CSI: New York - Season 5 in the UK

I was sick of seeing the trailer for this! And because of the trailer I thought there would be lots more action in the epi, so I was a little disappointed.
But, Macslady I agree, Flack had some great moments and poor Adam in the field!

You know you would be safe on a plane if Mac was sat next to you.
Well, I knew from reading stuff on this board that it wouldn't be as action packed as the trailer made out. They did make it out to be more action packed than it was, though. But it was still good. I'm kind of glad the plane didn't get hijacked, it would have made for action, but it would be a bit too much after what Mac went through in Veritas. I did enjoy the murder plot, actually, and getting to see all the team working together on the plane.
It would have been interesting to see how Mac responded to a hijack though, probably by kicking the guy's ass! Seriously, if you're going to do that, make sure Mac's not on the plane first! I did enjoy the fact that the story kept to the 'crime' aspect of the show though by having the would-be hijacker murdered. I loved seeing Mac collect evidence at 30,000 feet, and of course we got the chance to see Adam in the field.
So - good story, but Channel 5 'sold' it wrong.

I agree - you know you'd be safe sat next to Mac on a plane.

KDKHm, I agree that Mac needs a break. He can't go on vacation or even get on a plane without some psycho or dead person turning up.:lol: But then, Stella seems unable to attract non-psychotic men, and poor Danny has it pretty tough too. They all need a break.:lol: Poor ol' Sid has it rough too. As if being a CSI or M.E. wasn't stressful enough!:lol:
I was sick of seeing the trailer for this! And because of the trailer I thought there would be lots more action in the epi, so I was a little disappointed.

:lol: Yeah, I know what you mean. I was talking to my father in law today, and he recorded the episode last night and was telling me that he was looking forward to watching it tonight. He thought it would mostly be mid air action, with lots of Mac and terror on the plane type stuff. and I had to tell him that he'd probably be disappointed.

It wasn't all bad, but it doesn't match up to the trailer.
I enjoyed it better that I thought I would. Although, I was very surprised to hear that they advertised the new episdoe. I have never known them to do that over here.

For me the show just gets better and better. And I cannot wait for the rest.

No, they don't generally advertise csi that much. Maybe they thought the plane thing would attract viewers who wouldn't normally watch it. It was made to look like there would be lots of action.
If I wasn't already watching every week, that ad would have put me off watching. Constantly showing Mac saying "you've disarmed the only person who could stop him", made Mac sound conceited and was driving me insane. I cringed every time I caught the advert.
If I wasn't already watching every week, that ad would have put me off watching. Constantly showing Mac saying "you've disarmed the only person who could stop him", made Mac sound conceited and was driving me insane. I cringed every time I caught the advert.

Totally agree. I was sick of seeing the thing. But I think Mac said 'He's disarmed the only person who could stop him.' I think he was talking about the person killing the supposed Air Marshall- who was the only person allowed a gun on the plane.
I really enjoyed the last episode. I laughed oul loud at the bit with Lindsay and Flack and the doll. Keep it coming!
I really enjoyed the last episode. I laughed oul loud at the bit with Lindsay and Flack and the doll. Keep it coming!

I was gutted my phone rang just as the Flack and Lindsay part came on and I missed the Danny and Flack scence with the bit where they get the guy at the end. So I had to wait the whole day until I saw them on Five US. I thought Adam was quite funny in this episode!

Oh, I thought it was a great episode!


I really enjoyed the last episode. I laughed oul loud at the bit with Lindsay and Flack and the doll. Keep it coming!

I was gutted my phone rang just as the Flack and Lindsay part came on and I missed the Danny and Flack scence with the bit where they get the guy at the end. So I had to wait the whole day until I saw them on Five US. I thought Adam was quite funny in this episode!

Oh, I thought it was a great episode!



