George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Ooh i have an artsy shot I want to share too.
Love your second pic Smokey :)

Excellent! I have that one in my Artsy Shot collection too! :)

Keeping an eye out for the mailman who should be bringing me Season 8 today (along with my LOLCats book :lol: ). I need to get some more capping done!

And I'm going to try to vote today. I say "try" because the lines for early voting have been crazy. But I'm too afraid I won't make it in time next Tuesday because of work.
Good afternoon Ladies. :D

Keeping an eye out for the mailman who should be bringing me Season 8 today (along with my LOLCats book :lol: ). I need to get some more capping done!

And I'm going to try to vote today. I say "try" because the lines for early voting have been crazy. But I'm too afraid I won't make it in time next Tuesday because of work.
Oh you're getting season 8 today? Awesome, I love the cover... Anyways... That was a random... I've asked for it for christmas, so I have a little while to wait... But my season 4 of NY came on Saturday, so I have plenty to watch.

Random question, but cause I'm not from the States, I dunno the answer... :lol: I've been following the American Elections pretty closely, I'm hoping for an Obama win, but anyways, that's beside the point... I was wondering, why is there early voting? Here in the UK, when we have election there is a designated day for everyone to vote and if you don't vote on that day, you loose your chance. How come in the States you can vote over a period of time? Just curious...

Anyways... Back to Nick... Just watched 9.03, it was a pretty good ep, sadly not much Nick, but a great ep none the less.

Some randoms to stay on topic. :D
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