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  1. talkingtocactus


    i think there was a thread about this over in the vegas section but i've started it here as this applies specifically to NY... this article is by a guy who said he wrote a story as an april fool's hoax (ie wrote it as...
  2. talkingtocactus

    special effects clips

    i was going to mention this in the party down thread but i think it's more widespread. is it just me or in the last season or two has the use of special effects cutaways, montages and so on got more and more elaborate and annoying? i know we've always had montages and that's fine, it gives us...
  3. talkingtocactus

    Mac #8: hot man on the radar

    so what shall we call this? votes please!
  4. talkingtocactus

    oops! silly mistakes/bloopers

    i hope no one minds me starting another oops what a mistake thread - i was very sad to not be able to find the old one today when i wanted to mention a mistake i noticed :( anyway, the one i spotted - i was watching charge of this post again today and *omg* major mistake - when they're in...
  5. talkingtocactus

    CSI:NY season 5 DVD uk release

    sorry if this is in the wrong place (i wasn't sure where to put it...). i had pre-ordered the season 5 part 1 dvd from amazon - all the sites i looked at had 29th june as the release date. i got an email from amazon today saying does anyone know what's going on - is the release date...
  6. talkingtocactus

    a continuity question

    actually this isn't really a question so much as a ramble and an "eh?" so please be gentle with me if this is in the wrong place/has been done before - it's my first time! :angel: i can't remember the episode, i think it's in late season 3 or later, but there's a line when stella sees mac...