The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #22

Haha, wow. I haven't thought about this thread in probably five years. Just popped into my head to come check it out and see if anyone is still around. The answer seems to be no, given that the last recorded activity occurred in 2013, but I thought I'd post this scream into the void for old time's sake. I stopped watching CSI before the last season aired and I think I stopped writing for it sometime in 2009, but it feels like it was a big time in my life. This forum was my first real experience with internet community.
Who really even knows if anyone is going to see this, but shout out to y'all I guess? You had a lot more faith in your ship than a lot of other fandoms I've seen--and I've been in a LOT of fandoms since my CSI days. I'm not gonna lie--it was pretty embarrassing to scan through all of my old posts. I wasn't even in high school yet when I wrote a lot of them and now I'm getting ready to graduate college. That being said, it brought back some memories. :)
We'll see if anyone sees this. Hope everyone's having a good life!
EDIT: Wow, look at that signature. I didn't even notice that was there. No idea how to change it or remove it. Oh well.