Welcome Elsie to the NY Forum!


Premium Member
As you know from her thread a few weeks ago, MrsGiovinazzo is hanging up her mod hat and going back to being blue--and back to making the PG-13-o-Meter's life difficult! :lol: MrsG, it's been awesome modding with you, and I'm going to miss it. Don't be a stranger, because I know where to find you! :p So does jkladis. :lol:

Elsie has graciously agreed to step in to moderate with me in the forum! :D Please join me in giving her a warm welcome, and also in thanking MrsG for all of her hard work! :D
Hey Elsie!! I 'll just re-iterate what I said in another thread.

Congrats on being our new Mod, have fun keeping Mrs G PG13... hmmm... maybe not... well someone has to have damn try I guess.;)

Any road, look forward to seeing you around (even though I do already) :D

Mrs G, you did a grand job, sorry to see you go but hopefully still see you around!! Giving Top and Elsie a run for their money, I want to know what the board was like before your green status.
Yay Elsie. What a great choice :D You've contributed so much to this board already, its going to be fantastic with you alongside Top.

This is such good news. I love the character of this board and with you as moderator I know it's not going to change. *wipes brow in relief* :thumbsup:

ETA. Oh, I'd forgotten that you were a fellow Brit - I am SO proud... *sniffle*

And Natty, that has to be the most hilarious avatar I've ever seen :lol: :lol:
Congrats on lasting so long as mod in this forum, MrsG. :p You promised to make the PG-13 Meter cry like a little girl, so I expect results! :devil:

Elsie--You are a brave, brave soul. Good luck. ;)
Elsie: I want you have the best experiences in the world as our new Mod :D

And Mrs Giovinazzo made such incredible job as far i can tell!

Good luck to both of you and Mrs Giovinazzo a sweet farewell...thank you for your hard job here

Congrats, Elsie! I dont post that often but I do read all the posts regularly, so I know you will do a great job. Top must be so happy. Good luck to both of you trying to keep the likes of Mrs.G in line. :)
Aww, thanks everyone. :D You're all too kind. And of course thanks to Top for having me, I'm really looking forward to modding with you!

MrsG, you already know that I think you're awesome. You'll be sorely missed here, but I'm so glad that you're sticking around, and I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. :eek: :lol: Maybe I'll regret saying that...
I'm a bit with the welcoming, but YAY for the new mod Elsie :D I hope we won't make it difficult for you.(I had a suspicion that it'll be either you or Faylinn).

MrsG, you're now free to destroy the PG 13 meter :lol: