Will CSI never be the same after this?

Well obviously YES IT WILL BE THE SAME! This web series is not factual at all about the in's and out's of biohazard removal. Didn't you ever see CSI episode "Swap Meet" on Season 5?
but at least you admit it's funny! your post on CSI:Miami had me wondering!

p.s. midkiff was on dexter and csi recently, doesn't that buy some cred?

I haven't seen it yet, probably will get a chance tomorrow after I get home from work, but a board member has the right to criticize for or against something as long as he or she explains why and not just attack it. Hopefully doing it in one post and not double posting as above. There is and edit button where you can add to a previous post within 24 hours. But attacking the replier is against the rules. Saying that a person should go back to the parent's basement might have gone too far. I could watch Saturday Night Live and sometimes not laugh even once and that is my opinion as long as I state why. Someone else might have thought it was funny, even if it is just the writer. That would be his or her opinion.

Just thinking that I might have had time to watch that link in the time it took to write this.

Edit: P.S. Dale Midkiff was on CSI (the original) and CSI: Miami.
i saw no attacking or criticizing in anyones posts. things look fine to me, no need to point it out. if people have a problem with a certain post, it is best to use the 'notify mod' button or pm instead of trying to handle it themselves.

eta: i would just like to add, i have noticed this has been posted in three different forums. PipBoy, posting the exact same thing multiple times on the board is considered spamming and is not allowed. once is enough. thank you.
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Well, it is very funny.

Well, I don't share the OP's view (or is it some misguided hope?) that this might change CSI, I also have to take issue with the first responder's assertion that the Webisode "isn't factual at all" about biohazard removal.

Sure it kind of skips over the part of the process where they'd bring in a pressure washer to give the final treatment to the grout and stone work, but the part where Dan (Dale Midkiff?) talks about how blood coagulates into a jello-like substance and then you just shovel it up was like one of those Chuck Palahniuk factoids -- the ones that seem counterintuitive but are also darkly funny and true.

I looked it up and the Webshow is exactly right. That's how they do it -- pretty funny.

The part about how you have to use a putty knife to remove brain matter because it turns into concrete is also really funny -- in that totally twisted and dark way. And it's also exactly right.

So I don't know about it not having it's facts right.

CSI certainly glosses over it's fair share of stuff and plays loose and fast with the rules and this show kind of calls them on it, while being funny on its own.

I can also see people who really work in Crime Scene Clean Up being really wry and detached and kind of misfits like those guys -- must be a pretty macabre type of work so they probably cope with humor just like all of us.

All in all I thought the video was pretty hilarious and I think Brockman is overreacting by saying it doesn't accurately portray Biohazard Removal.