What's On Your Bucket List?

Well,I love to travle,And,I'm really good at speaking diffrent things,So,Travel almost around the world XD

And,Write a book.I tried once in schoolbUt,I tossed out out inmy computers trashbin and sicne,I havn't written anything worth writing about here.

Get At least 2 cats then I move out,One Ragdoll and One Maine Coon,Because my current really lovely cats is a 3-year Maine Coon(Ceasar,Who LOVES to warm me at night ny lying on top of the duvét and purr all night) And a also 3-year Old Ragdoll(Julius)And,My world will NEVER be the same then hey day,But,I prefer that it happens MANY years in the future.

Get friends.Well,I never been much liked,And almost alt kids in school and kindergarten bullies/bullied meIn Greenland,On my first day,A couple of kids tried to cuffocate me under to maddreses,And,If that 5-year old girl haven't walked by...Lets just say that they almost succeded.

Lern to olay Guitar.I really love to "Play"Guitar,But I hven't learned it,And I don't know if I ever get the time.
But,I also have small things on it.Like:Learn to make Sushi,Eat Lobster.Read Da Vinci Code(German Version)From the start till the End,Learn to speak French and others XD
My number one is definitely to take a cruise in the Mediterranean and visit the Greek islands, especially Santorini :).

I would also like to go to FIFA World Cup at leasto once in my life. Brazil 2014 sounds really, really cool! :)
Hmm great thread. Decided to pop in:) So here's my 'bucket list' :
1) The very first thing is to visit USA especially New Work, LA, Miami:) Also I want to visit Australia, it's very beautiful country. I've never been outside my country yet but my friends have travelled everywhere.
2) The other thing would be to meet face-to-face Jonathan Togo and the set of Csi:Miami. Yeah I just love them so much:)
3) Well would be nice to get pretty lot of money and some part of it leave to my family but other to charity.
4) And I really wanna make up the buisness plan w/ my friend just as we want it. The idea we have is pretty worthy to try out.
5) Revenge to all who hurt me at school. Nothing much, just some lessons for the things they did to me. I'm not that bad girl afterall:)
5) Almost forgot, concerts. I didn't get ticket to Mika's concert this summer so I'd like to be in his concert one day. Also I wish to attend all my fav artist shows since it seems that ppl around me has been to their fav's concerts.
6) Write a book series with all my fanfiction stories. A real book so everyone who's crazy as me could read:D

Well, can't think of anything else right now. But I'm sure there many more classic things like skydiving, plane flight and other extreme things to manage.