The whole episode had me in stiches. What with Lindsay showing Flack up and Adman with the doll and then Danny and Flack when the got the suspect.

it was very lighthearted.
It was a really good ep, The guy with the 3 dolls was just weird. Loved the Flack/Lindsay scene when they pretended they were married, and Lindsay was accusing him of cheating on her with a doll, and he said she was crazy, and the old ladies were giving Flack shocked/disapproving looks. I enjoyed the Hawkes storyline too, and how he bonded with both Mac and Danny over it.
Loved Mac and Sinclair bonding at the end too, that was nice. It's good they can see past their professional/personal/political differences when the situation warrants it. Reminded me of The Thing about Heroes when Sinclair helped in the search of Drew's office. I loved that Mac called him 'Brigham' - or was it 'Brig'? It was a nice touch anyway, having them use first names - Sinclair called him Mac. I liked too that Mac questioned Sinclair in his office rather than an interrogation room, which he could have done as Sinclair did have a viable motive for killing Steele. I like that Sinclair isn't all evil like Stetler or Ecklie. He and Mac have an interesting relationship.
Hehe,though, every time I see Gary and Mykelti Williamson together, I think of Forrest Gump.:lol:
Loved seeing Hawkes get pissy with his 'friend' too. Intriguing ending with the USB thing.Oh, sorry, I mean 'flash drive' - gotta learn to speak American!
Nice little touch with the remark about the budget cuts too - very topical and 'ripped from the headlines' for both US and UK viewers.
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Another good episode, although I hate cliffhanger endings.
Adam was great, as always. I'm surprised he has time to throw paper planes, he seems to do everything in that lab.
Last year there was someone from Darlington who sold his entire life on the internet- hopefully that doesn't end as bad as the switch in this epi :rolleyes:

. I like that Sinclair isn't all evil like Stetler or Ecklie. He and Mac have an interesting relationship.
Nice little touch with the remark about the budget cuts too - very topical and 'ripped from the headlines' for both US and UK viewers.

I don't like Sinclair very much. His interaction with Mac is ok, but he just doesn't do it for me. And I agree about the budget cuts, nice touch. And probably the most realistic part of the show :)
I liked last night's ep too. Adam was cute with the planes, and yes, he was a very busy little lab rat last night.
The cliffhanger ending was interesting, Diakos reminded me of Dobson a bit, with the shaved head look.
Interesting that the 'sell your life on the Net' thing has actually happened, I like how the writers use real-life stories and situations sometimes.
My favourite scene was the one with Mac, Flack and Danny in the tunnel, Mac talking about FDR and Flack and Danny joking about cheating off him in History class. LOL, I can so see Flack trying to peek at Mac's history paper.:lol:

The Stella-Diakos storyline seems interesting, and I was pleased that while she was able to defend herself against Diakos and hurt him, he essentially had the upper hand. It's realistic (same as Mac getting kicked around a bit in both Cold Reveal and Snow Day while kicking ass too) and shows that she's not as tough as she'd like people to think. Her showing some fear around Diakos was just wonderful, it worked better than if she'd tried to face him down or kick his ass. That will most likely come later, and I'll enjoy if if it does, but Stella can't always be 'Rambo Stella' and it's nice to see her show some fear/uncertainty. It reminded me of Mac in Hostage when Joe was about to put him on the floor with the others, or maybe even shoot him, and the way he was out of it a bit in Veritas. Good stuff.

But 9.40? I'd been at work all day and was dead tired when it finished.
I think it's 9.15 next week, which is better.
It was a good episode, I really enjoyed it!
I liked Danny and Adam in this episode.
Was Lindsay in the episode or did I just miss her?

I agree, 9.40 is too late. I wish they wouldn't change the time around.

Lindsay was in the epi for about a second, KDKHm - you probably blinked when she was on!

MacsLady- that was the best bit, in the tunnel. I love history so all that FDR stuff I really enjoyed.
It's weird how Adam had a bigger role in the last ep than Lindsay.:confused: But I personally like Adam better, so wasn't bothered. I would be really p'd off if I was a Lindsay fan though!
Oh, talking about Adam, the planes scene was just classic! He's so geeky and cute, especially around Mac.