they both have different ways of dealing with their sorrows, but what makes them the same is that in both their cases the hurt and sorrow doesn't leave any room for other and better feelings; and it is really hard to make room for the latter again...I think Lindsay managed -with Danny's help in SOoH- and is now fully enjoying her life and the good things in it again :), while Danny is now as MTC said merely functioning - doing what he has to do, but more machine-like. Lindsay really needs to kick his butt (or do one of the nicer things Liffy suggested ;)) to get him attached to life again...

Gutter bud said:
They could make out and no one would care!
What do you mean, the four of them? :eek: No, I wouldn't mind at all...that's one HOT double date :devil:

Does Danny actually park his bike IN his apartment? And it fits in the elevator? or does he ride it up and down the stairs like Bond?
We know he does park his bike there! ;) It was in his apartment when Lindsay was hopping around putting her clothes on in SD...So I guess it fits in the elevator. The Bond idea is nice but I think he's kinda protective of his bike...Ooh, oh HOT FLASH! :eek: Elevator-Harley-Danny-Lindsay :devil: :devil:

she's pregnant with their first baby (hee!), do you think she'd ever think about quitting her job? - But can you see Lindsay as a housewife?
I agree with Jen, I think she'll look for a job in the lab with would still enable her to be part of solving crimes and she can negotiate some reasonable hours...and perhaps when the baby is born or older she realizes she just want sto be there for him or her and still quits her job... :)

Jen said:
I think it's time for me to say goodbye to this thread. I had a great time!
That sounded so dramatic, but I hope you will be back once #21 is opened, right? :D
imaguestage said:
That's not true. As long as the script was turned in to producers before the beginning of the strike, it can go through re-writes done by the directors and actors on set. Also, scenes can be switched between scripts, as long as both scripts were written by WGA writers before the strike began in November.
*smacks head* YEah...I didn't think about that. Blur moment.

As for the writers bringing in the hallway scene in the next episode, I don't think they will; simply because it serves no purpose. We've already seen that Danny's withdrawn from his friends, and after his scene with Flack at the station, we know he's not exactly in the mood to talk to anyone, be it his best friend or girlfriend. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to assume that he's probably acting the same way to Lindsay; a little dismissive and alot....scarce.

And unless the scene includes Danny actually breaking down his walls and actually talking to Lindsay, it serves no purpose to see him blow her off. We know she cares; she sent Flack to check on him. That's enough.

Also, if I was Danny, I'd be more willing to talk to Flack than Lindsay - not because of any other reason besides the fact that the two of them already have a deep trust and friendship. Danny's known Flack alot longer than Lindsay, and Flack's been there with him through more than Lindsay has. With that said, I would say he'd be more comfortable talking to Flack - he knows Danny better.

That doesn't mean he wont talk to Lindsay - of course he will - just not at a time where he doesn't know what's happening around him and that he can't see anything past the self blame. He'll go to her eventually - and she'll help him out of his current mindset too.

Besides, I think whoever has the first conversation with Danny is going to go through alot of yelling. Danny's very emotional and is bound to 'defend' the way he's acting - loudly. I think he'd rather yell at Flack, get yelled at back, realises he's been an asshole, and then talks to Lindsay.

If Lindsay was there - she'd kick him - in the ass - and then leave.

*Liff steps away from the soap box and runs off to find chocolate because naughty thoughts keep creeping in to dirty the laundry*

As for Lindsay being a housewife, I can't see it. She'd skin Danny alive if he suggests it, and she's WAY too energetic to sit at home all day (though apparently housewives actually have pretty interesting days - I just think Linds prefers to solve crimes than go shopping). I have too much fun imagining a pregnant Lindsay with cabin fever :p Poor...poor...Danny.

Has it ever been mentioned, onscreen, that Lindsay actually did become a CSI because of her friends' murder? I really can't remember right now but that is the general thought on the matter. I haven't read a since fanfiction that counters that thought - so I'm guessing she did say it to someone at some time. Hmm...

Dutch said:
...but isn't that song about a policeman?...
Sure is hon :D But it's a country policeman who wears ray-ban sunglasses, has a pot belly and wears cowboy boots.

