"Cockroaches" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Oh man I loved it, but if only the promo didn't ruin most of the episode. Freidkin did a great job with this one, and Grissom was great too. Now that Sara is gone, its like he is back to his old self.
Wow, really a good episode. Yeah it did not feel completely like a CSI episode to me either, but I really liked the look of it.

Yeah the strip club did fit into the storyline and so did his drugs and drinking sort of make sense. It was well done. Nice to see Warrick getting some good scenes again.

The confrontation with Nick was well done by both actors.

Glad Greg mentioned the book again he was writing...some continuity there.

I really enjoyed this episode and am very eager to see it next week.
Purejoylove said:
Yeah, the scene with him and that one chick was kiiiinda weird. Overall the ep wasn't bad... wasn't great. Probably a 7.5 on my scale... I dunno

I guess if you haven't seen 'Fear in Loathing in Las Vegas', it wouldn't make much sense :lol:
Opening: The chase was a bit too long, IMO. Kind of a bit too much like ABRTI. They need new ideas. I like how Catherine asked Gil if she could take the “garbage guy” instead of the other more-decomposed body. It reminded me of season 5 Down the drain where she asked Gil “Aren’t we even going to draw straws?” when he assigned her & Warrick to search all of the storm drains for other evidence.

Cute quote from Cath: “It’s always better to be compacted dead rather than alive.” Once again reminded me of a very early episode - [/i]PMJ[/i] in season 1 where Cath says "would you rather be alive when your leg's being cut off?"

Cath & Nick process the house. Nick gets the room with the bird. Reminds me of The Finger from one of the earlier seasons.

Gil to Warrick: “you’ve got your work. Don’t screw that up.” Is he taking his own advice?

We get another reference to Greg’s book about Vegas history.

Cute Brass one-liner: “never underestimate the power of the ass.” Classic Brass.

Michael Raykirk – hey, I know that actor. He used to be on the short-lived law series “Philly” with Kim Delaney a few years ago.

Greg gets to process the gun – putting four shots into the tank. I think that’s a first for him. Remind me again – where’s Bobby these days? He seems to show up sparingly, instead of every time they need bullet analysis.

Nick watches Warrick popping pills, then gets into his face and dumps his pills. Way to go, Nicky boy. I can guarantee that Warrick won’t heed your advice.

Brass to Warrick: “no comment” when Warrick mentioned his previous dealings with Judge Cohen. Interesting continuity from the very early days.

Warrick getting in the sheriff’s face & being an ass. For once, I actually like the sheriff.

Gil trying to keep Warrick out of trouble numerous times throughout this episode. Has Gil finally realized that his team is his family?

My main gripe: Catherine was gone after about the first 15 minutes. Greg appeared a bit later to test-fire the gun. Nick came back briefly to get into Warrick’s face. Otherwise, it was Warrick & Gil. Really makes me miss the days when the “team” worked together. It used to be so much more interesting back in the days when we got “subtle” hints about the character’s personal lives instead of the headache-inducing anvil drops of recent seasons.
Starting at the beginning I thought that I was on the wrong channel, especially when the motorcycle cops were involved in the chase. As soon as the gun was tossed from the garbage truck window I knew this was the right show. The beginnging was a high point for me.

The case was a good one, Beth Brodrick made my evening by being the ex mob wife she is terrific in whatever she does. Her sheer shock as to what happened was a true motherly reaction. It was interesting to see how her son was interacting with all her husbands old friends and Jason didnt even notice it. Nice touch with yet another Wisconsin reference. :)

Warrick...dude you need to see the depaertment shrink. As for how he looks physically could very well be a reaction to the different meds that he's been taking. Some make people gain weight, while others make people lose weight. Though I do think he looks good, glad to see Gary wasn't afraid to do a shitless scene.

He made some interesting choices this ep, starting with letting his personal life effect his job. Yes he's upset about feeling disconneted from the team, but to let Tina effect it more isn't going to play well.

Not listening to Grissom at all is going to cost him as well. Saying he's being paid when he's hanging out in the strip club and Grissom finds him was the biggest fictional slap to the face he's ever had, also the biggest wake up call. Taking off with the stripper in the condition he was in was another bad move, now she's dead and he's going to be pointed at first. Looks like someone else is getting a bit of a vacation coming to him.

Moving on to other aspects, loved Nick being in Warrick's face about the pills and needing to get a handle on things. Also liked Nick being all over the lab with his work.

The club owner reminded me of Sweeny Todd with the barber chair torture, nice addition. But his size was also good for intimidatation and force that he used on people that needed to be put back in line.

Another nice moment was Greg firing the gun in the ballistics lab, even if Bobby wasn't there. Nice to see they heard the small cries that Greg needs to hand a gun more than just evidence. Though he said firing 4 and they only showed 2 being fired, the joys of continunity! But Greg did mention the book, so that's a good sign one of the writers was atleast paying attention!

I'm excited for next weeks ep to find out what happens. I give this one an 8/10. :)
Boy, I can't recall the last time Grissom was so angry with one of his CSI's. He's being tough on Warrick, which is exactly what Warrick needs.

Yes, that was trippy scene with the stripper. I didn't particularly enjoy it. It was a little too weird.

Loved Greg's scenes. He's doing such a great job, and he obviously enjoys his work.

I guess it was ballistic Bobby's day off since Greg was testing the ammo.

So glad there was no reference to GSR whatsoever. Thank you Jeezus!
Toots said:
That obese, hirsute club owner was so gross looking. His body was so hairy, he reminded me of a bear. I couldn't wait for him to get out of the picture.

Oh, that made me laugh out loud! :lol: I was thinking the same thing, but you put it so nicely.
A few notes:

- I agree with some of you when, with the opening scene, I did not think this was CSI playing.

- I wasn't really sure about the confrontation scene. I mean, there was a little tension, but I don't know... Maybe I'm expecting more. Although, it seemed like both Nick and Warrick were damn close to crying, which I actually kinda liked.

- The trippy scene with the stripper: that was a weird-ass scene! At times I couldn't even watch it. I'd just peer over my glasses. But Gary is a beautiful man. Incidentally, the song that's playing during the scene, I believe, is one of Gary Dourdan's songs off of one of his albums (I found it on his website, if you're wondering). I forgot what it's called, though.
I thought that episode was just okay, not bad, not great. It's a little too similar to Boom, but whatever. It wasn't very CSI-like at all. Usually I don't mind when there's drama and a little science, but this was all drama and no science, I really felt like I wasn't watching CSI. The episode as a whole wasn't that bad, but for me the most disappointing thing was the Nick/Warrick "fight", it was so strange. Nick was yelling at him and Warrick was yelling back, and then Nick looked like he was going to cry, and then it was like okay cool, let's ignore what just happened. I was hoping it would kind of be an ongoing thing between them, but I guess it's not. Also, I was hoping for an explanation or something to Greg's "whatever" in the last episode. He was obviously pissed about something, and now he's fine? It was kind of weird. Anyways, I looking forward to next weeks episode and the conclusion of the Warrick thing.
Hmm... I kinda liked this episode; it was alright. LIke some of you have said before, it was too much like 'Boom' and the whole Kristi incident. Except, I actually liked and felt kinda sorry for this girl, whereas with Kristi, I hated that little... but I digress.

The confrontation scene was interesting. I was hoping for Nick to start crying, but no dice. :( Hey, that man can cry. But it also came off a bit OOC, in my opinion.

It was fun to see Gil in a strip club, even if he was just there to drag Warrick out. The trippy montage scene made me a tad nauseous. And I really didn't expect them to resolve Greg's "Whatever" comment.

Basically, to me... it's just not CSI anymore. *shrugs*
Love this episode. It answered why would Warrick be popping sleeping pills right before going to a crime scene. I know its not all Tina's fault but leave the guy alone. Grrrrrr

I know that likely do to using the sleeping pills and those that are keeping him awake in combination with alcohol that makes him go on a 'trip', but call me crazy I dont think that is what caused the reaction when we saw him triping while making out with the stripper. I believe someone drugged his drink. The club owner was watching him. You could see his shadow through the blinds.

As for Nicky's discussion with Warrick over the pills, I was surprised that it was more heated. You could see that Warrick is hurting. He even looked like he was going to cry! :(

I was surprised by the lack of Catherine's role in the episode. Maybe in the next one she'll have a heart to heart with Warrick. Maybe Greggo will say something. Only time will tell.

Grissom was harsh. But he needed to. Even if the girl didnt get killed no one can take what is going on with Warrick lightly.

This may sound all high school after special but maybe Warrick needs an intervention of some sorts. Or at least have someone take the time and make him talk it all out. Otherwise I have a bad, bad, feeling this issues might not go away. I reallllllllly hope I'm wrong.
*smacks Warrick* BAD WARRICK, BAD! I threw my bottle of sprite at the tv when he was with that girl :p

I enjoyed tonight's episode. It was weird, but good.

And I was looking for an explaination to Greg's comment to Grissom last episode, too. It doesn't make any sense. I was like, what? Was Greg PMSing last episode or something? :lol: Because now he's fine... *raises eyebrow*

The scene between Warrick and Nick was really sweet.
Good episode! :D

-Silly opening secne with drunk guys LOL

-Greg got to the crime scene before the guy that yelled at him for being uprepared a few years ago. (Early Rollout, Season 4)

-Hux Magizine. Yay continuty! LOL

-"Never underestimate the power of ass" -Brass.

-That dude looks like a walrus, and not in a good way.

-Greggo got to fire a gun! :cool:

-Rick needs to listen to Nicky.

-McKean's still a jerk. :rolleyes:

-Ha! She wasn't really transporting a body.

-Grissom's pissed.

-Why did you go back?

-that's the weirdest scene ever. I think somebody spiked the punch.

-Oh no. Rick's in a lot of trouble.

-Damn wait till next week. :angry:

That was a great episode. Am I making a mistake or is this the first time we've seen Greg fire a gun?