Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI NY!

Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Guys, I have to tell you about my first CSI dream! It was really weird.
I was Danny. (For some reason I'm usually a guy in my dreams *is a girl*.) I was Danny, and I was going into this breakfast restaurant where Flack and Aiden and Nick were waiting for me. We ordered and ate and talked and had a generally good time.
Then, a bunch of sheep strolled in - around 20, I think, and one of them came up behind Aiden and tried to srangle her, so then I turned and stabbed it with a butter knife in it's nose. (it got icky.) It didn't die or anything (who dies from a wooden butter knife anyway?) but it backed off and looked at us angrily and then all the sheep left except for the largest one. It stood in the middle of the room, and then there were two candies on the floor which it ate. And then it got really happy and said "Mwahah, I can now control your minds!" and was evil. xD
So it called for the other sheep and then they escaped through the back door and we just sat there. And then, after a while, we got up and started progressing the scene. We were dusting for prints, even. Which was stupid.
So I looked at the door which I had already seen them escape through anyway and said to Flack, "Hey Don, don't you think the sheep coul've escaped through that door over there?" in classic Danny-accent and he looked at me like I was a genius all "Oh, yeah, that's smart of you Danny!"
So we went through the door into a tunnel were Stella was, and she flirted with me, and I ignored her (hah!) and then we got to a hill.
There was an electric fence around it, and on top of it we could see around a hundred sheep gathering into this really large ball. We didn't care about that though, we were watching the cute lambs down below.
So we went through the fence, collecting some nails and stuff, and then the giant sheep-ball rolled down the hill and we looked and then it hit a tree and shattered and there were sheep flying everywere.

Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I have weird dreams, lol.

I once dreamt I was a db in CSI:NY but I wasn't dead and I kept trying to tell people but nobody would listen. I got to the morgue and told Sid that I wasn't dead and he said something like. "I'm the coroner, I'll tell you if you're dead or not," or something like that. It was really funny. I only got out of it by kicking Don in the balls to prove I was alive (which I would never do, btw. Don is lovely)

So, yeah. Very strange, lol.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I think I saw something like that once on Crossing Jordan. Some guy wasn't dead but something had caused him to not show any signs of being alive either, so they started performing autopsy on him and anything. They stopped when he started bleeding, cause corpses don't bleed. D:
Must've been scary.

Sounds like a fun dream regardless, though. I love Sid so much. And Don.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

^ That was on an episode of CSI too.

But with my dream, I was literally awake and talking and showing many, many lifesigns, but they still ignored me, lol.
If I remember right, I had that dream just after watching Grave Danger. That autopsy scene was so funny, something must have rubbed off I guess.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I have really strange dreams like I'm back in school, but Eric and Calleigh are there and they're the same age as they are in the show, but they are in school with me learning german and messing around with my teacher lol.
It's always Eric and Calleigh though, never any other characters.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had a wierd dream about Mac and Flack handcuffing Danny to Frankie (Stella's ex-boyfriend) :eek: They were all wearing kelvar! Flack was wearing Blue aand Danny was wearing one of his red shirts! :eek: What a thing to dream about :lol:
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had a dream a month or so ago. It was at night and I was up on some roof, I was vomitting and really really sick and Hawlks was taking care of me, very weird, I wish it were Danny though!!!
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had an intense dream about me moving to NY and becoming a CSI and then somehow getting kidnapped and Flack saved the day. :D

I will say my brain is not very original. It steals others ideas for dreams all the time.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Out of the blue last night had a dream where Mac and Danny were in a building and there was water surrounding it (or something like that) and it was rising. Danny went to get help and Mac wanders around the building and gets attacked by some guy (shotgun butt to the head...ow). Guy takes him to this temple-like place where he wasn't that popular (kidnapper, not Mac). The members cut his tongue out >_< Don't remember anything past that.