CSI:LV season 10 in the UK

I loved all of the bickering going on between the team, even though I was pissed off at Nick for telling Greg to accept being moved from the case. I can distinctly remember Nick moaning to Grissom in the earlier seasons.. Other than that, it was fantastic. The scenes with Nick and his tarantular were so cute. Sara's return was very well written considering I wasn't a fan of her coming back, I enjoyed it!

Hopefully if this season continues this way we will see a more equil amount of the team!

I agree that the screen time was distributed quite well. Even a decent amount of Greg.:eek: Loved his comment about being the labtech with the wacky hairstyles.
And I did enjoy the bickering as well. You are right Abby, Nick did react the same as Greg did, way back when.
I thought it was strange that they had Riley write all those negative things about Catherine, seemed a little out of the blue, but I suppose it suited the script, and I had never warmed to Riley anyway.

I enjoyed seeing Sara back. And being a fan of GSR I was happy to find out that they are married. Although the fact that she is away from him so soon is bit strange, but they arent really a conventional couple!

..Must resist urge to see if it comes up in next weeks episode, if i last a week i feel a chocolatey treat of some kind is well deserved. ;) x

Im liking the chocolate plan. Lets all stay strong! :)

If anyone has any questions or more input on whether or not to have spoilers here, just ask!


As for the end of episode cliffhanger (which, as a spoiler hound, I already know the answer to and would therefore sit this out!), does anyone want to take any guesses as to what it could be?

I would not have the first idea. It was a very strange ending. My flatmate and I were a little bemused.
I havent seen next weeks promo yet, but looking forward to it. This was a good start to the new season :)
And I did enjoy the bickering as well. You are right Abby, Nick did react the same as Greg did, way back when.

I think the comparison between them is a bit disingenuous.

Don't get me wrong; I think Nick was hugely out of line for what he said to Greg (and in the later scene between him, Ecklie and Catherine, right before Sara arrived), but not because I think he was being particularly hypocritical. More because it just wasn't any of his business.

The reason why I say I don't think it was all that hypocritical is that what Nick complained about in the early seasons was *NOT* being trusted by Grissom to work scenes alone and/or being given softball cases. What Greg was complaining about appeared to be Catherine effectively saying "Hey, I trust you to go and work a scene on your own because I know you're really good at your job".

The other thing to bear in mind is that Greg took his boss (ie Catherine) to task in front of a pretty large audience, which is never a good move in a professional setting. As much as Nick was pretty dang whiney about the working solo thing (and I say that as Nick fan!), he did at least do Grissom the professional courtesy of doing the complaining largely in private or without managing to sound like a ten year old having a strop!

End result, for me at least, is that I don't think either character came out of it looking terribly good and I think if I'd been Catherine, I'd probably have asked Langston to bang their heads together!

As for the end of episode cliffhanger (which, as a spoiler hound, I already know the answer to and would therefore sit this out!), does anyone want to take any guesses as to what it could be?

I would not have the first idea. It was a very strange ending. My flatmate and I were a little bemused.

Not even a wild and off the wall guess? ;)
..Must resist urge to see if it comes up in next weeks episode, if i last a week i feel a chocolatey treat of some kind is well deserved. ;) x

Im liking the chocolate plan. Lets all stay strong! :)

:D Spoiler support + The hope of chocolate = I've lasted another day. :p x

As for the end of episode cliffhanger (which, as a spoiler hound, I already know the answer to and would therefore sit this out!), does anyone want to take any guesses as to what it could be?

I would not have the first idea. It was a very strange ending. My flatmate and I were a little bemused.
I havent seen next weeks promo yet, but looking forward to it. This was a good start to the new season :)

Ooooh.. i am also completely stumped !!
My friend thought Doc said 'tigger' instead of 'ticker' so who knows what she's thinking ? :wtf:
I'm hoping for some kind of alien life form if im honest, or bright blue organs !! :rolleyes: On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being a good / realistic guess... :lol:
^ well......
My Mum thinks one of the spiders escaped, and got in the body!

Athersgeo- I see what you are saying- it wasnt very professional of either Nick or Greg. But that is what being short staffed does to people. Been there.
^ well......
My Mum thinks one of the spiders escaped, and got in the body!

Athersgeo- I see what you are saying- it wasnt very professional of either Nick or Greg. But that is what being short staffed does to people. Been there.

