Breaking Point


Disclaimer: I don't own CSI:Miami or any of it's characters, if I did H/Y would be together already!
Summary: H has evolved to Super, Rambo-H over the past couple of seasons. What is his breaking point, does he have one? This fic is H/Y, as always :)

Anyway a real short something to wet the appetite.. More soon. ;)

"Where is she Julia?" Horatio said, his eyes glaring at his ex.

"Where's who?"

"Don't play with me, I want to know where she is!" Horatio was losing his patience.

"I really don't know what you're talking about."

Horatio placed his palms on the the table in the interrogation room and leaned towards Julia. "Yelina. I know you took her. Where is she?"

"You mean your P.I sister-in-law whom you're smitten with?" Julia smirked.

Horatio was slightly taken aback.

Julia seemed to enjoy it and continued. "Yes Horatio, I know you're related. And I've seen how you look at her. You sent someone to spy on me, you think I wouldn't do the same to you?"

Horatio took a breath and composed himself. "Since you know so much, then you should be able to tell me where Yelina is."

"Look, I don't know where she is. I thought she was the one supposed to keep tabs on me, not the other way round." Julia continued to smirk.

"You were the last person to see her, before she disappeared."

"You have proof of that?"

"In fact I do. Yelina, called me on her cellphone just before she went missing. She told me she was watching you at the marina." Horatio stood upright now, placing his hands on his hips.

"I didn't even notice she was spying on me. It's been nice, but if you miss me so much, you could just ask me out, no need to bring me in on the pretense of an interrogation." Julia crossed her arms over her chest. "I really don't know where she is - "

"Stop this!" Horatio had walked round the table to Julia and spun her in her chair to face him. Horatio was having trouble controlling his anger. In the past if Julia wanted to mess with him, it was ok, but now that she got Yelina involved, it was more than personal.

Horatio growled. "If anything happens to Yelina, I'll - "

"You'll what? Kill me?" Julia sneered, cutting Horatio off in mid-sentence.

"I will." Horatio said, the anger apparent in his voice.

Julia laughed.

************* flashback 32 hours ago **************

Yelina's day started off in the usual fashion. Making breakfast and lunch for Ray Jr then sending him off to school. Next up was taking care of work. Her current client happened to be Horatio. He had been asking for her help alot lately. She was sure the lab wasn't that swamped. She half suspected it was because Horatio was trying to help her out financially. He had offered to take care of her and Ray Jr before so that she didn't have to do "dangerous P.I work" as he had said, but she had refused. She wanted to bring up her son in her own capacity. And so she thought this was Horaito's way of helping out with the raising of Ray Jr. The other reason she could think of was that he needed an excuse, as always, to see her.

Horatio had changed in the many months since Rio. She never asked why or what happened but she knew something happened there that changed him. He seemed more distant, cold even, but she had tired of trying to guess what went on in his mind, and knew that if the day came when she had to move on without him, she would. She would always be there to help him, and he would always remain a good friend, and her son's uncle, but she had resigned that that would be as far as they got. She knew they still felt for each other as they did in secret years ago, now it felt as if this was as far as he was willing to take it.

Yelina had followed Julia to the mall, and watched from a distance as she purchased various articles of clothing.

Around mid-morning Yelina realised her cover had been blown. Julia was good at this game. Horatio's ex had calmly walked up to her, and Yelina knew better than to try to escape.

"Ms Salas, what a plesant surprise." Julia said, her eyes reflecting contempt. "I see Horatio has you following me again."

"I'm just here to buy something for my son." Yelina replied nonchalantly.

"We can stop this now, I know you've been following me all morning."

"I'm not at liberty to discuss my cases, or clients." Yelina cooly replied.

"You mean discuss Horatio."

"I'm just helping him look out for his son, afterall Kyle is my nephew," Yelina paused. "That boy seems to be hanging around some not so good company."

"How touching. And your nephew hasn't even met you before." Julia smiled. "We all know that's not the only reason why you're doing this."

Yelina rolled her eyes. "If there's nothing else..."

"I've seen how you two look at each other."

Yelina detected a hint of jealousy in Julia's voice.

"A long time ago, he use to look at me like that." Julia continued.

"But not anymore." Yelina smiled. She waited and felt a measure of satisfaction when she saw anger flash in Julia's eyes.

"You know who he has eyes for now." Yelina added for effect. She knew she shouldn't have said it, but in that moment, for some reason, was it her dislike or distrust of the woman talking to her, she let it slip.

Yelina had never envisioned she would one day "fight" with another woman over Horatio, especially not now when things between her and Horatio seemed to have cooled down, but she wanted the satisfaction of seeing Julia flustered and angry.

"You should stop following me." Julia blurted out. "I'm warning you."

Yelina said nothing only smiled.

"I'm taking out a restraining order against you."

"Be my guest." Yelina continued to smile.

**************** end flashback *******************

Julia's laughed irked Horatio even more. He dreaded to think what she had done to Yelina. He thought of Kathleen Newberry.

"I'm making you sweat aren't I?" Julia taunted. "Not for the same reason as I made you sweat when we were together but still, very gratifying for me."

Horatio maintained his cool demenour. He was determined not to appear rattled.

Julia stood up. "You would never hurt me. You never could and never will."

To be continued....
"I do not issue empty threats, Julia." Horatio stood, his face inches from Julia's.

"I know for a fact, you wouldn't harm a woman, even if you did..... how would you explain your actions to Kyle?"

Horatio's mind was whirling. He knew Julia was right. In almost all instances he had been able to coherce a confession out of any suspect, but this was a different ball game all together. There was too many factors at stake.

"I told you before, and I'll tell you again. I have nothing to do with Ms Salas' disappearance."

******************* flashback 27 hours ago *****************

Yelina had continued to tail Julia, despite their exchange of words earlier. Julia had made her way to the marina, and to a yatch docked there.

Yelina called Horatio on his cellphone.

"Ma'am," Horatio answered rather quickly.

"I followed Julia to the marina. Looks like she may be leaving town."

"Any sign of Kyle?" Horatio asked, and Yelina knew he was concerned she might run off with Kyle.

"No, I haven't seen him, I assume he's at school. But I'll call you again later."

"Thank you."

Horatio hung up with a click. All business as usual, no light banter that used to fill their conversations years ago. Not that she was expecting anything from him. To her this was just another job.

Yelina slid her cellphone into her purse and mentally chided herself for being lost in her thoughts. She seemed to have lost sight of Julia. The yatch was still there though.

Before she could turn her head to look around, she heard the familar click that signified someone cocking a gun. A revolver probably.

"I warned you this morning." A familiar voice said.

"A gun is very different from a restraining order." Yelina said, turning to face Julia.

"Don't move, I won't hesistate to use this!"

"You're planning on going someplace? Afraid Horatio'll find out?" Yelina kept her cool, all this time calculating in her mind how she would reach for her small handgun she kept in her purse.

"None of your business."

"We're in a public place, there're too many witnesses." Yelina countered.

"Who said I'd shoot you here?"

A momentary flash from sunlight reflecting off a passing car was all Yelina needed to put her police training into good use. She quickly grabbed Julia's arm, and the relative ease at which she disarmed her told Yelina that Julia didn't have much practice with it.

Julia looked flustered. Yelina tilted the gun and tipped the bullets out into her palm. She handed the gun back to Julia while she pocketed the bullets. "I'd get more practice with that if I were you."

Julia snatched the gun from Yelina's hand.

"Now I suggest we go our seperate ways." Yelina said.

"All this for a man who doesn't reciprocate your affection for him." Julia answered. "If Horatio really wanted to, he'd asked you out already."

How did Julia know all this? Why did her statement ruffle her feathers so much?

"All this for the man's son." Julia replied. "If I were you," Julia copied Yelina's words, "I'd worry about my own."

