Recent content by natyna

  1. N

    Anyone on Myspace?

    don't have one of my own, but I run one for our group of djanes oh and if you want to be added, pm me with your username from talkcsi, because normally we add female musicians/artists and especially (who would have thought..) djanes :) oh, and we're not...
  2. N

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    You know you're swiss when ~you think of the next fondue/raclette already in the middle of the summer ~you don't carry with you a swiss army knife (only strangers fancy that :D) ~after 2 hours of travelling you already have to speak another language ~you don't understand the dialect of some...
  3. N

    You know you're (insert nationality here) when...

    LOL! That reminds me of the first time I met my boyfriend. I asked from which region he was in Italy. He got all mad at me yelling "I'm NOT Italian, I come from Sardinia" :lol: :D :lol: I didn't even bother to ask him where the difference was hihihi
  4. N

    Photo Competition - 'Historic Architecture' - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Photography Competition - 'Historic Architecture' congrats to the winners! :) really tough decision hehe I was really surprised by the amount of "Italian" photos hihihi. And I thought to put the collosseum up, too hihi. Mine was #4, some cathedral/church in Berlin, but I don't remember its...
  5. N

    Melina Kanakaredes Fan Project

    mhh if you can search for cd's, I have it on my "the greek experience 1" cd (first song cd 1) otherwise it's: vasilis karras & tolis voskopoulos - mia gynaika ftaiei or perhaps they write it like that: boskopoulos, voskopoylos, boskopoylos I think voskopoulos also made a song called "mia...
  6. N


    tchô petit chou (c'est bien de voir une personne venant des "voisins"! moi, j'habite en suisse) ;) welcome on board, hope you enjoy the forums!
  7. N

    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    Welcome back Lost2MuchSpeed! :) I'm also happy to be back @ talkcsi, I was away for heavy university examinations lol. After all this stress it feels like living again :D
  8. N

    Melina Kanakaredes Fan Project

    I wish I was able to remember Greek, but I remember so little. My mum does though and every now and then we're visiting some friends in Athens. Can't wait for the next time...hehe you're from Athens? Wait...let's not hijack this thread of our "honey"!
  9. N

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    no, it's with Madelaine Stowe in "Impostor" *thinking of the nekkid+wet!gary shower scene* :D
  10. N

    Melina Kanakaredes Fan Project

    LOL, for know I can only think of one song: "mia gynaika ftei" meaning "one woman is enough" I think it continues saying "one woman is enough to cause trouble" haha...thinking of rambo!stella btw, great idea!
  11. N

    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    LOL, what you've written just made my day :D
  12. N

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    couldn't find wet!mac but wet!gary :lol: here you go: wet!gary another wet!gary and some others.. owwww sweet run ..oh, sorry, wrong film wrong character, but at least running :D *sigh* back to wet!gary *drool*
  13. N

    Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or Mine??

    seems like a dream bite me some kevlar :P flacky!face *arrrrrr* oopsss pissy!flack thank God there's csi-caps :devil: :D , my every-day-drool-page
  14. N

    AGE- does it make a difference?

    how couldn't I quote that? this little something says it all! my boyfriend is six years older than's not much of a difference but sometimes I feel the difference...he's getting 29 soon and he already thinks of having children :eek: whereas I don't think I'm ready for such a...
  15. N


    Re: Introductions welcome on board Sonja ;) LOL @ computer too :lol: :D I also code a little in php but I really love java for computer games I'm more of a Counter Strike Source and Age of Mythology fan . Used to play HL 1 though. Great idea/wish for the genome project...