Where are they? Where Where

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Head of the Swing Shift
From TV Guide online Entertainment News column:

Who's on Tour? The Who!

Nearly 25 years since their last major tour, The Who will hit the road again, starting Sept. 12 in Philly. "I don't think I've ever looked forward to a tour as much as this one," Pete Townshend said in making the announcement. "Roger [Daltrey] and I are both fit and well, ready to rock." After enjoying some Brotherly Love, Townshend and Daltrey — the only surviving members of the original band — with a new keyboardist, bassist, drummer and singer-guitarist, will hit several North American venues before jetting to South America, the Far East, Australia and Europe. On the playlist: songs from The Who's first album in 24 years, streeting Oct. 23, as well as from their new mini rock-opera, Wire and Glass. Tickets go on sale July 17; discounts with proof of Medicare.

Note to CSI newbies: The Who perform the theme songs for each of the three series.
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