Brass/Sofia #1 - I've been thinking about you...

YES! Welcome to the ship, beaujolais. They really do work well together - in and out of uniform I bet.

Someone should write about that moment - did Brass bring her back, or was it her own decision? How did it come about?

That would have been a very interesting convo.
I just watched "Formalities". It's interesting that Brass knows who Sofia is while Gil doesn't have a clue. Also, I wonder if Jim calling her Sofie was a flub on PG's part that they left in there.

Someone should write about that moment - did Brass bring her back, or was it her own decision? How did it come about?

One of my resolutions for the New Year is to write more Brass/Sofia. This is definitely something to consider.
I don't know whether it was a flub or not, but I love that he did it. It's perfect and definitely shows that they know each other. Also, he's the only person who's ever called her Sofie.

And yay! I can't wait to see more of your Brass/Sofia!!
Watching ABRTI Part 1 today and the scene between Brass and Sofia after her interrogation was the first blatant hint to me that there was something going on between them:

Brass: "Want a ride?"
Sofia: "No, I'm just going to go home."
Brass: "You sure?"
Sofia: "Yeah."

Now what comes immediately to mind is that he was asking if she wanted a ride to wherever he was going and that would be his home. Her answer implies that no, she wants to go to her home and be alone. So what do I get out of all that? They are together and hanging out at his place but not living together, meaning the relationship is still pretty new.

Yup, that's my theory.
I hadn't noticed that! Now I definitely have to go and watch again - which is always fun :)

I like your theory :) Very good :D
I don't really ship Brass and Sofia but today I was watching 'A Bullet Runs Through It' and I noticed how they both care for each other and watch out for each other. It also seems that they have a lot of chemistry together.
I agree. They do have a lot of chemistry together, and they have a very unique relationship, and I love how it's often in the subtlety of an action or words that you see it.
I was watching 'A Bullet Runs Through It' and I noticed how they both care for each other and watch out for each other. It also seems that they have a lot of chemistry together.

I first noticed their chemistry and the way they look out for each other in ABRTI but the episode that really made me think there was something going on was "I Like to Watch". Even my brother in law asked if there was something between them and he doesn't watch CSI. I mean, seriously, how often has Brass asked Sara or Catherine to "pop a few buttons"? But what was even more telling was Sofia's little giggle after he said it.
And she actually did "pop a few" after he said it too. I love that scene. I still laugh every time I see it.
Hehe. Yeah, I think she's popped a few for him before ;) Maybe even more than a few.

So, what is everyone's favorite Brass/Sofia moments??
There are some obvious choices (he's a cop/she's a cop, popping buttons, the diner scene) but my favorite Brass/Sofia moment has to be from "Rashomama". It's when they are in the parking lot, talking to Nick about his stolen truck. Brass and Sofia are standing together and then they turn and start to leave. It's all so subtle but I love how when Nick calls to Jim and asks for a ride, Sofia is right there waiting for Jim. They just look like they're together.
My favorite scene with these two is at the end of ABRTI pt.2, when they are at Bell's funeral and he arrives. I love how she walks up to him and genuinely sounds concerned for him and how she is hesitant to leave him alone.
I've just always seem them as 'friends/co-workers', who bonded over the horrific situation they were thrown into, by no fault of their own, I see no romantic inclinations at all between them, anymore then I see with Brass and Cath, or him & Sara or anyone else, just buddies! my opinion ;)and as far as Sofia is concerned, I felt she had an eye for Grissom, but that was incredulous & was never going to happen!! the only time I saw him interested in a woman, was in "Hollywood Brass" with his old friend from his past! [I forget her name]
That is a great scene, CSI_LV_AF and beaujolais, I love that you caught onto that!

I think one of the most enjoyable things about this relationship is that it's so subtle. Everything you see is just a nuance, and it's often something small, but it means so much when you look at the context. Just like them in Rashomama, or the "Sofie" in Formalities, or the grin on his face when he announced to Gil that Sofia Curtis was back ;)
I love how she walks up to him and genuinely sounds concerned for him and how she is hesitant to leave him alone.

I do love this scene too but the thing that I really love about it is how Jim shows her his not-so-tough, very vulnerable side. I love how he answers her with that not-so-confident, "No, I-I think I can handle it. I think. Thanks."

I don't recall him ever showing either Catherine or Sara that side of him before. Heck, he even tried to maintain his tough guy persona with Grissom when Gil gave him the news.