Calleigh & Ryan #6: Setting Laptops On Fire - CaRWash

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Thanks Rhonda for the info ;). Well guys I think that a kiss is an exageration, man they have to touch their hands first :p. But a hug isn't 'cause remember that H hugged Cal in "Lost Son"... yeah I know he's like her father but well that supports my idea: they weren't a couple when that happened, and for me the people just become closer in a tragedy and they hug and everything, so a hug could happen *sighs* a friendly one, at least :D
_Calleigh_ said:
SQUEEEEE! I'm watching Vengeance and, OMFG, I had forgotten there was such a hott CaRWash scene in it! :eek: There are like 20 seconds of pure eye sex! :devil: It's right after Cal talks to that guy at the reunion... TEH CaRWash looks and TEH CaRWash smiles!

I can't believe they do it even on crime scenes... They just can't seem to help it. :lol:
I'd really love to post a few caps, but, alas, I should be on the other pc to be able to make 'em. :rolleyes:

Oh dear Lord... I love the steamy CaRWashiness :) *fans self* I'll find some caps because... wow, those were great XD
and DC nz back! :eek:
haha - hey Dutchie! How have you been? Yeah I thought I'd pop back and say hello :) and read and remember some of the good ol' CaRWash times. It was around mid-season last year the the writers turned up the heat at the CaRWash (a la ''DEVIANT - episode 16 in Season 4") and I'm hoping for more of the same in this season. Manhunt seemed to be a good lead in so here's hoping.
Manhunt? You mean 'no man's land', hun? :lol: I've been fine, thanks and I'm glad to see you back here, we missed you.

Kelly, please post a minimum of 3 on-topic lines as you post in this thread. Otherwise, it gets chatty and the mods will have to come in and chase you with pitchforks. But if you post 3 lins they're actually very nice ;)

If I'm very, very honest, I don't think that we'll get a hug. Of course I want one and I'm hoping for it, but if I'm know how TPTB are. I think there would be reason to fit one in, even if it's not a shippy hug. No one can deny they're friends. There are people who don't think they're in love, but no one can say that they don't like each other in the most normal meaning of the word. So a friendly hug wouldn't be wrong. Still, we all know how Calleigh is with feelings. Actually, the more I think about it, the less I think it's Calleigh who needs a hug. She'll hide her feelings anyway. Now Ryan, if anyone saw the promo picture here, you can just see he's upset. And as can be seen in the promo, he near attacks the suspects. There will be one CaRWash moment at least, I know that, I know how it goes, but if that's it, it won't satisfy my CaRWash needs. I definitely want a comforting talk. If I can't get a hug I'm fine with some 'Driven' style talking. (And a bit close standing maybe) If it's true what I think and Ryan is leaning against the wall while Calleigh sits on the chair next to Eric, I think that means something. If Calleigh would let him be in the same room while she's vulnerable and upset. She's known for pushing people away in those situations. Like I said, I'm not counting on a hug, but I am hoping for it.

:eek: Wow. I had something to say.
Watched Vengeance. Now, that was great hot CaRWAsh! A good dose of it as well!!

I think a hug would be nice as it would show at least some sort of closeness in terms of friendship. But, a hug may not materalise :( Comforting each other will do for me

In others words, everything Nikki said :)
It'd be interesting if TPTB gave us a chance to see how Cal and Ryan would interact in a personal moment (in this case, visiting Eric when he's still unconscious at the hospital). I'd love to see a heart-to-heart talk, specially because it's definitely something they would do... Talk about when it happened to Speedle, for example, and I can see him try to dig up her feelings to understand what she's going through. Ryan's a very sensitive guy and he'd be the best one to comfort her, and I'm not saying this because I'm a CaRWasher. He just is, even if he's not her oldest friend. If they won't show at least one tiny scene where Calleigh and Ryan talk about this, then I have to say it will be like something's missing.

Which, btw, makes me think of Nailed... The fact we didn't see Calleigh visiting Ryan (cause it's impossible she didn't) was a huge mistake, imo. They're too close, they should have shown how she cares for him.
I thought that at the time with Nailed. Eric and Horatio were at the hospital, but there was no sign of Calleigh. She would have visited him, she'd want to. After what happened with Speedle, Calleigh would have wanted to check Ryan was OK. She wouldn't have wanted to lose another friend.
Yes, well, she did visit him, but the scenes were too much for the cameras to take :eek:. You thought the incident with the laptop was explosive :eek: :eek:, that was nothing compared to what happened to the cameras :eek: :eek: :D. They lost all they'd recorded and the cameramen had to go to the ER...this couple is just too HOT to be shown on screen... ;) :p :lol:
Well guys, but remember that Cal went to the hospital, so I think she really visited him :D, but they didn't show the scenes, I don't know why. Maybe they chose Alexx because they wanted their relationship to be stronger, maybe because they already knew about the mole thingy and the little arguments he'd have with her :(

Or maybe Annwn is right :lol: :lol:
I'm 100% sure Cal did vist Ryan, but what I was complaining about was that we didn't get to see it. Don't get me wrong, I loved the scene with Alexx, it was very touching, but what we missed was a crucial moment between Calleigh and Ryan. He was there with a nail wound in his eye (which might have killed him), and he was vulnerable... Can you imagine what such an emotionally impactful situation could have brought up? Their wildest and most secret feelings.
And even conceding they'd have been too shaken to let out any emotion, it would have been meaningful enough to just see her sitting by him in silence, and be there.
Cal visited Ryan to get the nail, but the ep was focused on Eric/Ryan developement- they showed Eric and Ryan, but not Cal and Ryan- the Alexx thing was just because they needed to show him Ok, and she was perfect for it- compassionate, sweet, motherly. :D
28 hrs 22 minutes.
I think Annwn gots it down. I wonder if he got 3rd degree burns? Ouch.:p Just watching a laptop catch on fire just think of a camera, no, abunch of cameras exploding! oooooo *daydreams of carwarsh* Guess what? There is a building right across from the road that leads into our neighborhood and in big bold letter it says "CARWASH". I was like *squee* and my mom had no idea why.:p
This is going to be a triple emotional overload for Calleigh. She's already been there three times by now: Speedle died, Ryan nearly followed in Nailed, and now Eric. Knowing her, she's going to get all defensive and closed up into her safe shell, and she'll probably take some distances from Ryan, because he made it and, being physically fine, he's not a priority. I just hope she'll open up a little bit, just enough to let him convey to her how he's feeling about the whole situation.

After all, they do care for each other a lot, and we got very clear proofs of it: Legal and Driven in first place, but also Going Under ("Didn't they send you home?"). And remember One Of Our Own? When she went to arrest Peter's girlfriend, she said that awesome "Oh, and... Ryan Wolfe sends his regards"... She was practically stating that she was doing that more for Ryan than for justice itself (though that is, obviously, the official reason).
We've had comforting scenes in less important (but still important) moments... It'd be unnatural not to see one in Man Down.

ETA: I can't seem to be able to write total angst anymore... :confused:
I agree with Annwn ! The heat generated from the pair, was far too much for the cameras to take!! :D

Ryan was very caring in Going Under. Although he wasn't there at the scene, he probably would have liked to. But he made up for it in the lab. This shows that he would have to comfort Calleigh in Man Down.

(I have now seen Going Under thanks to YouTube, so I am happy that I have seen the CaRWash scenes :) That was a great episode!)
Did we get any comfort CaRWash scenes? Did we get any comfort CaRWash scenes? Please tell me we got a CaRWash comfort scene!! :D

I hate living in the UK!!!
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