That could vary from state to state or even city to city. Some of them are pretty standard, like 10-4 is Acknowledgement, 10-7 Out of service, 10-10 Off duty. Here is a list from one website, but it is not mentioned for any specific city.
187 Homicide
207 Kidnapping
207A Kidnapping attempt
211 Robbery
211A Robbery alarm
211S Robbery alarm, silent
217 Assault with intent to murder
240 Assault
242 Battery
245 Assault with a deadly weapon
246 Shooting at inhabited dwelling
261 Rape
261A Attempted rape
273A Child neglect
273D Wife beating - Felony
288 Lewd conduct
311 Indecent exposure
314 Indecent exposure
374B Illegal dumping
390 Drunk
390D Drunk, unconscious
415 Disturbance
417 Person with a gun
417A Person with a knife
459 Burglary
459A Burglar alarm
459S Burglar alarm, silent
470 Forgery
480 Hit and run - Felony
481 Hit and run - Misdemeanor
484 Petty theft
487 Grand theft
488 Petty theft
502 Drunk Driving
503 Auto theft
504 Tampering with a vehicle
505 Reckless driving
507 Public nuisance
510 Speeding or racing vehicles
586 Illegal parking
594 Malicious mischief
595 Runaway car
604 Throwing missiles
647 Lewd conduct
653M Threatening phone calls
Code Blue Bus/Cab in trouble
Code Red Varda Alarm activated
Code Purple Gang Activity
Code 10 Critical Trauma case
Code 20 Acute Trauma case
Code 30 Trauma case
Code 40 Serious case (IV started)
Code 50 Basic transport (not serious)
Code N Newsworthy event
5150 Mental case
10851 Auto theft
10852 Tampering with vehicle
20001 Hit and run - Felony
20002 Hit and run - Misdemeanor
20007 Hit and run - Unattended
21958 Drunk pedestrian on roadway
22350 Speeding
22500 Illegal parking
23101 Drunk driving - injuries
23102 Drunk driving
23103 Reckless driver
23104 Reckless driver
23105 Driver under narcotics
23109 Racing
23110 Person throwing objects at vehicles
23151 Drunk driving - injuries
23152 Drunk driver