Search results

  1. _Hush_

    Lie To Me

    I seem to recall there already was a thread, but I can't seem to find it. So, is anybody still watching this? So far, I think it's one of the best shows on tv for the moment. The second season has really strong stories. The cases are interesting, the chemistry between Lightman and Foster is...
  2. _Hush_

    Icon Challenge #48 - That 70's Show - Winners up

    Hello boys and girls, as Sophia is quite busy with real life and fighting off a cold (may the Force with you on that one ;)), I'll be your new host for this challenge. Theme of the week: That 70's Show :cool: Here are the RULES – please read them carefully before creating your...
  3. _Hush_

    Drinking and Driving

    Before anyone jumps on me, you never drink and drive. But the fact is, today's teenagers aren't exactly little angels. More and more accidents happen with drunken teenagers behind the wheel. Last night, me and some friends got to debating about the age when you're allowed to drink and drive...
  4. _Hush_

    What did YOU learn today?

    So this is the idea. Everyday in life we learn new things. Some are useful, some less. This is a thread where you can share your new learnings to the world. Mine for today: - Coffee = hot. When you need to go two stories up, take the elevator, not the stairs. - Samuel L. Jackson plays in...
  5. _Hush_

    CSI: Hangman #11

    Since we've been on the new Vbulletin board for almost a week now, let's play! :D Everyone please read before posting in this thread! OK, let’s be honest, CSI Hangman is a spammy thread. And at times it seems like it is dominated by only two or three players. I still want everyone to have fun...
  6. _Hush_

    The University Thread

    So instead of rambling about it in the Rant-thread, how about a serious discussion? Do you go to university? What do you like about it? What don't you like about it? And most importantly: Why? What are you studying? Any courses you particularly like/dislike? And as exams are coming up for a...
  7. _Hush_

    German series

    Hi everyone, I'm taking German at university right now. Just had my first class , and the professor recommended that we should watch german series in order to be more acquainted to the language. "Because German is an active language" (quote my professor :rolleyes: ) I know that this is a very...