CSI: Hangman #4

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CH I: I'-e got ANTS. Not t-e insect.

CH II: A-inona--t-alene -

CH I: - tris-l-onic aci-.

CH II: -o-'re tr-ing to st--- -e. I can -eel it.
CH I: I'-e got ANTS. Not t-e insect.

CH II: Aminona--t-alene -

CH I: - tris-lfonic aci-.

CH II: -o-'re tr-ing to st-m- me. I can feel it.
CH I: I'-e got ANTS. Not t-e insect.

CH II: Aminona--t-alene -

CH I: - trisulfonic aci-.

CH II: -ou're tr-ing to st-m- me. I can feel it.
CH I: I'-e got ANTS. Not t-e insect.

CH II: Aminona--t-alene -

CH I: - trisulfonic aci-.

CH II: You're trying to st-m- me. I can feel it.
WARRICK: I've got ANTs. Not the insect.
NICK: Amino-Naphthalene
WARRICK: Trisulfonic acid.
NICK: You're trying to stump me. I can feel it.

Early Rollout. 4x15 :D
:D Big one again.

I: ---- --- --- -- ------ --, (c2)? --'-- ---- - ------ -- ------- -----. --- ---'- -- ---- --------?
II: --, -- --- ------ --------.

CSI Miami:
I: ------ ---'- ---- -- -- ---- ---- - ---- -- - -------- --------.
II: (c1), -- ---- ---- ---...
I: (c2), - ----.

I: (c2)! --- - ---- ---- ----, --? ----- --- ----- ------, --?
II: ---- --- ---- ---- ---- - ----- -----?
I: ----'- ----- -- ---? --'- ---- -----.
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