I just forget all of that and think of Danny chasing Lindsay - around the apartment - naked. Oh and Lindsay has a carrot in her hand (don't ask me why...)

don't think she'd try very hard to outrun him though...
Yeah...he'd trip over the carpet anyway. rofl. :lol:

Ooh, oh HOT FLASH! Elevator-Harley-Danny-Lindsay
Ooh...I'd love to process that elevator :devil:


So who's got the privilege of opening the next thread? Mo? You doin' it?
Besides, I think whoever has the first conversation with Danny is going to go through alot of yelling. Danny's very emotional and is bound to 'defend' the way he's acting - loudly. I think he'd rather yell at Flack, get yelled at back, realises he's been an asshole, and then talks to Lindsay
I don't know. In some weird way I think he might actually need the emotions she's going to express when he starts yelling at her (the ass-kicking and leaving included). Seeing how upset she gets by his behaviour might do the trick and lift the blinds from his eyes...The fact that he and Flack have known each other for so long may make the fighting and screaming a bit too familiar to actually work... :(

The policeman from that song (it's coming in now) sounds more and more interesting :cool: :cool:

and Lindsay has a carrot in her hand (don't ask me why...)
:eek: I won't ask why....but is the carrot Danny's? :devil:

Ooh...I'd love to process that elevator
...and watch the security tapes :devil:
how long have y'all been shipping D/L, in here I mean? What was the first thread title/number you posted in?

I think 5 or 6 was the first one I posted on. *looks at auda* wasn't it? lol. I know one of those is when I meet ya. Wow, we've known each other that long!

Well I had been lurking quite a while, trying to figure out how the quoting, spoiler boxes and links worked and to find out what kind of people were posting here ...I decided to de-lurk after NWILL had aired in the US...thread #12-Country vs. City kind of foreplay...funny it feels like I've been here much longer than that...

I actually remember you doing that. I think you asked one time how to do it. Pet & Rad was in here about that time too. It does feel like forever, we had cyko being the mom and making sure we didn't do anything and me and auda throwing pie in every direction. *sighs* Those were the days. I love this thread.

--If any of you bring that up, I suggest you ship CatNip because I will be on your ass! ---

*Mo grins and with skills Catwoman would be envious of, dodges the chocolate cake just in time and then giggles at it hits Lynny who happened to be hiding behind her!*

Hey!.. ooh chocolate. Dutch thanks for using chocolate this time instead of that crappy one you made last time.

...and watch the security tapes

Not to mention all the rigged ones. :devil:
Helloo there my dear shippers I have returned from the depths of real life. On another note I'll post something constructive when I've finished catching up on seaosn three...I kinda missed the whole lot on TV (yeah shoot me for it I deserve it) and I'e only got four more eps to watch. But I've been squeeeling at each time there so much as in a room together. I missed the place *hugs thread * I feel back at home.
How is everybody tonight?

I can't believe that we have 2 more weeks till a new episode! And unfortunately it's #14 till a). the contracts have been settled with the strike or b). till next season.

I'm hoping for (a).

And did I hear Lynny sneak in here? :lol:
*Mo saunters into the thread singing her new favorite song by a relatively unknown German singer (well unknown to me!) Marc Terenzi called "Love to Be Loved By You"!*
Hi my shippy dears! Happy Tuesday evening...or better known as "Hump Day Eve"! :D Now if only we had a new eppy to really celebrate our Hump Day with! But we do next week, so that's something to look forward to...and hey we'll have a new thread by then I think too! Sweet, huh! A nice pretty new thread to christen our next eppy that I have determined will be good for our couple because I AM going to make it fluffy just by sheer determination and the power of my optimistic fluffy thinking! Who's with me? :D :D

Gutter bud who can't ever leave again Liffy nodded:
I think they're good for each other - they both need to learn that they don't have to shoulder everything themselves
Yeah I agree, I think they both really do that, take everything on themselves...how they deal with it is different like I said earlier, but they definitely both do that...take it all on themselves and not wanting to share the burden...they both need to see that that is one of the best parts of being in a loving relationship, you have someone else there who not only can shoulder the burden but actually WANTS to shoulder it with you! :D