Alarm bells were ringing in Yelina's head. Had she taken Ray Jr? She knew what this woman was capable of.

"If you want to see your son alive again, you'd best come with me."

Yelina knew she had no choice but to comply.

******************* end flashback ********************

"You know what? I think you do." Horatio answered. If this was anyone else he'd have excused the patrol officer at the door, closed the shades and roughed the suspect up a little.

But this was no ordinary suspect.

It took a great measure of self-control. "Get her out of here. A night in lockup might help you change your mind." Horatio nodded to the female patrol officer.

"What are you arresting me for? You have no proof of anything!" Julia snapped.

"Obstruction of justice for starters." Horatio glared back.

Horatio was left alone in the interrogation room. He sighed and bowed his head. He knew there'd be repercussions. Kyle would be angry at him no doubt, but if anything intoward happened to Yelina.... . He had burried his feelings for her so deep he had forgotten they were there. But now the startling realisation that he might never see Yelina again jolted back familar pangs of longing.

A knock at the door interupted Horatio's thoughts. "Warrant for Julia's car just came in."

"Thank you Frank." Horatio took the piece of paper from Frank. "I'll be in the garage."

How'd you guys like this fic so far? It's been strangely quiet .... More soon.
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I think the Task Force fell asleep from the amount of action we got on tv :rolleyes: :D

I'm interested in where you're going with this. You're very close to making me believe that Super-H still has feelings after all. So thank you for starting this fic, Hrockz and keep it up! :)
I think the Task Force fell asleep from the amount of action we got on tv :rolleyes: :D

:lol: Thanks for the feedback.

A short update:

Horatio took Julia's Mercedes apart. The car was stripped bare. If Yelina had been in it, there was no proof of it. The car was spotless, too clean. Horatio concluded that Julia must have cleaned it before she came to PD.

Horatio leaned against the open door of the car. His latex gloves were filled with his sweat. Bead of perspiration had formed on his forehead. He looked at his watch. He had been working on the car for almost three hours. Time Yelina might not have, and still he came up empty. No closer to finding where Yelina was.

***************** flashback 18 hours ago *************

Horatio had expected Yelina to call like she said she would. But the day ended without word from her. He didn't think much about it, perhaps she had been busy and there was nothing for her to tell him that was of importance. Still he felt uneasy and when morning came he made a trip to Yelina's house. Ray Jr was there but Yelina wasn't.

"Where's your mother?" Horatio asked his nephew.

"She didn't come home last night. But she does that sometimes when she's hot on a case." Ray didn't seem worried.

Horatio didn't want to alarm Ray. "Need a ride to school?"


Horatio drove Ray Jr to school then returned to Yelina's house. He called in some personal time at work. His first task was to sift through Yelina's things and more importanly her work, any notes, clues as to where she might have gone. There were none.

By late morning Horatio felt like he wasn't getting any closer to finding out where Yelina was and repeated calls to her cellphone went unanswered.

It was then that Horatio took a moment to reflect. He had been so consumed with anger and revenge since Rio that he had voided himself of all feeling, including those for Yelina. It was as if he had gone on a road of bloodshed and could never return. Murdering Antonio Riaz was only the begining. It didn't lessen the pain of the deaths of Marisol or Raymond, only hardened his heart even more. Time was a helaer, or did it simply make him forget? Was he really over their deaths?

Kyle had been a welcome distraction from the horrors of the previous year. But it was only a short distraction. With Kyle, Horatio had attempted to allow himself to feel again, but only barely. Just when he thought he could peel back the layers he had surrounded his heart with, Julia re-surfaced and with that any hopes of opening his heart to Kyle were dashed.

And now there was Yelina. Where did she stand amidst all this chaos and bitterness that had become his life? There was no time to think. He had forced himself to stop dwelling too much into things and focus on finding Yelina. He would sort out the mess in his muddled head when he knew Yelina was safe. Even with his repressed feelings, looking out for Yelina, was easy. Afterall he had done so for so many years, it was almost like he was on auto-pilot. He had been self-trained to look after her and Ray Jr, no matter the state of his heart or life.

He knew he had to speak to Julia. That was when he called her in for interrogation.

******************** end flashback **************


He turned to find Calleigh walking into the garage.

"I heard from Frank about Yelina."

"Yes." Horatio bowed his head. "I'm worried about her."

"You haven't filed a missing person's report. It's been more than 24 hours."

"I'm working on finding her."

"I know you're taking personal time on this, but if you need our help," Calleigh offered.

"Thank you but I think I should handle this on my own." Horatio knew more heads were better than his one, especially at this time but he stubornly refused Calleigh's offer of help.

"You sure?"

"If I need anything, I'll let you know."

Half-satisfied, Calleigh nodded. "I'm sure she's fine. Oh and Horatio, when all this is over, do us a favor and ask her out already." Calleigh added as she left the garage.

Ok, this is all my sleep-deprived brain is coming up with for now. Hope you all liked it. TBC...
I meant to review earlier, but I got a little busy. :rolleyes: Anyway!

Excellent story so far. I absolutely love the plot. Your use of description is excellent, it feels like I'm reading a novel and the characterization is as well, spot on. I'm so glad that you haven't yet portrayed him as a God-like Robotronic Alien and that he has a breaking point, passion as well as determination motivated by his obvious regard for Yelina. :D The way you've shown his evolution is much more what I prefer than what the writers for the show have done. I'm really anxious to find out if/how he finds her!

Also, the use of flashbacks is really effective and it doesn't distract one from the plot but relays everything together with it.

Oh, I almost forgot: (was re-reading your chapters, lol) Your dialogue is so clever. :eek: I said "BURN" a couple times while reading this. :lol:

Awesome job so far!
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Aww... thanks for the review I'm flattered. I put in alot of thought and re-work before I post, to make sure I get it right. I'm like a perfectionist when it comes to writing these things. :lol:

Anyways back to the story:

For the first time since Yelina went missing, Horatio allowed himself a half-smile. He had no idea Yelina and him were such an open secret. It was almost as if Calleigh was implying the whole team were rooting for him and Yelina. A heart-warming thought despite the circumstances.

Horatio cleared his mind, and forced himself to look at the evidence again. He put aside the fact that it was Yelina who was missing, and started to think like this was any other case. He had been looking for signs of a struggle. What if Yelina had gone with Julia willingly? He walked round the elevated car again. It was too clean. He shone his flashlight at the tires. A speck of something was caught in the left back tire. He pried it out and held it in his hand. Gravel. It didn't help him get any closer to finding Yelina but he knew that if he put it together with any other clues he might find, it could be something.

Horatio snapped off his gloves and hung up his labcoat. He needed to speak to Julia again.

"You know you can't hold me for more than 24 hours." That was the first thing Julia said as the patrol officer brought her into the interrogation room. She looked tired but other than that no worse for wear.

"The 24 hours isn't up yet." Horatio said turning slowly to face Julia. He waved the patrol officer off.

They were left alone in the room.

"This is your last chance to come clean Julia. Where is Yelina?" Horatio spoke slowly, as if giving Julia time to decide that she should confess.

***************** flashback 25 hours ago ***************

The trunk of Julia's was decidedly uncomfortable. It was hot and Yelina felt like she was going to suffocate. But she didn't attempt to get out, she needed to go with Julia. She wasn't taking any chances when it came to her son. The ride was bumpy and when the car came to a stop, Yelina felt like she was bruised all over.

Julia popped the trunk and the setting sun shone in. It took awhile for Yelina's eyes, which had grown acustomed to the darkness of the trunk, to adjust.

"Get out." Julia said.

Yelina climbed out. The wind picked up and was welcome relief to Yelina, whose white dress suit was damp with her own perspiration.

"Don't you try anything, I've reloaded the gun." Julia warned.

"Where's my son?"

"Maybe I have him, maybe I don't." Julia laughed.

Yelina looked around. She had expected them to be somewhere in the Everglades but they weren't They were at a desserted construction site.

"Walk!" Julia shoved Yelina forwards.

Julia led Yelina to a pit, a small hole in the ground. It looked almost like a grave.

Julia tied Yelina's hands behind her back and gagged her using duct tape. Then she pushed Yelina into the hole.

Yelina landed with a thud. The ground was soft but it still hurt, landing on her side.

"Be good now." Julia sneered.

Yelina was sure how long she lay there. Time crawled. She worked at trying to free herself but her bonds were too tight. She only suceeded in making herself more uncomforatble. Night fell and it began to get cold. Yelina was tired, but she was determined not to sleep.

A sound from above her gave her hope. Perhaps someone was here to rescue her. She wasn't sure what time it was but it had to be past midnight.

A light was shone in her face. She recognised Julia's voice.

"You've got in my way for the last time. I want Horatio to know the pain of losing you. If I can't have him, neither can you. Your death will be on his fault. If he hadn't told you to trail me...."

Yelina felt a needle prick on her thigh. Julia was injecting her with something.

"Don't worry it'll soon be over." Yelina heard Julia climb out of the hole. Yelina thought she might feel dirt being thrown on her but there wasn't any. Julia wasn't going to bury her alive.

It occured to Yelina that Julia had been a nurse. Whatever she had been injected with, she knew would be lethal. Her thoughts drifted to Ray Jr. She knew Horatio would take care of him but still it pained her immensely to think that her son might become an orphan. The thoughts of her son brought tears to her eyes. Was he even safe? Did Julia have him as well?

And then there ws Horatio. Why was she thinking of him at a time like this? She still felt for him, still was in love with him, but he was a dead end. They weren't going to go anywhere, and her death would only cement the fact. But he would realise that she was missing wouldn't he? He would come for her. Horatio never let her down before. But that was the old Horatio, the one before Rio. Now he was a cold machine. Now she wasn't sure she knew him so well.

Yelina felt tired. She fought sleep but her eyelids grew heavier. She fell asleep never expecting to wake again.

The bright morning sun woke Yelina. Was she dead? No, she was still in that uncomfortable pit. She felt dirty. Funny she should think this, she should be happy to be alive. But she didn't feel very alive. Her vision was blurred, and her whole body trembled. Her heart was racing. She was wet, very wet, drenched in her own cold sweat.

The pounding of her blood in her ears was the last thing she heard, before the darkness overwhelmed her again.

********************* end flashback ******************

"Which part of 'I don't know', didn't you understand?" Julia said sarcastically.

Horatio bit his lip and glared at her, nodding his head slightly.

"You needed these?" Calleigh walked in.

"I need you to process her. And I want her items of clothing, whatever is on her right now." Horatio nodded to the orange jumpsuit in Calleigh's hand.

"I'm right on it."

"Wait a minute, you need a warrant for this!" Julia protested as Calleigh approached her.

"Already have one." Horatio was bluffing. He had asked Frank to get one from the judge but knew he didn't have the luxury of waiting for it.

Julia sulked.

"I'll be in the layout room." Horatio left, allowing Calleigh to do her work.
Whoa! I love it! Great story Hrockz!:thumbsup:

And I think we need to wake up the rest of the task force! I could try making coffee... :confused:but I don't know how well that would work. But we need to do something to Julia *pulls out golf club* Haven't used those in a while.:devil:
Thanks again for the positive feedback. :)

"These are Julia's clothes and her belongings." Calleigh said as she placed two brown paper bags on the table in the layout room.

"Thank you Ma'am." Horatio pulled on a pair of latex gloves.

"I also tested her hands for GSR like you asked, it turned out negative. I sent her fingernail scrappings to the DNA lab."

"Appreciate this." Horatio nodded.

"I could stay and help you go through her things." Calleigh offered.

