CSI: Hangman #11

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Winchester Inc.
Since we've been on the new Vbulletin board for almost a week now, let's play! :D

Everyone please read before posting in this thread!

OK, let’s be honest, CSI Hangman is a spammy thread. And at times it seems like it is dominated by only two or three players. I still want everyone to have fun in here, but please follow these rules which will hopefully slow the game down, encourage greater participation from new players and make it fair to all. If the rules are ignored or only a couple of people are dominating the thread then it will be shut.

The main rules:
  • Each player can request no more than two letters per game.
  • Only 3 letter requests can be posted before each update. This makes it easier for the person updating the quote and helps to maintain an even pace.
  • The quote should not be updated before 3 letter requests have been posted.
  • Please post which show the quote is from to avoid confusion, and include the letters that have already been used with each update.
  • This game is for all three CSI shows and the quotes should be rotated, with an LV quote first, followed by Miami and then New York. If you don’t watch the show then you can always look up a quote.
Additional rules:
  • Please read the previous letter requests prior to posting to ensure that you don’t duplicate a letter.
  • If you have no intention of posting the next quote please don’t answer the previous one. There is no need to post the answer, someone else will do so.
  • When posting the answer please include the character names and the episode name.
  • Please wait for the original poster to confirm that your answer is correct before continuing with the game.
  • If the game goes dead for a period of 24 hours or more then anyone is free to continue the game in whatever way they feel is appropriate.
Link to the previous thread: CSI: Hangman #10

BonaTaylor, I believe it was your turn.

Have fun, kids! :cool:
Hmmmm....HIya hush:) I'm not sure we are supposed to start a new one. Elsie informed us we had to wait, until she decided what the new rules should be. Is confused:confused:

Edit: Well then.....YAY ELSIE :)
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And just saying that if it dies or goes that only few and the same ones are here... we will think closing it... because then it's not really working. So I hope new people jump in and join this game thread :)
^ Agrees. :)

Yeah, the rules in the first post are what we decided upon for the game. As you can see they haven't really changed that much, it's more like they've been clarified for everyone's benefit. :)

I've just sent a pm to BonaTaylor as she might not have noticed that the thread has been opened.
I've just sent a pm to BonaTaylor as she might not have noticed that the thread has been opened.

Indeed, she didn't notice... ;):lol: Sorry for that, but finally here we go!! :thumbsup:

Quote from LV:

C1: --- ---- --- ---'-- ------ ------- ---- ---- ------- -----?
C2: ------, --- --- ---- -----?
C1: ------, ------- --- ----- -----.
C2: --, ---- ---!

Have fun! :p
Update - Quote LV:

C1: --- ---- --- ---'-- a--a-s --s---- --a- ---- ------- s----?
C2: -a--e-, S-- a-- ---- ---s-?
C1: ------, s-s-e-- a-- ----e s-e-e.
C2: --, --a- --e!

Letters guessed: E,S,A
Update - LV Quote:

C1: --- ---- --- ---'re a--a-s --sh--- that H--- Tr---t- st---?
C2: -athe-, S-- a-- H--- -h-st?
C1: ------, s-s-e-t a-- -r--e s-e-e.
C2: -h-, that --e!

Letters guessed: E,S,A,T,R,H
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