They both need each other to do that - and I'm sure Linds will think of something to bring him out of his depression....like a lap dance...or a strip tease...or she can handcuff him to the bed....HELLO!
Have I said how much I love that you're back? :lol: I SO am! And heck I'm all for Linds attempting to bring Danny out of his funk that way...in fact I think she should do ALL those things as often as is needed until he is smirking and chasing after her, blue funk forgotten! :devil: And as long as we get to see even a little of it, I will be a forever happy shipper! :D :devil:

she's pregnant with their first baby (hee!), do you think she'd ever think about quitting her job?
Awwwww!! Give me a minute here to picture Linds pregnant with their first baby, and how adorable and happy she would be and how protective and attentive Danny would be...both of them would be so adorable and happy about this! Awwww! I love that picture! :D Mmmm as for Linds quitting her job, I think she would not want to at first but Danny would probably want her to, not at all because he wants her "at home in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant" but because I can see him really worrying that she will go all out on the job like she always does and end up getting hurt and hurting the baby too...and I think that will make him want her to quit...I think it will take a scare for her to take it seriously though and then she will realize how there is no way she wants to do anything to leave her baby girl (cuz it just is a girl in my head!) without a mommy! :D

Shippy hon JenP waved:
I think it's time for me to say goodbye to this thread. I had a great time!
Ummmm, are you leaving? Or is this just a goodbye to thread #20? Just checking, cuz you can't just leave leave...it's not allowed! ;)

Queen of Couture (spelled right? ;) ) Dutch said:
but what makes them the same is that in both their cases the hurt and sorrow doesn't leave any room for other and better feelings; and it is really hard to make room for the latter again...
Yeah that is the worst part of grief and sorrow like that, it really is basically all consuming, it takes over your mind, your heart and everything else in your life until it is all you can see...and sometimes yeah it takes someone forcefully ripping you out of that world of hurt and making you realize that the sun is still shining and the sky is still blue even though you don't want to realize it! Which is what I think Lindsay needs to do for Danny now...he did it for her and now I think it's her turn!

Liffer-diff said:
Besides, I think whoever has the first conversation with Danny is going to go through alot of yelling. Danny's very emotional and is bound to 'defend' the way he's acting - loudly. I think he'd rather yell at Flack, get yelled at back, realises he's been an asshole, and then talks to Lindsay.
To which Dutch dear replied:
I don't know. In some weird way I think he might actually need the emotions she's going to express when he starts yelling at her (the ass-kicking and leaving included). Seeing how upset she gets by his behaviour might do the trick and lift the blinds from his eyes...
Mmmmm, I gotta say I kinda agree with both sides here! :lol: Liff I like your idea because it is the less angsty option (which I always tend to go for! :lol: ) and it means that Danny won't yell at Linds. But Dutch I agree with you, I think Danny does need a wake-up call to really kick him out of this rut of grief and guilt he is in and nothing would kick him out of that rut faster than realizing he just yelled at and hurt the love of his life! I do not like the idea of the angst that would be, but then again the kind of make-up that we KNOW Danny would do for Linds, now that just might be worth it! :devil:

So who's got the privilege of opening the next thread? Mo? You doin' it?
Yup I am, unless I'm at work and then it's whoever makes it first! But if I'm here I wanna :lol:

My angsty (aka:fluffy!!) Lynny grinned:
I love this thread.
Yeah you so CANNOT pretend you didn't say that! I heard that and saw it and yeah I gotta say babes, I'm holding you to that! I knew you'd love it in here again! :lol: And I ship CatNip even, so you can't kick my butt for any of this! Well you could, but you wubs me...so ya won't! ;) Heehee! :D

Okay time for me to go watch my some OTH, yet another ship I am attaching to...good lord I literally have my own freaking armada I've got so many ships! :lol: Can't wait until next Wednesday, cuz I seriously want some good D/L finally!!

*Mo grins, waves and shimmers off to grab some dessert...Danny? :devil: *
Hello my darlings! How are we all today? Might as well get a post in before this thread is locked away in the DL Vault :)

how long have y'all been shipping D/L, in here I mean? What was the first thread title/number you posted in?

