What Changes Would You Like To See In The Franchise?


Police Officer
What Changes would you like to see in the CSI shows?
If you choose other, please describe what you would like to see in your post.
i voted "other" b/c having been watching only the original CSI, i don't want any changes. i think S7 was extraordinary good and they should keep it that way.
I voted for back to the basics. That is what the show was all about and then how the characters fit in around the case, not the other way around. I am torn because I want to see more of the characters, who they are and how they got to be who they are, but I don't want it to become a soap. Bleh.
Do I have to choose one? I'd say more variety of people and get back to the basics. Miami is seeming to forget that it is a show about forensics. I don't know about the other two.
I agree xanessa. Miami needs to get back to the basics. I want to see more of the characters but not all romance. Like just a mention of their personal life. I wish they would throw in some more one liners bracause I think they are hilarious.
Overall - I think all 3 shows are great!

Miami of all 3 needs to go back to basics. The CSI's hardly ever work in the lab anymore and are dressed like they are going out on the town all the time.
I also picked better storytelling. Some of the stories last year were totally overboard!
I chose "less romance" cause I think the show can do without the whole romance thing. I mean, IMO the whole GSR thing didn't do any justice to CSI LV. Its nice to have chemistry between characters but putting them in a real relationship often kills te show.

Other then that I don't want any other changes in CSI. Oh well maybe I do. Some more screentime for Sofia and Sara would be nice. Not together (which is fine too hehe!) but they could be seen more!