CSI Icon Challenge - Detectives - Winners!

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Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Voting!

Results are in!
First off, thank you so much. You all have been really understanding about my recent hectic schedule. (It should be back to normal very soon though) Also thank you for the amazing turnout for this challenge. As you noticed, there were many entries (and votes!) and I love that. Keep it up for all the challenges :)

Now for the winners..

1st Place: Shazza_018

2nd Place: Shazza_018

3rd Place: None other than..Shazza_018!

:lol: Congratulations! You did awesome!

1st Place: MelC

2nd Place: MelC

3rd Place: Cainesugar

Recognition Awards

Very creative :lol: The text really works, it was something different.

Everything about this icon works. Good job!


I absolutely love this icon. The background, color, everything! Very well done.

I really love the cap and text/font that you used. The crop is also really good. Great job.

Congratulations to all the winners! All the icons were fantastic. Thank you for the very successful challenge!

Winners: PM me if you would like a win banner.
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Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Voting!

Congrats to the winners!

Thanks for the recoginition award. :) It was a fun challenge.

All the icons were great.
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Voting!

Congratulations to all the winners! :bolian:
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Voting!

:lol: Thank you everyone! :D I expected a win somewhere but to get 1st, 2nd and 3rd :wtf: - look like I know which catergory I need to enter in next time lolz

Congrats to all the other winner! :D Everyone did a fantastic job! :D

hahaha and its funny I did three of Calleigh but hey I only had caps of her on hand :lol:
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Voting!

Thanks for the votes... congrats to the other winners! ;)
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Results!

Aww thank you so much for the recoginition award :D.
Great job everyone!
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Results!

Didn't expect that! Thanks, everyone. Congratulations to all the winners, the icons were fantastic. :)
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Results!

Congrats to all the winners! Great job!
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Results!

CSI Icon Challenge- 1st episodes of the newest season.
Okay, the title is a little weird but let me explain. For this challenge, you can only use caps from the first episode of each newest season. Let me clearify it a little more. You can only use caps(of anything! CSI's, Lab Tech's, ME's, etc.) from these 3 episodes.
CSI:LV Season 8 first episode: Dead Doll
CSI:Miami Season 6 first episode: Dangerous Son
CSI:NY Season 4 first episode: Can You Hear Me Now?
Feel free to ask if you're confused!


1. You may enter up to 3 icons.
2. There are THREE categories to this challenge - Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced (If entering in Intermediate level, please include a second level -either Beginner and Advanced- incase there isn't enough entries for 3 levels) Please refer to the helpful guidelines if you need help determining what category to enter. Please be fair to others. If you keep winning in beginners, move up to advanced; let someone else win beginners and see if you place in advanced. That's how you get better, by challenging yourself.
3. Please size all icons to 100x100 pixels. I know that the new rule allows your icons to be 140x140 but for this challenge, I'd like it to stay at 100x100. If anyone has any questions or has a problem with it please PM me.
4. Please PM your entry to me, ILuvJonathanTogo, by 10pm Pacific Time Tuesday; August 19 (I will extend if needed, the more entries the merrier!)
5. No vulgar words or phrases allowed.
6. Dont post your icons on here, PM them to me. If they are seen on here or anywhere else you will be disqualified.
7. You can make three icons of the same person, or mix it up a bit. It doesnt matter.

Most importantly, have fun and be creative!

Happy icon making! :thumbsup:

To those of you who asked for winner banners for the last challenge, Im really sorry for the delay. I've been babysitting everyday this week! Kids keep you busy :p You'll have them very soon :)
Re: CSI Icon Challenge - Female CSI's - Results!

To those of you who asked for winner banners for the last challenge, Im really sorry for the delay. I've been babysitting everyday this week! Kids keep you busy :p You'll have them very soon :)
Kids or banners? :guffaw:
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