"I understand you guys are really busy today."

"Natalia and I are working the double homicide in the Gables, Eric and Ryan are working on a hit and run off South Beach."

"Those cases get priority ok?"

"If you need anything, just give us a holler." Calleigh flashed a smile as she left Horatio alone in the room.

Horatio opened the bags and spread everything onto the table. He swabbed for DNA, tested for blood with luminol, and looked for trace. Everything turned up empty. But it was as he had expected. Julia was very good at covering her tracks.

He noticed something on the heel of her shoes when he examined them with a magnifying glass. He took a sample and the mass spectrometer told him it was a mixture of sand, cement, and again gravel.

Satisfied he had exhausted everything looking through Julia's belongings, Horatio made his way to the DNA lab.

"Miss Boa Vista," Horatio greeted her.

"You're just in time. The fingernail scrappings from Julia, I ran it against Yelina's DNA profile I pulled from her old records." The printer beeped and a sheet of paper with the results emerged slowly from it.

Natalia looked at it and smiled. "Bingo."

She handed the paper to Horatio. He glanced down at it. "It's a match for Yelina's DNA. Thank you."

It was time to talk to Julia again.

Horatio exited the elevator and was walking past the reception desk when he heard a familiar voice.


Horatio turned and offered a smile. "Kyle."

"What have you done to Mom? You arrested her? Why?!"

"She kidnapped someone son." Horatio replied calmly.


"A private investigator, Yelina Sa - "

"You mean your girlfriend." Kyle looked angry.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's.... " Horatio didn't feel like he had the time to go into their long history and explain things to his son.

"Look if you and your girlfriend are having problems don't drag Mom into all this."

"Your mother's used to getting what she wants." Horatio cocked his head.

"She just wants the three of us to be a together, like a family." Kyle put his hands on his hips, like his father always did.

Horatio wanted to explain to Kyle that it was impossible, that what happened between him and Julia was a long time ago, but again time wasn't on his side.

"Kyle your mother's in alot of trouble. I can prove that she's got a part to play in Yelina's disappearance."

"So?" Kyle looked defiant.

"So.... if you know anything that might help your mother, now's the time to tell me."

"I don't know anything. All I know is that you keep harasing Mom."

"Son, if Yelina dies...." Horatio paused, the thought was suddenly very real to him, but he forced his emotions out of the picture, "if she dies.... your mother will be charged with murder."

Kyle thought for awhile. Horatio continued. "You can help me find her. Where was your mother the night before last?"

Kyle shook his head.

"Kyle?" Horatio pressed on. "You want to help your Mom?"

"I don't know where she'd been but she came in late, maybe after one in the morning."

"Did you talk to her?"

"No, I wasn't even supposed to be up, but I was on the computer. I heard her come in."

Horatio thought for a moment. "Your Mom's been dealing alot in real estate lately hasn't she?"

"Yeah so?"

It all clicked in Horatio's mind. Julia dealt in real estate. The gravel, cement... a construction site maybe....

"Kyle is your mother working on anything at the moment, I mean houses that are being built, anything like that?"

"I think so. I heard her talking on the phone to the lawyer about some place near Ocean Drive."

"Near Ocean Drive..... " Horatio knew where that was. He had passed by in his Hummer numerous times, there was construction going on there.

"Thank you son, you've been a great help." Horatio patted his son on the shoulder then headed into an open elevator. He had a strong feeling he would find Yelina soon. He just hoped he wasn't too late.

Horatio's Hummer hurtled down the highway, sirens blaring. He called for rescue as he pulled up to the construction site. It was deserted. He climbed out of the Hummer and slipped off is sunglasses. Evening had arrived.


There was no reply. Horatio walked slowly round the compound. He spotted some tire marks further along and he jogged towards it. He saw an uncovered pit, much like the size of a crypt. He stopped at the edge and looked in.

Yelina lay on her side, motionless inside, her mouth gagged and her hands bound behind her back. Horatio jumped in. There was just enough room for him to kneel down next other face. He didn't like the pallor of her skin and the bluish tinge round her lips. He had seen his colour on too many dead bodies in the course of his work. She looked wet, like she had been drenched in water, and her clothes were muddied. She had been left like this to the elements, he thought to himself.

With trembling fingers he felt for a pulse at her neck. There was none.

More to come :)
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With trembling fingers he felt for a pulse at her neck. There was none.
And that's where you stop?! So evil! :guffaw:

Loved the update, Hrockz.
I love the fact that you make it all seem real. (H cocking his head, Kyle with his hands on his hips like his dad...) If the writers were somewhat more talented, this is what they would write.

Don't keep us in this tension too long! ;)
Ahh cliffhanger!

I'm ready to take on Julia *starts practice swings with golf clubs* as soon as the rest of the task force wakes up... anyone awake yet?? Looney? Kitten??

Anyways awesome update Hrockz! Love the story.
Sorry everyone I only have time for a short update:

"Can't be," Horatio muttered under his breath. "No!" he screamed but no sound came out of his mouth.

His mind went on auto-pilot again. He pulled himself out of the pit and ran to the Hummer. Grabbing his kit he ran back and jumped in the pit again. With the pocket knife he had retrieved from his kit, he cut her bonds and freed her hands, then removed the tape round her mouth. He half-expected her to gasp for a breath but she remained deathly still.

He picked her up in his arms, her head fell limply back. He carried her out of the pit, placing her lifeless body on it's side, then climbed out. He knelt down beside her, turning her onto her back.

"Yelina,' he called to her as he ran his hands along the length of her body. There were no obvious wounds on her.

He started to administer mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. "Come on," he urged her as he gave her chest compressions, "Don't leave me...."

"No, no.. please no...." he continued as he worked tirelesly trying to bring her back.

As he admisnistered CPR, images flashed across his mind. Memories of the times he had spent with her, at work, at her house, in Brazil ....

Time seemed to stand still. He could fix this, he told himself, he always could fix things, or at least his gun could. He wasn't going to give up. He didn't hear the blaring sirens of the ambulance as it pulled up, nor the paramedics calling out to him. He didn't realise they were there till he felt someone pull him off her.

He sat on the ground, leaning back on his hands, trying to catch his breath and watching the paramedics work on Yelina. It felt surreal.

"Call it," he heard one of the paramedics say to the other.

"No!" Horatio jumped to his feet. "No, take her to the hospital."

The resuce team knew Horatio meant business, and they loaded her onto the gurney and into the ambulance. Horatio climbed in after her.

Off they sped, and Horatio continued to watch them try to bring her back. He had no idea how long it had been since she had stopped breathing. He didn't dare touch her, for he loathed the feel of her icy cold skin. Horatio bowed his head and clenched his hands into fists. This couldn't be happening. It all had to be a bad dream.

The ambulance screeched to a halt outside Miami General. Horatio watched helplessly as Yelina was wheeled into a trauma room. He attempted to follow but one of the nurses directed him to he waiting area. Horatio didn't put up a fight. He felt numb.

There were numerous empty seats in the waiting area, but he opted to stand. He leaned his back against a wall, and flung his head back, hitting it against the wall. The pain didn't bother him. He repeated his actions again. If only he could have found her earlier. How would he explain things to Ray Jr? Anger began to well up in him. His mind began to formulate a way to get back at Julia, to take Kyle from her.... If anything happened to Yelina.... Julia's words rang in his mind. His hands would be stained with Yelina's blood. He shouldn't have asked Yelina to tail her. He hit his head back on the wall again, trying to inflict himself more pain.

Horatio went down the familiar road of self-blame, hatred and revenge. Deeper and deeper he dug the pit for himself, until it was hard to breath and he seethed with anger and frustration.


Horatio turned his head. It was the doctor who had worked on Yelina.

Sorry another cliffhanger.... :p