CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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I am really looking forward to Stella storyline.I would be interesting how Mac will react and I also like her bonding with Angell.They are both tough girls, very NY style??:thumbsup:

Are there any spoilers for D/L after 5:17? Maybe someone will realize that it has been enough. I am seriously hoping Lindsay to be gone at least until the finale.
There was a mention of sending her back to Montana (which I don't get). They should just have her take some time off because she's huge or something - not send her across the country for no apparent reason.
She could have the baby early, while she's in Montana. Then she'd need to stay there until the baby was strong enough to travel. A couple of years would be fine. :devil:
That is not nice;)

Come on, the baby will not take "this" big role in the show, as you can see already now: Though they are a couple and also have a baby together they neither meet very often nor talk about it. Okay you can see "it" but you also could if they would try to hide it (okay, that way always is too funny)...
Don't be that upset about the whole thing. The writers will deal with it, don't worry.
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Sometimes you all act like the baby will be in almost every episode - which I doubt. It'll be like Catherine's daughter (13 episodes so far in all the years CSI has been on according to IMDB).
Sometimes you all act like the baby will be in almost every episode - which I doubt. It'll be like Catherine's daughter (13 episodes so far in all the years CSI has been on according to IMDB).

I haven't seen anyone suggest the baby will be in "almost every episode." We've been talking about the storyline as a whole - most recently the marriage itself - and speculating about it.
To be fair,If D/L were to be cuddling in every single one ,I would have given up a long time ago regardless of how much I enjoy this show.But still annoys me to watch something so forced in a show that is suppoused to be edgy and real like NY is.I still think the best idea is to make Angel a regular and leave Lindsay in Montana.

Now Stella and the greek storyline that is something that I look forward.Even when the writers give Melina a bad story,she is able to keep me interested which speaks highly about the actress.Same goes with Mac,Adam and Flack so CSI NY still rocks despite D/L.
i'm not liking the way D/L have been handled since the begininng of 4th season. i know some of you here never liked them but to me and other fans TPTB really made them who they shouldn't be, they could be a lot better. i do find D/L to be a pain sometimes and always very immature. i feel the other characters on the show have had a growth but Danny and Lindsay as individual characters just seem stuck.

Well, I dunno who they should or shouldn't be as people, but I never had the slightest sliver of interest in watching their so-called evolution, not from S3 onwards.

Early this season, I was delighted reading that there was a new focus planned for Danny and Lindsay, independent of each other, and it was soooooooo disappointing, when we were apparently so close to concerted and deliberately orchestrated change, to have a reversion to DL.

I agree with you, they do both seem stuck. And I'm hard pressed to care at this point. At a loss and all but given up there's any remedy barring the extreme of splitting them up and/or writing one out. And it's not eeny meeny miny moe...

i watched 1st season last week with my roommate and i really miss the way it used to be. they used to do people stories now they're more interested in the unbelievable and the fake previledged people now.
I loved S1. It was strong enough in it's own right, separate from the other shows in the franchise, to get me hooked into watching. There was just something about it. The casting, the writing, the vibe, the design and production values, the stories.

They tweaked it to increase viewership, but it's a shame to have lost some of what even now still sets S1 apart. It was darker, on a few different levels, I retain a certain fondness for the look of it's adapted spaces and buildings as a design choice, vaulted cielings and brickwork etc., it was grittier, for some reason I remember it as being consistently less glamorous or polished, for lack of better words, in the victims and circumstances it addressed, it did have a very distinct style, it really did feel like it centred around New York, that it lived there, it still had a dark humour and a quirky one too, it didn't have an apparent obsession with a kind of glossiness or slickness - (and I don't mean in terms of post-production stuff, which I appreciate), nor with luring prominent guest stars, cameos, and bands, it just didn't feel as if it was quite so ...self-aware?

There have surely been eppies in subsequent seasons that I thought were really great, impactful, and very well done. But curious how S1, years after the fact, as a whole still somehow stands so distinctly apart.

Plus, in the pilot Mac had sideburns. C'mooooooon, bring 'em back, TPTB... :lol:

I like Angell, and think she does have the potential to bring a return of a bit of the sass and spirit that Aiden gave to the show. Same goes with Samantha, to a lesser degree, in that I believe these people, and they help maintain the flavour of NY. Anna's Lindsay does nothing but set me back outside the show, and DL just makes me feel like the show's losing sumthing, it's edge, spine, spark, some individuality, something, eroding it from the inside out. Bleh. Outta sight outta mind is the best I can manage to deal with them.

