CSI: Vegas Season 5 DVD Disscussion

the way they are on the disc is the same order they ran in the U.S. The numbers I think are just the way they are produced or filmed.
That's what I thought, maybe it had something to do with when they were produced! :confused: Im gald that it's not just my DVD now. :lol:

I didn't notice on my Miami & NY one but I will take a look when I get home! :eek:
looooove this season.....anybody know which episode has the best snickers/GSR in it? (sorry know this isn't the place to discuss relationships but i'm asking for the episodes :D)
I got it for Christmas and just watched the extras the other day. Man, Tarantino...the man can make a movie but I could not listen to him talk for that long. :lol:
well i dont know about snickers, but i have season 5 and check out 'commited' and 'viva las vegas' and um oh well u probably check them all out! i just like those!Bye
OM Gosh have you guys ever tried to watch CSI with another language on? I do it just for the fun of it, I took Spanish in High School, so I turn on the spanish and see how many words I can recognize. Man I have to tell you the Voice over for Grave Danger is really bad, especially the person voiceing for Officer Michael's in the beggining. I had to turn it back to English, man I have never heard a voiceover so bad in all my life. LOl, it's was just too funny.
I have that problem with the weird numbers on my Season1-4 discs, the the episodes are in the right order but the numbers are weird. Like on one disc the epidode menu goes like this 102,101,103,104 and so on. Like I said the episodes are in the right order, but the numbers are weird. It must be how the discs were made, who knows???
Watched one of the commentaries-- they said that the first episode they film for the season is usually the second or third to air. They do it that way in case there are more kinks they need to work out, editing, etc....
So for the example given, the numbers are like that (102,101,103,104) because it was the second episode to be filmed but the first to air and the first episode filmed aired second....hopefully that makes sense. :)
I used to watch commentaries for Buffy The Vampires Slayer that I have on DVD's I don't watch the CSI ones, when I do watch them I just put them on so I can fall asleep, and thats saying something because I don't fall asleep easly with the TV on, I'll try to watch one this weekend though.
According to amazon.co.uk, Season 5 (part 1) will be available to buy on 24th April. I just preordered it- let the countdown begin! :D
I bought region 1 series 5 dvd, it plays on my player, and have just started to rewatch all seasons. I am now on season 4 and looking forward to getting to season 5 (have watched it though!). Very emotional series so far.
when does season 5 dvd come out in the uk? sorry if its all ready been asked its just iv watched all the others and im having withdrawell syptoms!!!
on amazon you can see the new season 5 cover its looks cool i think! with catherine and grissom as always on the front! cant wait for it to come out!
I got the Five Season Pack for my birthday this year :cool:
Ordered on eBay.

Benb said:
Does anyone know the song that plays in the menus?
Reeble said:
I'm pretty sure its a song they made just for the DVD. I must admit though, it's pretty damn awesome. I love how each time the song does that double sound thingy (kind of hard to explain), it like zooms into the characters sort of. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about and not knowing the name of this song is really driving me nuts :eek: