Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Results


~Queen of Sarcasm~
Welcome Banner Challenge #7: Websites

Specific Rules
This one is being pretty much being left up to you. As always, keep in mind which forum its for, and keep the size reasonable. Have fun!

General Rules
[1] Entries will be due Monday, September 7th.
[2] Anyone and Everyone is welcome to enter! You may enter only one banner.
[3] Please PM your entries to me, Dragonfly. Please include the challenge name/number in the subject line. If you are unable to send a PM, you may send me an email (the hotmail address in my profile), but please let me know if you do so.
[4] This is an anonymous challenge. That means you may not post your entry anywhere until the challenge is over, if you do you will be disqualified.
[5] As always, and most importantly, Be Creative and Have Fun!
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

Hmm... two days and no response. Is anyone interested? I can always extend the deadline if needed.
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

Meg, I have no idea how to think of this one. Websites :confused: Maybe a link would help us out ;)
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

This was a tough one, but I gave it a shot... :D
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

Meg, I have no idea how to think of this one. Websites :confused: Maybe a link would help us out ;)
Yea... I don't get it. And isn't the reason we went on a challenge break because no one was entering challenges? I just think it's weird these challenges are happening when we're supposed to be on a break. :confused: Or is that over? I've not been keeping track.

Are these gonna actually be used on the site by the way? I've loved the previous ones.
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

:lol: Oh dear, I guess this is a tougher one, isn't it? Let's see what I can do to help...

Meg, I have no idea how to think of this one. Websites :confused: Maybe a link would help us out ;)
What kind of a link are you looking for? To another CSI website? Or an example banner?

Yea... I don't get it.
Well, vegaslights has left it up to your imagination, so technically you could do unicorns and rainbows, and I'd accept it as part of the challenge. But, personally, for websites, I'd go with something computer-related ;)

And isn't the reason we went on a challenge break because no one was entering challenges? I just think it's weird these challenges are happening when we're supposed to be on a break. :confused: Or is that over? I've not been keeping track.
Yes, challenges are back on now. They've just started. But we chose to leave these challenges open during the break, because they were meant to be something extra for people to do during the summer hiatus.

Are these gonna actually be used on the site by the way? I've loved the previous ones.
You bet! Just check out the welcome thread of any of the forums that we've already done (fan art, fanfiction, Las Vegas, Members Lounge, General CSI), and you'll see the winning banners.

If anyone needs help with an idea, feel free to send me a pm. I woundn't feel right about giving anyone a specific idea, but I can help you expand on thoughts and such ;)
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

I've sent something in. :lol:

Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

Who knew websites could be so confusing. :lol:

Some things maybe to include in it would maybe be some HTML coding an image of a computer with maybe the cast of CSI on the screen or something like that.

Just some ideas. :guffaw:
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

Alright, I'm going to extend the deadline to Friday Sept 11th. Hopefully I can get a few more entries by then ;) Again, if you need help, please feel free to ask!
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

I will try to make something. :) For me, it's harder when there are no guidelines at all. I mean...I'm thinking...should I go 220x75 or 440x150 get the idea. :lol:
Re: Challenge #7: Welcome to Websites - Now Open!

Voting Rules:
1] Don't vote for yourself. It's tacky. Also, don't tell anyone which one is yours, or that they should vote for them.
2] Because there are so few entries, please vote for only ONE banner.
3] If you entered, please vote. Don't be worried about voting agianst yourself, everyone else is!
4] Please be sure to look at ALL of them before choosing! Click the thumbnails to enlarge the images.
5] Voting will close on Monday, September 14th, so please get your votes in before then!




As always, if there are any problems, please let me know :)
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