Come on, the baby will not take "this" big role in the show, as you can see already now: Though they are a couple and also have a baby together they neither meet very often nor talk about it. Okay you can see "it" but you also could if they would try to hide it (okay, that way always is too funny)...
Don't be that upset about the whole thing. The writers will deal with it, don't worry.

No, the baby won't be in every episode. I'm personally delighted that the relationship isn't prominent in every episode too, for that matter. I'd be happier still if it wasn't even subtext though.

The point is, RL must be accomodated, this time the pregnancy was written in, it does therefore create a host of implications, in both fictional and RL production considerations.

Sometimes you all act like the baby will be in almost every episode - which I doubt. It'll be like Catherine's daughter (13 episodes so far in all the years CSI has been on according to IMDB).

Difference with Vegas is that Catherine's a great, nuanced, complicated, layered, deep character, and the dynamic of her as a single mother while dealing with the job she does was always relevant to how she interacted in general, informed her handling of every case. Her relationship with her daughter equally reflected the toll of the job. It was handled well on Vegas, and I didn't mind it's inclusion.

For me, it's not actually wholly comparable to an insipid canon coupling with a conveniently inadvertent Whoopsies tossed in. ;)

I suppose, to be fair, we haven't really yet been shown how impending parenthood has altered Danny and Lindsay's approach to the Job. All the same, I'm not terribly interested. I hope any related scenes or scenarios will be as spaced out.

Even when the writers give Melina a bad story,she is able to keep me interested which speaks highly about the actress.Same goes with Mac,Adam and Flack so CSI NY still rocks despite D/L.
The rest of the cast and characters are so strong and enjoyable to watch that they have been the bottom line reason that I continue to tune in. :)
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Part of the problem is that, while The Messer Family™ probably won't figure into every episode, or even be mentioned much of the time, it's always looming there in the background - and you never know, as a viewer, when you're going to get a steaming pile tossed in your direction. When Anna was pregnant the first time, I enjoyed the episodes when she wasn't there because I could watch knowing I wasn't going to have a Lindsay Demonstration™ or long-winded explanation spring up at any moment.

Say there's someone in the orchestra who is out of tune, and it grates on you when you hear it - but you don't always know when they're going to play or for how long. (If the instrumentalist is gone entirely, there's a sense of relief that you won't have to deal with them being out of tune at all.)

Right now, Lindsay and the whole baby drama is the screechy violin, and it takes away some of the pleasure of the show knowing that they could toss in some lame, schmoopy 'this is totally how things have been for forevar (only not)' scene at any time. The storyline's presence in the background is annoying, even when we're spared scenes in a particular episode.

And knowing that Danny's solos (to keep with the instrument theme) are often going to be paired with the screechy violin makes some people less interested in hearing him play at all.

[/lame metaphor] :p

So no, it's not going to be front and center every week, but you never know when it will pop up.

I'm looking forward to some Lindsay-free episodes (even though I'm sure we'll have to hear Danny sighing wistfully because he so misses his baby mama - excuse me, his wife :rolleyes:) - I don't dare to hope that she'll pull a Peyton and realize that she belongs in Montaaaana. :p
I want to know how some of us can like it a lot and others not like it at all. I often try to understand how we can watch the same thing and see it differently....it's wierd.
It is strange. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

From TV Guide (big surprise here):

You told CSI: NY fans that Danny and Lindsay would get an early Valentine's Day present. Well, the Feb. 11 episode had nothing about them in it. What happened? — Melissa

MegaBuzz: Wait, you didn't think the human trafficking episode was romantic? But seriously, Melissa: No one was more disappointed than me. Though an executive producer initially said the show in question would air before Valentine's Day, things changed, as they tend to do in relationships and television schedules. I'm told that what was going to happen between Danny and Lindsay last week will now happen on March 11. Save the date.
My first response was: NO DUH! The EP who said it to begin with might have been confused about when certain episodes were airing (which is understandable), but it was never going to happen in 5.14 - it was planned for 5.17 from the get-go.
I want to know how some of us can like it a lot and others not like it at all. I often try to understand how we can watch the same thing and see it differently....it's wierd.
Because that is human behaviour,and is also what makes it intersting.
Different people look with different eyes to scenes.
For example,I don`t see any romance between Mac and Stella and I hope that they never hook up that way but there are some people who do see that and want them to hook up.

I had to laugh at those weddingpics,cause they say a lot about the relationship between them.
It is worth nothing
Why? Is it to draw the audiences? Gosh.. I can safely say that there are a lot more talented young actors, that just don't get a chance because of all these people. The audiences will come in anyway, I just don't see the point of it all.
*nods* There's another definate difference because I see a lot of Mac/Stella romance. I like it better than D/L for sure.
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