No question about that; definitely. On both counts :)

And I like your mum's theory. (Well, as much as a certified arachnophobe CAN like a theory that involves spiders, anyway...)
Yeah, there is no way I would have one of those spiders crawling on me! And if one did escape they would know where to find it by following my screams!
I thought it was strange that they had Riley write all those negative things about Catherine, seemed a little out of the blue, but I suppose it suited the script,

Yeah I thought that too, being as Riley never recieved any negative feedback and she didn't get screwed over from the rest of the lab being understaffed.

I think if I'd been Catherine, I'd probably have asked Langston to bang their heads together!

Happy 'Vegas Tuesday' Everyone !! :D
Hope you all enjoy tonights episode.. fingers crossed freeview actaully works ;)

Yeah. Happy 'Vegas Tuesday!'.
Someone is supposed to be fixing my tv aerial tomorrow, so looking on the bright side, after that I may never have any trouble with freeview again. Or maybe not....................
^ well, I got to see the epi, and I did enjoy it.

I would have never guessed what was in that body. So, a new serial killer? I liked the miniature killer storyline, so im hoping that this will be just as good.

Lots of continuity in this one. Paul Malanders son! That was so long ago. I thought it was abit off though that Sara was giving him a lift home. Seems rather unsafe. But good to see all the references to Grissom. Although I was annoyed that it was Ray who came in and more or less solved the case. I know he was supposed to be unbiased, but it was like he came in and took over. And what was that end bit about? Im guessing there will be something with his Dad in future episodes.

Loving having Sara back. I had missed her, and considering I didn't like her when the show began. The team seems more like a family again. Not enough Greg for my liking, but better than the last few seasons.
I had to do a quick precis of the Paul Millander stuff for my mother (who has seen all three previous eps, she just doesn't remember them...although, to be fair, I don't think either of us have ever actually seen the episodes in the "right" order - Five USA's repeat schedule; gotta love it...or not)

I was actually kinda meh about bringing up the Millander stuff again. It was well done, don't get me wrong, but I didn't like the Millander arc (especially not how it wrapped up in Identity Crisis) and I thought Craig was spectacularly obnoxious right up until his last scene.

Ray's intervention didn't bother me quite so much, partly because he is a trained doctor so his spotting there being something off about Craig's hand and not Sara or Nick is understandable. He did also raise a really good point about their focussing on Craig just because of the tie to Millander. What I did find strained my credulity was the fact that they'd managed to not process the two t-shirts. You'd think they'd have been some of the first pieces of evidence processed...

As for the Dr Jeckyl stuff, it's got the potential to be interesting. Not really enough here to judge, though - although there is enough for me to have one or two suspicions.

Lastly: Why is it ALWAYS Nick who ends up in the hostage situation? Why???! :lol:
^ I had enjoyed the Malander storyline, although I too wasn't overly impressed with the end of it. My flatmate has only watched the last couple of seasons of CSI, so I had to try and explain it to her. She was slightly confused!
That Craig was really annoying. And he did seem too different at the end.

Yeah, I thought that about Nick. It is always him in these situations. And I knew who the killer was the moment he was on screen. Far too obvious! But despite all that I did still enjoy the episode.

And the guy came and fixed my aerial this morning!! Apparently we had too much signal, so it was overloading it! So fingers crossed that is that!

Also had to explain the Malander stuff to my mum, im sure she's seen the other episodes, but just switched off tbh. She had no idea why i was screaming *its a jelly hand, OMG !! its a jelly hand* Bless her :lol:

I was damn scared by Craig to start with.. but i think that was more to do with the make-up & dead bird than anything else.
Have to agree i thought Sara giving him a lift home was a bit odd, but kind of sweet at the same time.
Loving all the mentions of Grissom !!

Am glad they decided to do another serial killer storyline as haven't seen any of the miniature killer episodes, as they were on before i really started to watch it & Five USA seems to put every episode other than those on !! :scream:

Can't wait to see more of 'Dr Jekyll !!
My guess of an alien life form being found in the body was way off. :lol:
.. on a random note we just started reading Jekyll & Hyde in English today, i was very excitted as any thing that i can turn into a csi conversation is good news. :p

Solitaire, glad to hear you got your aerial fixed :) !!

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That episode was really good, and I liked the way the story developed. Looking forward to seeing more of the new serial killer, his signature is bazaar.
I recorded the episode and watched it a hour after, and my friend mentioned 'someone from the past' and I immediatly thought of Milander, despite him being dead. I was so shocked when they found the head and the arm, hahaha.

Good episode though, looking forward to the rest of this serial killer story.