Well, Phooey!!

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Police Officer
My VCR malfunctioned and I didn't get the season premiere recorded. Can somebody give me a brief synopsis, with special attention paid to any develops within the Mac/Stella or Danny/Lindsey ships?
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one. I scheduled my DVR to record it last night and went to bed early. When I woke up it had "recording error" for it. That has NEVER happened in the 2 years I had the DVR. I was so angry.

So I thought for sure Itunes would have it...yeah..right, they have CSI and CSI:Miami...but not New York :(
I love CSI NY. And the season Premier was really good, I Wished I taped it but I dint get a chance 2.

Peace out
Try the grading thread--generally people discuss the eps there.

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