Who Said It & Which Episode? #2

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I didn't see that you wrote it was from season 7. How about Calleigh from Bombshell?
:guffaw::guffaw:I think you didn't see that post at all. It said it was a male character from Season 7. Anyway, you're right; it was "Bombshell". Try again on the character.
Holy moly, hahaa. I'm sorry about that. :lol: Here's the next one.

X: Awesome. Can you get this jerk out of here and I'll bag everything up?
Sounds like a Ryan-ism, but I have absolutely no idea about the episode. So, wild guess:

Ryan in In the Wind? :wtf:

It's actually not Ryan, and it's not In the Wind. But the person who says this is talking to Ryan. :D And as for the episode, you're a bit too far in the season.
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