WHOS BETTER?> Horatio, Grissom, or Mac? make ure pick

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Lab Technician
Whos better in ure opinion?

Horatio with the kool red hair and the nicest yet feirce attitude.

Grissom with his great intelligence and creepy bug collection. or...

Mac with his ( well i dont really kno cuz i not so much of a csi: ny fan sry

make ure pick (1 only)
Since you are comparing all three of the heads of the CSI series, maybe this question is better suited for the General Discussion Forum rather than the CSI Miami Forum.
Dynamo1 said:
Since you are comparing all three of the heads of the CSI series, maybe this question is better suited for the General Discussion Forum rather than the CSI Miami Forum.

I think they have this over there already too if I'm not mistaken. :lol:
Horatio! Duh. :lol:

Hey, csi pinoy, i think you should work on you spelling and stuff. I don't think the Moderators will be too happy...
H! H! H! H! H! H!
Ok, I think the mods are going to hunt this thread down and lock it. I better leave before SWAT sweeps in. *runs screaming*
Just kidding. But Horatio. All. The. Way. :D
^ We don't have to hunt. We have eyes everywhere in this forum. ;)

csi_pinoy, the Miami forum is for the discussion of CSI:Miami only. Please refer to Dynamo1's information regarding the GeneralCSI Forum. :)

Moving this to GenCSI.
we already have a thread about who is your favourite supervisor located here so please continue the discussion there.

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