Emily/Calleigh #11 :The Divine Miss Em

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Congrats on the new thread y'all! :D

Love the picture, flHunter. she has such a cute hairdo there. :eek:

From the other thread:

Marija_Magdalena said:
I don't thing brothers were mentioned. Her mother isn't alcoholic, she kicked her father out of the house, because he is one. And I don't think she got her mothers name or that she was abused... Those things were never mentioned in the show as far as I can remember.

Agreed, that's what I can remember too, although for some reason I was remembering a brother in there somewhere as well. Hm, not sure if I read that somewhere on CBS or if it was mentioned on the show at one point--didn't she mention how when she was little, she would sprinkle beer all over leeches and send them into a feeding frenzy? ('Camp Fear', I believe) She may have mentioned siblings in that scene but I can't recall. ETA: The line was "When I was little, we used to pour beer on leeches and watch them whip into a feeding frenzy." So no siblings mentioned there at least, even though I'm curious as to who 'we' is. :p

Anyhow, she also mentioned how her mother was more of a friend than a parent (don't remember episode off the top of my head but I think it was season 6).

One of my favourite pictures to contribute!

Love the picture, flHunter. she has such a cute hairdo there. :eek:
I loved her look for that event:thumbsup:

From the other thread:

Marija_Magdalena said:
I don't thing brothers were mentioned. Her mother isn't alcoholic, she kicked her father out of the house, because he is one. And I don't think she got her mothers name or that she was abused... Those things were never mentioned in the show as far as I can remember.

Agreed, that's what I can remember too, although for some reason I was thinking there was a brother in there somewhere as well. Hm, not sure if I read that somewhere on CBS or if it was mentioned on the show at one point--didn't she mention how when she was little, she would sprinkle beer all over leeches and send them into a feeding frenzie? ('Camp Fear', I believe) She may have mentioned siblings in that scene but I can't recall. Anyhow, she also mentioned how her mother was more of a friend than a parent (don't remember episode off the top of my head but I think it was season 6).
The episode when she mentioned her mother being more of a friend than a partent was CSI:My Nanni (6x11).
As for the brother I always thought she had brothers, maybe because of FF:lol:, but I've never heard anything about it.
"beer all over leeches and send them into a feeding frenzie"? OMG I can't remember it, yeah the only episode w/ leeches was "Camp Fear". I do remember Calleigh talking about them w/ Alexx, but I can't rememeber this quotation
As for being abused well it wasn't never mentioned & I don't know if they want to do it, honestly I hope no: it would be sad & it wouldn't help Calleigh's development that much.
As for the name I think I read in lots of biographies she had the surname of her mother, but I can't understand why Kenwall's surname is still Duquense:lol:

Oh Geni I miss this Calleigh:(
I have to ask you all a question. When I saw the picture you posted, Exorcist, I couldn't help but think that she looked far better in the 1-3 seasons. I think that they are doing something stupid with her make up or something like that. I noticed they did the same thing with Valera in 7.03. They looked like they are going to start crying... What do you think?
I have to ask you all a question. When I saw the picture you posted, Exorcist, I couldn't help but think that she looked far better in the 1-3 seasons. I think that they are doing something stupid with her make up or something like that. I noticed they did the same thing with Valera in 7.03. They looked like they are going to start crying... What do you think?
Well all I know is that they're tring to use less make-up on Emily. I know they made Emily tan in order to avoid that make-up they used till last year, so that they can use just the lights.
I have to say that she looks more natural now, but still there's somethinh odd, at least IMO.
I watched 7x03 & I didn't notice that moment even if I noticed that Emily looked (& still looks, I watched 7x04 too) as if she was going to cry, I don't know why.
Surely the idea to make Emily tan wasn't the best one:lol:. I prefer s5/s6 make-up.
Anway my fav. Calleigh was the one from s2, she was so natural in it.
I think she looked more natural in seasons 1-3 but i didnt like her hair or her clothes in them seasons, i think she looks better with make-up, i prefer her in seasons 5-6 she was more femenin, her clothes were better, her hair was nicer she didnt always have it up, she had it down all the time and in my opinion looked better for it :thumbsup:
ahh goodie... the new thread...
ya know, I was having a Calleigh moment and ordered a Mimosa last Saturday at breakfast. My husband and I had pumpkin pancakes and bacon at Mimi's Cafe! It was the first time I'd had a Mimosa...

anyways, on to Emily... I am so glad that her hair is not totally straight in many episodes anymore. I like the layers. I like the clothes that she wears but I think they dress her in all black on the show too much. Give Em some color.

Right now I am in the process of buying all the movies that I can that have her in them.
anyways, on to Emily... I am so glad that her hair is not totally straight in many episodes anymore. I like the layers. I like the clothes that she wears but I think they dress her in all black on the show too much. Give Em some color.
You know I started to think she was wearing to much black since s5. She's the "Black Lady" of the show. Ok..she's supposed to be the balck widow of the lab:lol:, but I'd prefer to see her w/ a little bit more of colour which would perfectly fit on her.
I'd love to see a bright colour on her:lol:
oh my gosh i love that promo pic! :eek: :thumbsup: personally i'd like to see calleigh in more colour too. im going to go watch 7.03 to see if i can find what Marija_Magdalena is talking about lol.

yay for new thread! :D :beer:
Here is a new promo shot of Emily from episode 07x07 Cheating Death.

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b119/calleighspeedle/csi miami/97490_D0692b.jpg
Thanks calleighspeedle I haven't seen a smile like this Calleigh's faces since ages:eek:. It's always nice to see her smiling.

Her smile is a bit weird on this picture, but I guess she looks okay. The make-up is far better then usual. I think that it was a bad choice for her to tan so much... I mean, she's blond, it looks more natural if she has fair skin.
I agree, this smile is a little bit weird, but I love it. I don't know why but I think it's lovely smile. You gotta love her smiles :D.
As for the tan, I prefer her w/ a fair skin. She's blonde & whenever I see a blonde woman tanned as they made Emily tan I'm always shocked. I don't think too much tan suits blonde women.

oh my gosh i love that promo pic! :eek: :thumbsup: personally i'd like to see calleigh in more colour too.
Yeah I agree, she's always dressed in black.
I know that blacks suits are perfect for blonde women (it's perfect match), but it would be nice to see her w/ a little bit more of colour.
Actually I was shocked to see this pic w/ a black suit & a white shirt. I was :eek:. I thought she wasn't able to wear colours in these episodes (she dressed black in 3 episode out to 4 & in the fourth she had just a purple top:lol:)
I know she looks great in black, but colour would brighten her up. We all know she's supposed to be the black widow of the lab, but come on she can't always wear black clothes:lol:
Congratulations on the new thread!

Calleigh/Emily looks really nice in all the seasons[although I didn't particularly like her in the first season.]Every year though they change the wardrobe of the character and maybe they use different ways/tricks for the makeup.

She does look great in black but more color would be nice :):)
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