I was a lurker for a while before I finally signed up. My first post came in the "Da!" thread (#16 if my memory serves me right). Next month is my one-year anniversary.

Welcome aboard Sammie! Glad you joined us on the lido deck. We're all crazy in here ;) but don't worry - we all have good hearts. Just be wary of the naughty thoughts floating around. If you come in here and see them, you know that our Gutter King Liffy is near.

she's pregnant with their first baby (hee!), do you think she'd ever think about quitting her job?

I don't think she would think twice about quitting her job. She clearly loves it - even if it does bring back some painful memories - so I think if she were to get pregnant she would continue working in the lab (obviously not around any chemicals) until she was almost due. Then she would take some time off to rear their child. *imagines DL standing over a crib, peering down at their sleeping girl* Great picture, but hopefully that won't happen for a long time ;)

I have a gift for you all, but I won't be able to upload it until later this afternoon. It's not very artistic :p but I still love it. And I know you guys will too :D
Happy Hump Day! *Mo bounces in carrying coffee and doughnuts for anyone who wants them!* :D I SOOO wish we had our new eppy tonight *pouts a little!* but at the same time I am glad that we have more time to anticipate the fun coming next week...plus if my intel is right, there are SOLID rumors going around that the strike is basically done and that a decision will have been reached and agreed on and will be announced as early as tomorrow!! *Mo starts jumping up and down!* Which would mean apparently that the big companies would go into production and start working on salvaging at least a couple more episodes of the big shows (aka: the CSI's!) to round out the season! So my fingers, toes, and everything else I can cross are crossed in hopes that this rumor is true and that we will be getting at least a couple more episodes after this next one!
Dear PTB,
I would give you my shipper scorned speech or threaten you with bodily harm, but at this point I'm really not past falling down and begging you to please just give us a couple more episodes for this season and please, please, please return our fluffy hero Ms. Pam Veasey to us and let her write us out of this season on a fluffy note! Please!!
Willing to beg,
Mo :D

Alright I was really hoping for a snow day today (not the D/L kind although if Danny showed up at my door and told me to take the day off.... ;) :lol: ) but it was really snowing last night as I fell asleep! :D Alas though, nothing stuck when I woke up! :p Anyway...so I'm off to work..and if we finish the thread before I get home, someone else can feel free to start the new one! I don't want to hold up the start if I'm not back! As long as it gets started that's the point! Otherwise I'll do it when I get home! Yay for us and how well we fill up these threads though...I can't believe we're almost to #21 already! We SO rock my fellow shippy dears!! :D

Hi Stuffy hon, I know isn't the thought of a D/L baby girl just so fun! It makes me giggle and "Awwww" all at the same time! :D Can't wait to see your present, I'm sure we'll love it! ;)

Alright Happy Hump Day again! And I will see y'all tonight! :D

*Mo grins, waves and shimmers away in her fluffy bubble, dreaming of her own Snow day! :devil: * :D
Hey guys... Okay, so I'll try harder no to disappear like that again. Today I ended up with a snow day so here I am!

I'm really wanting to have a D/L marathon today and watching all the episodes that have D/L fluffiness.

Does anyone know whether or not the next episode will have any D/L because the last episode was great, but I'm really wanting some sort of contact.

Hopefully what Mo just said about the rumors is true and the strike is almost over because I'm going absolutely insane with no new episodes!
^^^ i just had a D/L marathon over the weekend lol. my 8 year old brother is now a D/L fan and loves Lindsay so we had to watch most of season 2 and 3. he likes "Snow Day" but since he is a boy and thinks kissing is gross he freaked out over the whole "flashback" scene haha.

i hope next week's ep has some D/L goodness. if TPTB want a proper send off for possibly the rest of the season they should put some kind of D/L scene/ moment in.
MakeTracksCowboy said:
^^^ i just had a D/L marathon over the weekend lol. my 8 year old brother is now a D/L fan and loves Lindsay so we had to watch most of season 2 and 3. he likes "Snow Day" but since he is a boy and thinks kissing is gross he freaked out over the whole "flashback" scene haha.

That's funnyf that you say that because I was having a D/L marathon another day and my little brother started watching it (he's eleven) and he also became a shipper. Who knew? :lol:
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