Why all the Miami Hate?

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Browsing around the forums, I don't understand why we are receiving all this hate and having **** talked about our team.

The Miami Heat took a gamble, a HUGE gamble, and it ended up paying off. From about July 2-July 6th our REAL fans were terrified. We didn't expect LeBron or Bosh, we were not even sure if Wade was staying. All the reports were that he was favoring Chicago. We could have easily been the losers of this free agency. Had Wade went to Chicago, or had Bosh been traded to Cleveland, we would've been the losers.

Now that we won the gamble, I see all this hate for our team. The Heat won't win ****. I can only speak for myself, but most true Heat fans have been as humble as possible and are not going around the forums talking ****.

I agree with all the people who say we are not the favorites. The Heat have not built a team yet, they have built a CORE. The team will come. I also do not understand why people keep saying we will sign nobody else who is of quality. Raja Bell has been quoted as wanting to come back, Mike Miller is a potential signee, aparently he hasn't signed yet, Big Z, Allen Iverson, Eddie House, Jamal Magloire, Udonis Haslem? The last of quality role players, who will take the vet min to go on a quality team goes on and on.

Finally, why all the LeBron hate? I completely sympathize with Cavs fans, he was their hometown guy, and was supposed to put them out of their misery, BUT LeBron was trying to make the best decision for himself. Lets face it, a core of Mo Williams, Jamison, and LeBron won't make the finals, let alone get out of the East. They are getting old, and did not have any cap space to get anything done. I personally feel LBJ had the best core in Chicago, but its his choice.

Some are acting as if LBJ is a criminal, or a cheater like Tiger Woods. He honored his contract, actually made basketball prominent again and Cleveland, and left through Free Agency. If you guys want to burn his jersey fine, thats your right, but there are a lot bigger villains than James in sports and I hope you guys realize that.

Finally, Dan Gilbert, I understand your feelings, but some of the things he said were ridiculous. Win a title before James wins one? Who can Cleveland get? LeBron gave up in games 2, 4, 5, 6? I doubt that...

I just feel I needed to put my honest opinion out there, feel free to flame, or you can try and post a reasonable discussion and back what you say up with reasons so we can have a quality debate.
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